Items where Year is 2007

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Number of items: 488.


Abidi, Khalid Seyed and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Sliding mode control for high-precision motion of a piezostage. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 54 (1). 629 -637. ISSN 0278-0046

Abut, Hüseyin and Erdoğan, Hakan and Erçil, Aytül and Çürüklü, Ali Baran and Koman, Hakkı Can and Tas, Fatih and Argunşah, Ali Özgür and Akan, Batu and Karabalkan, Harun and Çökelek, Emrecan and Fıçıcı, Osman Rahmi and Sezer, Volkan and Danıs, Serhan and Karaca, Mehmet and Abbak, Mehmet and Uzunbaş, Mustafa Gökhan and Eritmen, Kayhan and Kalaycıoğlu, Çağlar and İmamoğlu, Mümin and Karabat, Çağatay and Peyiç, Merve and Arslan, Burak Bülent (2007) Data collection with "UYANIK": too much pain; but gains are coming. In: DSPincars,

Acer, Merve (2007) Design and modeling of a compliant mechanism. [Thesis]

Acer, Merve and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Esnek bağlantılı mekanizma modeli ve kontrolü. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Adak, Hülya (2007) Identifying the "internal tumors" of World War I: Talat Paşa's hatıraları [Talat Paşa's Memoirs], or the travels of a unionist apologia into history. In: Baehr, Andreas and Burschel, Peter and Jancke, Gabriele, (eds.) Raueme Des Selbst: Selbstzeugnisforschung Transkulturell. Böhlau Verlag, Köln, Weimar, Wien, pp. 151-169. ISBN 3412234060

Adak, Hülya (2007) Ötekileştiremediğimiz kendimizin keşfi: 20. yüzyıl otobiyografik anlatıları ve Ermeni tehciri. Tarih ve Toplum: Yeni Yaklaşımlar (5). pp. 231-253. ISSN 10194681

Adak, Hülya (2007) Suffragettes of the empire, daughters of the republic: women auto/biographers narrate national history (1918-1935). New Perspectives on Turkey: Special Issue on Literature and the Nation (36). pp. 27-51. ISSN 0896-6346

Adak, Hülya (2007) Who is afraid of Dr. Rıza Nur's autobiography? In: Akyıldız, Olcay and Kara, Halim and Sagaster, Börte, (eds.) Autobiographical Themes in Turkish Literature: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Istanbuler Texte und Studien ; Bd. 6. Ergon Verlag in Kommission, Würzburg, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9783899135374

Adanır, Fikret (2007) The Pluricultural Experience in Ottoman Southeastern Europe: New Perspectives. In: Multiculturalism: The Central European Experience and its Impact on Identity-formation in a Globalized World, Rockefeller Foundation’s Conference and Study Center in Bellagio, Italy (Accepted)

Agndal, Henrik and Nilsson, Ulf (2007) Activity-based costing: effects of long-term buyer-supplier relationships. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 4 (3). pp. 222-245. ISSN 1176-6093

Akan, Batu (2007) Stereo based 3d head pose tracking using the scale invariant feature transform. [Thesis]

Akan, Batu and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) 3D head tracking using normal flow constraints in a vehicle environment. In: Biennial on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, İstanbul, Turkey

Akman, Ayhan (2007) Eşitlik çağında demokrasilerin özgürlük sorunsalı: bireycilik, din ve siyaset üzerine Tocqueville'ci bir tartışma. Doğu Batı: Üç Aylık Düşünce Dergisi, 10 (42). pp. 155-167. ISSN 1301-4153

Akman, Ayhan Mehmet (2007) Framing faith-based radicalism in the context of civil society : beyond an ontological approach. In: Timmerman, Christiane, (ed.) Faith-based Radicalism: Christianity, Islam and Judaism between Constructive Activism and Destructive Fanaticism. Gods, Humans and Religions; 10. 1377-8323. Peter Lang, Brussels, pp. 43-52. ISBN 9789052010502

Aksu, Aylin and Erçetin, Özgür (2007) An Energy-efficient routing protocol for networks with cooperative transmissions. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, Glasgow, UK

Aksu, Mine Hatice (2007) Varlıklarda değer düşüklüğü: TMS 36. UFRS-UMS Uyumlu Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Uygulaması. Maliye ve Hukuk Yayınları, Ankara. ISBN 9789750120206

Aksu, Mine Hatice and Önder, Türkan and Saatçioğlu, Kemal (2007) Auditor selection, client firm characteristics, and corporate governance: evidence from an emerging market. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0001

Akşit, Mahmut Faruk (2007) 3-D ANALYSIS OF A HIGH DENSITY BRUSH WITH FRICTIONAL CONTACT INTERACTIONS. In: V. Abaqus Türkiye Kullanıcılar Konferansı, Divan Oteli Istanbul (Accepted)

Alpar, M. Ali (2007) Dim isolated neutron stars, cooling and energy dissipation. Astrophysics and Space Science, 308 (1-4). pp. 133-136. ISSN 0004-640X (Print) 1572-946X (Online)

Alper, Başak and Sümengen, Selçuk and Balcısoy, Selim (2007) Dynamic visualization of geographic networks using surface deformations with constraints. In: The 25th Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI'2007), Petropolis, Brazil

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2007) Ebru: kültürel çeşitlilik üzerine yansımalar. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2007) Ebru: reflections on cultural diversity. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2007) Ebru: reflections on water. In: Altınay, Ayşe Gül, (ed.) Ebru: Reflections on Cultural Diversity in Turkey. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 19-25. ISBN 9789753425728

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2007) Ebru: sudaki yansımalar. In: Altınay, Ayşe Gül, (ed.) Ebru: Kültürel Çeşitlilik Üzerine Yansımalar. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 19-25. ISBN 9789753425711

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2007) Seungsook Moon, Militarized Modernity and Gendered Citizenship in South Korea (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2005). [Book Review]

Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Arat, Yeşim (2007) Türkiye'de kadına yönelik şiddet. Research Report. Punto, İstanbul.

Altuğ, Sumru and Filiztekin, Alpay and Pamuk, Şevket (2007) The Sources of long-term economic growth for Turkey, 1880-2005. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Ararat, Melsa (2007) A development Perspective for CSR; case of Turkey. (Accepted)

Ararat, Melsa and Yurtoğlu, B. Burçin (2007) Rating based indexing of Istanbul Stock Exchange, lessons from its failure and Novo Mercado's sucess in to advance corporate governance reforms. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0010

Argunşah, Ali Özgür and Çürüklü, Ali Baran and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) A Novel feature extraction method for improving P300-speller performance. In: Applied Neuroscience for Healthy Brain Function Scientific Meeting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Argunşah, Ali Özgür and Çürüklü, Ali Baran and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Factors that affect classification performance in EEG based brain-computer interfaces. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Turkey

Arıkan, Huriye (2007) A Leverage in learning. CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education, 14 . pp. 77-86. ISSN 1047-398X

Arıkan, S. Şebnem Özbe (2007) Intra muros = dört duvar arasında. [Thesis]

Ari, E. and Büyükalaca, S. and Abak, K. and Çetiner, Selim (2007) Callus initiation for indirect pollen embryogenesis in anemone coronaria. In: XXII International Eucarpia Symposium, Section Ornamentals, Breeding for Beauty, Sanremo, Italy

Armağan, Emre and Yeşilyurt, Serhat and Özcan, Meriç and Göktuğ, Gökhan (2007) Structural and acoustic optimization of door modules for radiated noise levels. In: Inter-Noise 2007, (Accepted)

Arslan, Mehmet Can and Ertek, Gürdal (2007) Visual mining of science citation data for benchmarking scientific and technological competitiveness of world countries. In: 2. International Conference on Technology and Economic Development, İzmir, Turkey

Atasoy, Özgün (2007) Investor's increased shareholding due to entrepreneur-manager collusion. [Thesis]

Atasoy, Özgün and Barlo, Mehmet (2007) Investor's increased shareholding due to entrepreneur-manager collusion. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2007/0014

Atılgan, Ali Rana and Turgut, Deniz and Atılgan, Canan (2007) A Few designed-in interactions imposed on chain connectivity are sufficient for robust residue communications. Biophysical Journal, Suppl (Abstra). 217A-218A. ISSN 0006-3495

Atılgan, Ali Rana and Turgut, Deniz and Atılgan, Canan (2007) Screened nonbonded interactions in native proteins manipulate optimal paths for robust residue communication. Biophysical Journal, 92 (9). pp. 3052-3062. ISSN 0006-3495

Atılgan, Canan and Aviyente, Viktorya (2007) Hybrid usage of computational tools in drug synthesis. Current Computer - Aided Drug Design, 3 (2). pp. 149-159. ISSN 1573-4099

Atılgan, Canan and Demirel, Güven and Atılgan, Ali Rana (2007) Landscape Dynamics of El Farol Attendees. In: The 2007 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Boston

Atılgan, Canan and Sezerman, Ayşe Özlem and Baloğlu, Çetin and Sirer, Irmak and Okan, Osman Burak and Atılgan, Ali Rana (2007) Solvent mobility and surface group flexibility at the dynamical transition. Biophysical Journal, Suppl (Abstra). 405A-406A. ISSN 0006-3495

Atiyas, İzak and Doğan, Pınar (2007) When good intentions are not enough: sequential entry and competition in the Turkish mobile industry. Telecommunications Policy, 31 (8-9). pp. 502-523. ISSN 0308-5961

Atiyas, İzak and Nunez Ferrer, Jorge (2007) Energy. In: Ülgen, Sinan, (ed.) Second Generation Structural Reforms: De-Regulation and Competition in Infrastructure Industries: The Evolution of the Turkish Telecommunications, Energy and Transport Sectors in Light of EU Harmonisation. CEPS Special Reports. Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) and Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), İstanbul, Türkiye, pp. 79-121. ISBN 978-9944-0133-0-7

Atiyas, İzak and Renda, Andrea (2007) Telecommunications. In: Ülgen, Sinan, (ed.) Second Generation Structural Reforms: De-Regulation and Competition in Infrastructure Industries: The Evolution of the Turkish Telecommunications, Energy and Transport Sectors in Light of EU Harmonisation. CEPS Special Reports. Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) and Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), İstanbul, Türkiye, pp. 25-75. ISBN 978-9944-0133-0-7

Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Sweetman, Arthur (2007) First- and second-generation immigrant educational attainment and labor market outcomes: A comparison of the United States and Canada. Research in Labor Economics / Immigration - Trends, Consequences and Prospects for the United States, 27 . pp. 215-270. ISSN 0147-9121, 9780762313914

Aydın, Nevzat and Gökmen, Sabri and Yıldırım, Ahmet and Öz, Ahmet and Figliuolo, Giovanni and Budak, Hikmet (2007) Estimating genetic variation among dent corn inbred lines and topcrosses using multivariate analysis. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1307-1130

Aydın, Zafer and Altunbaşak, Yücel and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Bayesian protein secondary structure prediction with near-optimal segmentations. IEEE transactions on signal processing, 55 (7). pp. 3512-3525. ISSN 1053-587X

Aydın, Zafer and Altunbaşak, Yücel and Pakatcı, Kemal İsa and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Training set reduction methods for protein secondary structure prediction in single-sequence condition. In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007, EMBS 2007., Lyon, France

Aydın, Zafer and Erdoğan, Hakan and Altunbaşak, Yücel (2007) Protein fold recognition using residue-based alignments of sequence and secondary structure. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007, ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, Hawai

Ayiter, Elif (2007) Sao Paulo'da Yeni Ortam'lar. Grafik Tasarım Dergisi (4). pp. 28-32.

Ayiter, Elif (2007) The Bridge project: A visualisation exercise on Free Association and internet query and search procedures. In: Computational Aesthetics 2007: Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk (2007) Propagating collaboration: an instructional methodology for artists and engineers. In: 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition (C&C '07), Washington, DC, USA

Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Kaşarcı, İsmail and Türker, Uraz Cengiz and Çaylı, Merve (2007) "Space frames": using space, color and animation in the visualization of complex graph systems. In: 17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2007), Esbjerg, Denmark

Ayiter, Elif and Germen, Murat (2007) Looking aside: collective constructs, autarchic assemblage. In: MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences, Prague Municipal Library, Czech Republic

Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. and Eryarsoy, Enes and Kasap, Nihat and Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan (2007) Türkiye’de e-devlet hizmetleri için mobil telefonların kullanımı (Using mobile phones for e-government services in Turkey). In: Uluslararası 6. Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi (6th International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress), İstanbul, Türkiye


Baç, Mehmet (2007) İktisat öngörü çalışması 2003-2023. Project Report. TÜBA, Ankara.

Baç, Mehmet (2007) Optimal supervision intensity, collusion and the organization of work. Canadian Journal of Economics, 40 (1). pp. 317-339. ISSN 0008-4085

Badem, Candan (2007) The Ottomans and the Crimean War: 1853-1856 /. [Thesis]

Bağcı, S. A. and Ekiz, H. and Yılmaz, A. and Çakmak, İsmail (2007) Effects of zinc deficiency and drought on grain yield of field-grown wheat cultivars in Central Anatolia. Journal of agronomy and crop science, 193 (3). pp. 198-206. ISSN 0931-2250

Balic, Amra and Ararat, Melsa (2007) Turkish transparency and disclosure survey 2007: pace of improvement has slowed. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0012

Barıştıran, Canan (2007) Template synthesis of poly (N-Methylpyrrole) & polypyrrole based supercapacitor fabrication and characterization. [Thesis]

Barlak, Eda Sevim (2007) Feature selection using genetic algorithms. [Thesis]

Baron, James N. and Hannan, Michael T. and Hsu, Greta and Koçak, Özgecan (2007) In the company of women: gender inequality and the logic of bureaucracy in start-up firms. Work and occupations, 34 (1). pp. 35-66. ISSN 0730-8884

Bassa, Alp and Stichtenoth, Henning (2007) A simplified proof for the limit of a tower over a cubic finite field. Journal of Number Theory, 123 (1). pp. 154-169. ISSN 0022-314X

Başdoğan, Çağatay and Laycock, Stephen and Day, Andy and Patoğlu, Volkan and Gillespie, Brent (2007) 3-DoF Haptic Rendering. In: Lin, Ming and Otaduy, Miguel, (eds.) Haptic Rendering: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications. AK Peters, USA. ISBN 978-1-56881-332-5 (Accepted)

Batu, Özge and Çetin, Müjdat (2007) Non-quadratic regularization based image deblurring: automatic parameter selection and feature based evaluation. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Turkey

Bayındır, Z. P. and Birbil, Ş. İlker and Frenk, J. B. G. (2007) A deterministic inventory/production model with general inventory cost rate function and piecewise linear concave production costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 179 (1). pp. 114-123. ISSN 0377-2217

Baykal, Emine Derya (2007) Turkish civil society organizations (CSOs) in the EU accession process. [Thesis]

Ben-Tahar, Imen and Soner, Halil Mete and Touzi, Nizar (2007) Modeling continuous-time financial markets with capital gains taxes. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0018

Ben-Tahar, Imen and Soner, Halil Mete and Touzi, Nizar (2007) The dynamic programming equation for the problem of optimal investment under capital gains taxes. (Accepted)

Bilen, Hakan and Hocaoğlu, Muhammet Ali and Özgür, Erol and Ünel, Mustafa and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) A Comparative study of conventional visual servoing schemes in microsystem applications. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, USA

Birbil, Ş. İlker and Frenk, J. B. G. and Still, G. J. (2007) An elementary proof of the Fritz-John and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions in nonlinear programming. European Journal of Operational Research, 180 (1). pp. 479-484. ISSN 0377-2217

Birbil, Ş. İlker and Frenk, J.B.G. and Zhang, S. (2007) Generalized fractional programming with user interaction. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0008

Birdal, Tolga and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Real-time automated road, lane and car detection for autonomous driving. In: DSPincars 2007, Istanbul

Birlik, Fırat and Erçetin, Özgür and Gürbüz, Özgür (2007) Prioritized video streaming in wireless mesh networks. In: 8th IEEE Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2007), Helsinki, Finland

Bitecik, Doğuş Ümit (2007) Re-writing of city-text through audial. [Thesis]

Blum, Andrew and Çelik, Ayşe Betül (2007) Track II interventions and the Kurdish Question in Turkey: an analysis using a theories of change approach. The International Journal of Peace Studies, Vol. 1 (2). pp. 51-81. ISSN 1085-7494

Bodur, Çağrı and Yılmaz, Sinem and Kütük, Özgür and Başağa, Hüveyda (2007) HNE (4-hydroxynonenal ) induces apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway with the involvement of Bcl-2 family members. In: 15th Euroconference on Apoptosis, Portorož, Slovenia

Bölgen, Nimet and Vargel, İ. and Korkusuz, P. and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Pişkin, Erhan (2007) In vivo performance of antibiotic embedded electrospun PCL membranes for prevention of abdominal adhesions. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B: Applied biomaterials, 81B (2). pp. 530-543. ISSN 1552-4973

Brooks, Dan and Erdem, Esra and Erdoğan, Selim and Minett, James and Ringe, Don (2007) Inferring phylogenetic trees using answer set programming. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 39 (4). pp. 471-511. ISSN 0168-7433 (Print) 1573-0670 (Online)

Budak, Erhan (2007) Machining Dynamics. In: Cheng, Kai, (ed.) Machining Dynamics. Springer, -. (Accepted)

Budak, Erhan (2007) Machining stability and machine tool dynamics. In: 11th International Research/Expert Conference " Trends in the Development of the Machinery and Associated Technology", Hammamet, Tunisa

Budak, Erhan and Çatay, Bülent and Tekin, İbrahim and Yenigün, Hüsnü and Abbak, Mehmet and Drannikov, Sergey (2007) Microstrip patch antenna for RFID applications. In: RFID Eurasia, Istanbul

Budak, Erhan and Çatay, Bülent and Tekin, İbrahim and Yenigün, Hüsnü and Abbak, Mehmet and Drannikov, Sergey and Şimşek, Oya (2007) Design of an RFID-based manufacturing monitoring and analysis system. In: RFID Eurasia, Istanbul, Turkey

Büdüş, Gülden (2007) The law of one price in Turkey. [Thesis]

Bülbül, Kerem and Erçetin, Özgür (2007) Maximum precision-lifetime curve for joint sensor selection and data routing in sensor networks. European Transactions on Telecommunications, 18 (7). pp. 815-823. ISSN 1124-318X

Bülbül, Kerem and Erçetin, Özgür and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2007) Delay constrained minimum power broadcasting in wireless networks. In: 5th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks Program (WiOPT 2007), Limassol, Cyprus

Bülbül, Kerem and Kaminsky, Philip and Yano, Candace (2007) Preemption in single machine earliness/tardiness scheduling. Journal of scheduling, 10 (4-5). pp. 271-292. ISSN 1094-6136 (Print) 1099-1425 (Online)

Büyükbayrak, Hakan and Yanıkoğlu, Berrin and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Online handwritten mathematical expression recognition. In: Document Recognition and Retrieval XIV: IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (SPIE 2007), San Jose, California, USA

Büyükboyacı, Mürüvvet İlknur (2007) An experimental test of the welfarism axiom. [Thesis]

Büyükçerçi, Emre Mehmet and Adilak, Serhat and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Piezoelektrik ara malzemeli ince şeridin dalga hareketinin simülasyon tabanlı analizi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye


Calışkan, Şirin and Kalemci, Emrah and Boggs, Steven E. (2007) SEARCH FOR GRAVITATIONALLY REDSHIFTED 2.2 MEV LINE FROM 4U 1820-30. In: The 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, the Obscured Universe, Moscow, Russia (Accepted)

Canbakal, Hülya (2007) Comparative Reflections on the Distribution of Wealth in Ayntab (17th-18th Centuries). In: Ottomans and Wealth, A Comparative Perspective, Cambridge University (Accepted)

Canbakal, Hülya (2007) Reflections on the Distribution of Wealth in Ottoman Ayntab. (Accepted)

Canbakal, Hülya (2007) Society and Politics in an Ottoman Town: Ayntab in the 17th century. The Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage, 1380-6076 ; v. 36. Brill, Leiden, pp. 1-213. ISBN 9004154566

Canlı, Özge (2007) Quantification of gene expression in agrostis species subjected to zinc deficiency /. [Thesis]

Cansızoğlu, İbrahim (2007) Dogma 95 manifesto and the ordinary act of filmmaking. [Thesis]

Cengeramaddi, Linga R. and Bozkurt, Ayhan and Yamaner, Yalçın Feysel and Ytterdal, Trond (2007) A Low Noise Capacitive Feedback Analog Front-end for CMUTs in Intra Vascular Ultrasound Imaging. In: 2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, (Accepted)

Chen, Xiao-Ping and Wasti, S. Arzu and Triandis, Harry C. (2007) When does group norm or group identity predict cooperation in a public goods dilemma? The moderating effects of idiocentrism and allocentrism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31 (2). pp. 259-276. ISSN 0147-1767

Coşar, Serhan and Çetin, Müjdat (2007) Eye feature point tracking by using graphical models. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Turkey

Coşar, Serhan and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) A Robust facial feature point tracker using graphical models. In: IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, İstanbul, Turkey

Coşar, Serhan and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Graphical model based facial feature point tracking in a vehicle environment. In: Biennial on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, İstanbul, Turkey


de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) 'it’s in her eyes': A 'barometer' for EU accession through female perceptions of role portrayals in advertising: a Cross-cultural study of Ukraine and Turkey. In: EMAC 2007 36th, Reykjavik Iceland

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) Gray market e-shopping and trust building practices. In: Kautonen, Teemu and Karjaluoto, Heikki, (eds.) Trust and New Technologies. Edward Elgar, London. (Accepted)

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) Profiling Turkish e-grocery consumers’ motivations. In: 3rd International Conference on Business, Management, and Economics, ICBME'2007, İzmir, Turkey

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. and Soopramanien, Didier (2007) Anticipating e-grocery services pre-purchase practices: Contrasting trajectories in households’ organisation. In: EIRASS, San Francisco

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Soopramanien, Didier and Elms, Jonathan and Hallsworth, Alan (2007) Personal privacy as a positive experience of shopping: an illustration through the case of online grocery shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35 (7). pp. 583-599. ISSN 0959-0552

Demirok, Erhan (2007) Grid-connected variable speed generator application with doubly-fed induction machine. [Thesis]

Demirok, Erhan and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Şebeke bağlantılı bilezikli asenkron generatörün aktif ve reaktif gücü ayrıştırılarak denetimi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Demirok, Ersin (2007) Vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup and intermediary delivery. [Thesis]

Demirok, Ersin and Çatay, Bülent (2007) Vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pick-up and intermediary delivery. In: 5th International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress, Istanbul

Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Dede, Filiz and Kısaayak Çollak, Filiz and Sayers, Zehra (2007) Functional and structural investigations of a metallothionein from durum wheat, dMT. In: Protein Society 21st Symposium, Boston, USA

Distelfeld, Assaf and Çakmak, İsmail and Peleg, Zvi and Öztürk, Levent and Yazıcı, Mustafa Atilla and Budak, Hikmet and Saranga, Yehoshua and Fahima, Tzion (2007) Multiple QTL-effects of wheat Gpc-B1 locus on grain protein and micronutrient concentrations. Physiologia plantarum, 129 (3). pp. 635-643. ISSN 0031-9317

Doğanoğlu, Toker and Grzybowski, Lukasz (2007) Estimating network effects in mobile telephony in Germany. Information Economics and Policy, 19 (1). pp. 65-79. ISSN 0167-6245

Doğanoğlu, Toker and Hartz, Christoph and Mittnik, Stefan (2007) Portfolio optimization when risk factors are conditionally varying and heavy tailed. Computational Economics, 29 (3-4). pp. 333-354. ISSN 1572-9974

Domaniç, Seda Saadet (2007) Transformation of sovereignty discourse in Turkish politics. [Thesis]

Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah and Gülyurtlu, İbrahim and Yürüm, Yuda (2007) Fuel supply chain analysis of Turkey. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 11 (9). pp. 2058-2082. ISSN 1364-0321

Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah and Yürüm, Yuda (2007) Effect of Catalysts on Production of Carbon Nanostructures. In: Gordon Research Conference on Hydrocarbon Resources, Ventura, CA, USA (Accepted)

Dursun, Selçuk (2007) Forest and the state:. [Thesis]

Duruk, Nilay (2007) Cauchy problem for a higher-order boussinesq equation. [Thesis]

Duruk, Nilay and Erkip, Albert and Erbay, Hüsnü A. (2007) Cauchy problem for a higher-order Boussinesq equation. In: 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 07), Zurich

Düzen, Ekrem (2007) Ölçmekten korkma, geç kalmaktan kork: psikologların ölçmeye ilişkin temel kaygıları ve olası uzlaşma yolları. Türk Psikoloji Bülteni, 13 (40). pp. 32-35. ISSN 1300-7408

Düzen, Ekrem (2007) The Standard progressive matrices in Turkey. In: Raven, John and Raven, Cynthia J., (eds.) Uses and Abuses of Intelligence: Studies Advancing Spearman and Raven’s Quest for Non-Arbitrary Metrics. Royal Fireworks Press, New York, USA. ISBN 978-0-89824-356-7


Ecevit, Alper Yüksel (2007) The role of the military in transitons to democracy: a comparison of the Spanish and Turkish cases. [Thesis]

Eiter, Thomas and Erdem, Esra and Faber, Wolfgang (2007) On reversing actions: algorithms and complexity. In: The Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'07), Hyderabad, India

Eiter, Thomas and Erdem, Esra and Fink, Michael and Senko, Jan (2007) Comparing action descriptions based on semantic preferences. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 50 (3-4). pp. 273-304. ISSN 1012-2443

Eiter, Thomas and Faber, Wolfgang and Erdem, Esra and Senko, Jan (2007) A logic-based approach to finding explanations for discrepancies in optimistic plan execution. Fundamenta Informaticae, 79 (1-2). pp. 25-69. ISSN 0169-2968

El-Kahlout, Yasser and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) An Efficient optimization framework for material and conductor designs of antennas. In: International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA'07, Torino, Italy

El-Kahlout, Yasser and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) Bayesian trained rational functions for electromagnetic design optimization. In: 2007 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii

Elitaş, Meltem (2007) Function based control for motion control systems. [Thesis]

Elitaş, Meltem and Hocaoğlu, Muhammet Ali and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Çift taraflı kontrol sistemlerinin biomedikal alanda uygulamaları. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Elitaş, Meltem and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Controling interactions in motion control systems. In: The 5th IFAC Workshop, Technology Transfer in Developing Countries, Automation in Infrastructure Creation - TT, Çeşme, Izmir, Turkey

Elms, Jonathan and de kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) "It’s in his eyes”: The negotiation and interpretation of masculinity using the Dolce et Gabbana’s 2005 Print Advertising Campaign. In: 4th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, Marseille, France

Engin, Billur Hatice and Koç, Emre and Sümengen, Selçuk and Balcısoy, Selim (2007) Yüksek çözünürlüklü arazi verilerinin grafik işlemcisi kullanılarak görselleştirilmesi. In: USMOS 2007, Ankara, Turkey

Engin, Erman (2007) Multiple moving target detection with ultra wideband radar using super-resolution algorithms. [Thesis]

Engin, Erman and Çiftçioğlu, Berkehan and Özcan, Meriç and Tekin, İbrahim (2007) A high resolution ultrawideband wall penetrating radar. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 49 (2). pp. 320-325. ISSN 0895-2477

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Çallı, Berk (2007) Bulanık mantıklı sınır tabakası kalınlığı ayarlaması ile kayan kipli robot kontrolü. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Çallı, Berk (2007) Fuzzy boundary layer tuning as applied to the control of a direct drive robot. In: The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Seven, Utku (2007) An inverted pendulum based approach to biped trajectory generation with swing leg dynamics. In: 7th IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Seven, Utku (2007) Humanoid gait synthesis with moving single support ZMP trajectories. In: The 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications ~RA 2007, Würzburg, Germany

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Seven, Utku and Kurt, Okan (2007) Doğal sıfır moment noktası yörüngeleri ve yürüyen robot referansları. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Erçetin, Özgür (2007) Distance-Based Routing for Balanced Energy Consumption in Sensor Networks. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0002

Erçetin, Özgür (2007) Efficient multimedia packet forwarding for multihomed users in wireless LANs. Telecommunication systems, 34 (3-4). pp. 133-145. ISSN 1018-4864 (Print) 1572-9451 (Online)

Erçetin, Özgür and Athanasiou, George and Korakis, Thanasis and Tassiulas, Leandros (2007) Dynamic cross-layer association in 802.11-based mesh networks. In: IEEE INFOCOM, Anchorage, Alaska, US

Erçetin, Özgür and Gürbüz, Özgür and Bülbül, Kerem and Çiftçioğlu, Ertuğrul Necdet and Aksu, Aylin (2007) A practical routing and MAC framework for maximum lifetime sensor telemetry. IEICE Transactions on Telecommunications, E90-B (11). pp. 3146-3157. ISSN 0916-8516

Erdem, Esra and Ferraris, Paolo (2007) Forgetting actions in domain descriptions. In: The Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'07), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Erdem, Y. Hakan (2007) Kırım Savaşı'nda Karadeniz beyaz köle ticareti. In: Savaştan Barışa: 150.Yıldönümünde Kırım Savaşı ve Paris Antlaşması (1853-1856), Istanbul, Turkey

Erdem, Yusuf Hakan (2007) Perfidious Albanians and Zealous Governors: Ottomans, Albanians and Turks in the Greek War of Independence. In: Anastasopoulos, Antonis and Kolovos, Elias, (eds.) Ottoman Rule and the Balkans, 1760-1850: Conflict, Transformation, Adaptation: Proceedings of An International Conference Held in Rethymno, Greece, 13-14 December 2003. University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology, Rethymno, pp. 213-240. ISBN 978-960-88394-4-1

Erdoğan, Hakan and Erçil, Aytül and Abut, Hüseyin (2007) Experiments on decision fusion for driver recognition. In: Abut, Hüseyin and Hansen, JHL and Takeda, Kazuya, (eds.) Advances for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems: Challenges for International Standards. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-0387335032

Erdoğmuş, Müge (2007) Application of automatic mutation-gene pair extraction to diseases. [Thesis]

Ersel, Hasan and Kandil, Magda (2007) Financial development and economic growth in the MENA countries. In: Nugent, Jeffrey B. and Pesaran, M. Hashem, (eds.) Explaining Growth in the Middle East. Contributions to Economic Analysis; 0573-8555 ; 278. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 103-136. ISBN 9780444522405 ; 0444522409

Ersel, Hasan and Özatay, Fatih (2007) The EU negotiations as a reform strategy-Turkey's problem ahead. In: Barnett, William and Hinich, Melvin J., (eds.) Topics in Analytical Political Economy. International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, 17 (17). Elsevier Science, New York, pp. 83-104. ISBN 978-0444531377

Ertan, Ünal and Alpar, M. Ali and Erkut, Mehmet Hakan and Ekşi, K. Y. and Çalışkan, Ş. (2007) Anomalous X-ray pulsars: persistent states with fallback disks. Astrophysics and Space Science, 308 (1-4). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0004-640X (Print) 1572-946X (Online)

Ertan, Ünal and Erkut, Mehmet Hakan and Ekşi, Kazım Yavuz and Alpar, M. Ali (2007) The anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61: a neutron star with a gaseous fallback disk. The Astrophysical Journal, 657 (1). pp. 441-447. ISSN 0004-637X (Print) 1538-4357 (Online)

Ertek, Gürdal (2007) Teaching warehousing concepts through interactive animations and 3D models. In: Lahmar, Maher, (ed.) Facility Logistics: Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Challenges. Engineering and Management Innovation, 2. Auerbach, USA. ISBN 978-0849385186

Ertek, Gürdal and Can, Merve Ayşe and Ulus, Firdevs (2007) Benchmarking the Turkish apparel retail industry through data envelopment analysis (DEA) and data visualization. In: EUROMA 2007 14th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Managing Operations in an Expanding, Ankara, Turkey

Ertek, Gürdal and İncel, Bilge and Arslan, Mehmet Can (2007) Impact of crossaisles in a rectangular warehouse: a computational study. In: Lahmar, Maher, (ed.) Facility Logistics: Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Challenges. Engineering and management innovation, v.2. Auerbach, USA. ISBN 978-0849385186

Ertürk, A. and Özgüven, H. N. and Budak, Erhan (2007) Effect analysis of bearing and interface dynamics on tool point FRF for chatter stability in machine tools by using a new analytical model for spindle-tool assemblies. International journal of machine tools & manufacture, 47 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 0890-6955

Ertürk, Alper and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat (2007) Selection of design and operational parameters in spindle-holder-tool assemblies for maximum chatter stability by using a new analytical model. International journal of machine tools & manufacture, 47 (9). pp. 1401-1409. ISSN 0890-6955

Erzan, Refik and Filiztekin, Alpay and Zenginobuz, Ünal (2007) AB ile Gümrük Birliğinin Türkiye imalat sanayiine etkileri. In: Bilge, Ali and Ersel, Hasan, (eds.) Gümrük Birliği ve Türkiye Sanayisi Üzerine Etkileri. TEPAV, Ankara, pp. 9-58. ISBN 9789944927185

Esame, İbrahim Onur and Tekin, İbrahim and Bozkurt, Ayhan and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Design of a 4.2-5.4 GHz differential LC VCO using 0.35 mu m SiGeBiCMOS technology for IEEE 802.11a applications. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 17 (2). pp. 243-251. ISSN 1096-4290

Evin, Ahmet (2007) Orhan Pamuk: Türk roman geleneğinde yeni açılım. In: Aral, Fahri, (ed.) Orhan Pamuk Edebiyatı Sempozyum Tutanakları: Sabancı Üniversitesi Tuzla yerleşkesi, 19-20 Aralık 2006. Agora Kitaplığı; 171. Edebiyat Kuramı; 6. Agora Kitaplığı, İstanbul, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-9944-916-89-9


Garcia, Arnaldo and Stichtenoth, Henning (2007) On the galois closure of towers. In: Li, Wen-Ching Winnie, (ed.) Recent Trends in Coding Theory and Its Applications. AMS/IP studies in advanced mathematics, v.41, 41 (41). American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, USD, pp. 83-94. ISBN 978-0-8218-4298-0

Germen, Murat (2007) Kanyon reconstructed. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Art Gallery / International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, San Diego, California, USA

Germen, Murat (2007) Virtual architecture: reconstructing architecture through photography. In: Em'body'ing Virtual Architecture, The Third International Conference of ASCAAD, 2007, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt

Giannaki, Athina (2007) An analysis of the European Union's conflict resolution intervention in post-conflict Crotia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. [Thesis]

Göğüş, Ersin and Alpar, M. Ali and Gilfanov, Marat (2007) Is the lack of pulsations in low mass X-Ray binaries due to comptonizing coronae? The Astrophysical journal, 659 (1). pp. 580-584. ISSN 0004-637X

Göğüş, Ersin and Woods, Peter M. and Kouveliotou, Chryssa and Finger, Mark H. and Patel, Sandeep K. and Swank, Jean H. (2007) RXTE Observations of Soft Gamma Repeater Bursts. In: The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era, (Accepted)

Gökçe, Onur (2007) Identification of zinc binding proteins of wheat seed. [Thesis]

Göl, Hakan and Çatay, Bülent (2007) Third party logistics provider selection: insights from a Turkish automotive company. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12 (6). pp. 379-384. ISSN 1359-8546

Görgülü, Burcu (2007) Interpreting IVF from a foucauldian perspective. [Thesis]

Göymen, Korel (2007) Interaction of democracy and Islam in Turkey. In: Hasan, Zoya, (ed.) Democracy in Muslim Societies: The Asian Experience. ORF studies of contemporary Muslim societies ; 4. Sage Publications, Los Angeles, pp. 219-258. ISBN 978-0-7619-3566-7

Göymen, Korel and Özkaynak Ortaköylüoğlu, Begüm (2007) Recent developments in local governance in Turkey: experiences and lessons from Pendik. In: 27th Congress of Administrative Sciences, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Gupta, Abhishek and Patoğlu, Volkan and O'Malley, Marcia K. (2007) Disturbance Observer Based Closed Loop Force Control for Haptic Feedback. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, USA (Accepted)

Gül, Özgür and Calay, Ediz Süha and Başağa, Hüveyda and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Sandwichtype, antibody microarrays for detection and quantification of cardiovascular risk markers. (Accepted)

Gül, Özgür and Calay, Ediz Süha and Sezerman, Uğur and Başağa, Hüveyda and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Sandwich-type, antibody microarrays for the detection and quantification of cardiovascular risk markers. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 125 (2). pp. 581-588. ISSN 0925-4005

Güleç, Nusrettin and Doğan, Eray and Ünel, Mustafa (2007) Çok gövdeli sistemlerde hareket analizi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Günday, Gürhan (2007) Innovation models and implementations at firm level in manufacturing industry. [Thesis]

Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2007) Artin-Schreier extensions and thier applications. Topics in Geometry, Coding Theory and Cryptography. Algebra and Applications; 6 (122). Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 105-133. ISBN 9781402053337

Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2007) Cyclic codes and reducible additive equations. IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, 53 (2). pp. 848-853. ISSN 0018-9448

Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Kızılötesi Opto-Elektronik Detektörler İçin Zaman Geciktirmeli Tümleşik Okuma Devresi Geliştirimi ve Çoklu, Yüksek Hassasiyette ve Geniş Aralıkta, Algılama Gerçekleyen, Optik ve Elektriksel Algılama Tabanlı Biyosensörler. In: Fotonik 2007, Ankara (Accepted)

Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Realization of a VCO for WLAN Applications Using 0.25 um-SiGe BiCMOS Technology. (Accepted)

Gürbüz, Yaşar and Kang, Weng Poo and Davidson, Jimmy L. and Tan, O. K. and Zhu, W. G. and Li, Q. and Xu, J. F. (2007) The Electron emission characteristics of Sol-Gel (Ba0.67Sr0.33)TiO3 (BST) thin film coated silicon tips. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B, Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 25 (5). pp. 1560-1568. ISSN 0734-211X

Gürsel Tapkı, İpek (2007) Revealed incomplete preferences under status-quo bias. Mathematical Social Sciences, 53 (3). pp. 274-283. ISSN 0165-4896

Gürsoy, Yaprak (2007) Effects of civilian support and military unity in the outcome of coups: the cases of Turkish and Greek military interventions. In: The Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS), 2007 Biennial Conference, Chicago, Illinois

Gürsoy, Yaprak (2007) Nostalgia for the modern: state secularism and everyday politics in Turkey. [Book Review]

Güver, Tolga and Özel, Feryal and Göğüş, Ersin and Kouveliotou, Chryssa (2007) The magnetar nature and the outburst mechanism of a transient anomalous X-ray pulsar. The Astrophysical journal letters, 667 (1). L73-L76. ISSN 0004-637X


Hace, Ales and Jezernik, Karel and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) SMC with disturbance observer for a linear belt-drive. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 54 (6). pp. 3402-3412. ISSN 0278-0046

Hamzaoğlu, İlker and Taşdizen, Özgür and Şahin, Esra (2007) An efficient H.264 intra frame coder system design. In: 15th IFIP International Conference on VLSI-SoC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Harput, Sevan (2007) Ultrasonic phased array device for acoustic imaging in air. [Thesis]

Hassan, Aly and Meidl, Wilfried (2007) On the linear complexity and k -error linear complexity over \BBF p of the d-ary Sidel'nikov Sequence. IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, 53 (12). pp. 4755-4761. ISSN 0018-9448

Hassan, Aly and Meidl, Wilfried and Winterhof, Arne (2007) On the k-error linear complexity of cyclotomic sequences. Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 1 (3). pp. 283-296. ISSN 1862-2976

Heves, Emre and Esame, İbrahim Onur and Tekin, İbrahim and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) A MEM Varactor Tuned-Voltage Controlled Oscillator fabricated using 0.35µm SiGe BiCMOS technology. In: European Microwave Week 2007, Munich Germany (Accepted)

Heves, Emre and Tekin, İbrahim and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Realization of Micromachined-Microelectromechanical Devices for Multiband/Tunable RF-Circuit Applications. In: TARGET DAYS, Rome - Italy (Accepted)

Hocaoğlu, Muhammet Ali and Bilen, Hakan and Özgür, Erol and Ünel, Mustafa (2007) Model-based vs. model-free visual servoing: A Performance evaluation in microsystems. In: The 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA’07), Würzburg, Germany

Hosainy, Hadi Mohammed (2007) Sulh in Eighteenth-century Ottoman fatwa compilations. [Thesis]


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Irzık, Sibel (2007) Dostoyevski, modernlik ve adalet. In: Diyarbakır Sanat Merkezi Adalet Söyleşileri, Diyarbakır, Türkiye

Irzık, Sibel (2007) Kar'da sanat ve siyaset. In: Orhan Pamuk Edebiyatı Sempozyumu, Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Turkey

Irzık, Sibel (2007) Narratives of collectivity and autobiography in Latife Tekin's works. In: Akyıldız, Olcay and Kara, Halim and Sagaster, Börte, (eds.) Autobiographical Themes in Turkish Literature: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Istanbuler Texte und Studien ; Bd. 6. Ergon Verlag in Kommission, Würzburg, pp. 157-163. ISBN 9783899135374

Irzık, Sibel (2007) Tutunamayanlar'da çok seslilik ve sınırları. In: İnci, Handan, (ed.) Oğuz Atay'a Armağan: Türk Edebiyatının "Oyun/Bozan"ı. İletişim Yayınları; 1275. Armağan Kitaplar; 4. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 258-266. ISBN 9789750505522

Işık, Zeynep (2007) Molecular identification of differentially expressed Zinc related genes in cultivated bread wheat. [Thesis]

Işık, Zeynep and Parmaksızoğlu, İskender and Çoruh, Ceyda and Geylan-Su, Y.S. and Cebeci, O. and Beecher, B. and Budak, Hikmet (2007) Organellar genome analysis of rye (Secale cereale) representing diverse geographic regions. Genome, 50 (8). pp. 724-734. ISSN 1480-3321


Jakllari, Gentian and Krishnamurthy, Srikanth V. and Faloutsos, Michalis and Krishnamurthy, Prashant V. and Erçetin, Özgür (2007) A cross-layer framework for exploiting virtual MISO links in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE transactions on mobile computing, 6 (6). pp. 579-594. ISSN 1536-1233

Joinet, Angelique and Jourdain, Elizabeth and Malzac, Julien and Roques, Jean Pierre and Corbel, Stephane and Rodriguez, Jerome and Kalemci, Emrah (2007) Hard X-ray emission of the microquasar GX 339-4 in the low/hard state. Astrophysical Journal, 657 (issue ). pp. 400-408. ISSN 0004-637X (Print) 1538-4357 (Online)

Jourdan, Guy-Vincent and Ural, Hasan and Wang, Shen and Yenigün, Hüsnü (2007) Recovering repetitive sub-functions from observations. In: Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems – FORTE 2007, Tallinn, Estonia


Kadıoğlu, Ayşe (2007) An Oxymoron: the origins of civic-republican liberalism in Turkey. Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 16 (2). pp. 171-190. ISSN 1473-9666 (electronic) 1066-9922 (paper)

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe (2007) Denationalization of citizenship: the Turkish experience. Citizenship Studies, 11 (3). pp. 283-299. ISSN 1362-1025

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe (2007) The Pigeon on the bridge is shot. Middle East Reports online .

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) Canan Dağdelen, yazı ve im. Monograph. Akbank Sanat.

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) From culture of politics to politics of culture: reflections on Turkish modernity. In: Keyman, E. Fuat, (ed.) Remaking Turkey: Globalization, Alternative Modernities, and Democracy. Global Encounters. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, pp. 47-74. ISBN 978-0-7391-1815-3

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) From progressive conservatism to conservative progressivism in Turkish Culture. In: Culture and Society in Modern Turkey, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) Günümüz sanatları, görsellik ve yeni bir dönemeç. Monograph. Akbank Sanat, İstanbul.

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) İstanbul'da hatıra ve hafıza. In: Orhan Pamuk Edebiyatı Sempozyumu, Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Turkey

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) The Art of Bedri Baykam. Monograph. Piramid Art, İstanbul.

Kahveci, Numan (2007) Machina ex deus. [Thesis]

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2007) Party affiliations of Turkish voters today. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2007) Religiosity and protest behaviour: the case of Turkey in comparative perspective. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans,, 9 (3). pp. 275-291. ISSN 1469-963X

Kalemci, Emrah and Boggs, Steven E. and Kouveliotou, Chryssa and Finger, Mark H. and Baring, Matthew (2007) POLARIZATION MEASUREMENT OF GRB 041219A WITH SPI. In: The 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, the Obscured Universe, Moscow, Russia (Accepted)

Kalemci, Emrah and Boggs, Steven E. and Kouveliotou, Chryssa and Finger, Mark H. and Baring, Matthew (2007) Search for polarization from the prompt gamma-ray emission of GRB 041219a with SPI on INTEGRAL. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 169 (1). pp. 75-82. ISSN 0067-0049 (Print) 1538-4365 (Online)

Kalemci, Emrah and Reynolds, Stephen and Boggs, Steven E. and Lund, Niels and Chenevez, Jerome and Renaud, Matthieu (2007) X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF SN 1006 WITH INTEGRAL. In: The 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, the Obscured Universe, Moscow, Russia (Accepted)

Kalemci, Emrah and Tomsick, John A. and Rothschild, Richard E. and Pottschmidt, Katja (2007) State transitions and jet formation in black hole binaries. In: 6th Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, Como, Italy (Accepted)

Kancı, Tuba and Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2007) Educating little soldiers and little Ayses: militarised and gendered citizenship in Turkish textbook. In: Education in 'Multicultural' Societies, Göteborg

Kaplan Türköz, Burcu and Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Sayers, Zehra (2007) Recombinant Expression and Characterization of A.thaliana Heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit; GPA1. In: Gordon Rsearch Conferences, Biddeford, ME, USA (Accepted)

Karabalkan, Harun and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Audio-visual speech recognition in vehicular noise using a multi-classifier approach. In: Biennial on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, Istanbul, Turkey

Karabaşoğlu, Orkun and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) Design optimization of artificial magneto-dielectrics for RF applications. In: Metanaterials'2007: First International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Rome, Italy

Karabat, Çağatay (2007) Robust blind and non-blind detection for digital watermarking. [Thesis]

Karaevli, Ayşe (2007) Performance consequences of new CEO "outsiderness": moderating effects of pre-and post-succession contexts. Strategic management journal, 28 (7). pp. 681-706. ISSN 0143-2095

Karakaş, Nilüfer Tonga. (2007) Design of combined power amplifier using 0.35micron SIGe HBT technology for IEEE 802.11a standard /. [Thesis]

Karakuş, Mine (2007) Integration of the immigrant youth in Germany. [Thesis]

Karapınar, Erdal and Zakharyuta, Vyacheslav (2007) On nuclearity of Köthe spaces. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 31 (4). pp. 435-438. ISSN 1300-0098

Karatop, Ayşe Gül and Savaş, Erkay (2007) An identity-based key infrastructure suitable for messaging applications. In: 2. Uluslarası Katılımlı Bilgi Güvenliği ve Kriptoloji Konferansı, Ankara

Karıksız, Can Deha (2007) On isomorphisms of spaces of analytic functions of several complex variables. [Thesis]

Karlı, Sezin (2007) Mining periodic patterns in spatio-temporal sequences at different time granularities. [Thesis]

Kasap, Nihat and Aytuğ, Haldun and Erengüç, Ş. Selçuk (2007) Provider selection and task allocation issues in networks with different QoS levels and all you can send pricing. Decision Support Systems, 43 (2). pp. 375-389. ISSN 0167-9236

Kasap, Suat and Testik, Murat Caner and Kasap, Nihat (2007) Business descriptions and financial performance analysis of public RFID companies. In: 1st Annual RFID Eurasia Conference and Exhibitions, Istanbul, Turkey

Kavlak, Canan and Gürbüz, Yaşar and Tekin, İbrahim (2007) A Coplanar waveguide on-chip RF choke for WLAN RF circuits. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 49 (10 (Oc). pp. 2530-2534. ISSN 0895-2477

Kaya, Selim Volkan (2007) A Toolbox for privacy preserving distributed data mining. [Thesis]

Kaya, Selim Volkan and Savaş, Erkay and Levi, Albert and Erçetin, Özgür (2007) Privacy-aware multi-context RFID infrastructure using public key cryptography. In: 6th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, Atlanta GA USA

Kayalar, Ceren and Balcısoy, Selim (2007) Changing interfaces using natural arm posture: a new interaction paradigm for pedestrian navigation systems on mobile devices. In: Human Computer Interaction 2007, Beijing, China

Kaynak, Mehmet and Uzunkol, Mehmet and Köklü, Gözen and Tekin, İbrahim and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2007) Realization of a Single and Multi-Power Amplifier Using IHP 0.25 um SiGe HBT Technology. In: TARGET DAYS 2007, Rome - Italy (Accepted)

Kaynar, Bahar and Birbil, Ş. İlker and Frenk, J.B.G. (2007) Application of a general risk management model to portfolio optimization problems with elliptical distributed returns for risk neutral and risk averse decision makers. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0012

Khan, Shahzad (2007) Micromanipulation-force feedback pushing. [Thesis]

Khan, Shahzad and Nergiz, Ahmet Özcan and Şabanoviç, Asif and Patoğlu, Volkan (2007) A Hybrid Force-Position Controller based Man-Machine Interface for Manipulation of Micro Objects. In: IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Japan (Accepted)

Khan, Shahzad and Nergiz, Ahmet Özcan and Şabanoviç, Asif and Patoğlu, Volkan (2007) Açık döngülü piezo-elektrik doğrusal sürücüler için histerez telafisi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Khan, Shahzad and Nergiz, Ahmet Özcan and Şabanoviç, Asif and Patoğlu, Volkan (2007) Development of a micromanipulation system with force sensing. In: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, CA

Kıbrıs, Özgür and Sertel, Murat R. (2007) Bargaining over a finite set of alternatives. Social Choice and Welfare, 28 (3). pp. 421-437. ISSN 0176-1714 (Print) 1432-217X (Online)

Kılıç, Kemal and Uncu, Özge and Türkşen, I. Burhan (2007) Comparison of different strategies of utilizing fuzzy clustering in structure identification. Information Sciences, 177 (23). pp. 5153-5162. ISSN 0020-0255

Kim, Doo Gun and Choi, Young Wan and Yi, Jong Chang and Chung, Youngchul and Öztürk, Cem and Dağlı, Nadir (2007) Multimode-interference-coupled ring resonators based on total-internal-reflection mirrors. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 (Regular Papers, Brief Communications, Review Papers), 46 (1). pp. 175-181. ISSN 0021-4922 (Print) 1347-4065 (Online)

Kim, Doo Gun and Shin, Jae Hyuk and Öztürk, Cem and Yi, Jong Chang and Chung, Youngchul and Dağlı, Nadir (2007) Rectangular ring lasers based on total reflection mirrors and three waveguide couplers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19 (5). pp. 306-308. ISSN 1041-1135

Kim, Junmo and Çetin, Müjdat and Willsky, Alan S. (2007) Nonparametric shape priors for active contour-based image segmentation. Signal processing, 87 (12). pp. 3021-3044. ISSN 0165-1684

Koçak, Cemil (2007) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: Nutuk. Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul.

Koçak, Cemil (2007) Tek parti döneminde CHP parti müfettişliğine ilişkin ek bilgi(ler). In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö. and Bora, Tanıl and Koraltürk, Murat, (eds.) Mete Tunçay'a Armağan. İletişim Yayınları; 1234. Armağan Kitaplar; 1. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 675-681. ISBN 9789750504815

Koçak, Gülayşe (2007) Anlamak tutkunu bir Matematikçi: Cahit Arf. [Book Review]

Koçak, Gülayşe (2007) Devletin manevî şahsiyeti. [Book Review]

Koçak, Özgecan and Can, Özge (2007) Technology parks and technology focused incubators in Turkey. In: Baltic Dynamics 2007: International Conference "Internation Partnership for Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities", Riga, Latvia

Koçak, Özgecan and Can, Özge (2007) Türkiye'nin teknopark ve teknoloji odaklı kuluçka merkezlerinin karşılaştırmalı bir çalışması. In: 15. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sakarya, Türkiye

Koçan, Gürcan and Öncü, Ahmet (2007) Rejuvenating citizenship in the context of diversity. epsNet Kiosk Plus, THE NET Journal of Political Science, 5 (1). pp. 109-119.

Koğacıoğlu, Dicle (2007) Gelenek söylemleri ve iktidarın doğallaşması: namus cinayetleri örneği. Kültür ve Siyasette Feminist Yaklaşımlar (3). ISSN 1307-0932

Kokdaş, İrfan (2007) Celeps, butchers, and the sheep: the worlds of meat in Istanbul in the Sixteenth-Seventeenth centuries. [Thesis]

Korkmaz, Gözde (2007) Molecular analysis of historical wine grape variety candidates found in Urla. [Thesis]

Koşar, Ali and Yoav, Peles (2007) TCPT-2006-096.R2: micro scale pin fin heat sinks - parametric performance evaluation study. IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, 30 (4). pp. 855-865. ISSN 1521-3331

Kubilay, Murat Yasin and Levi, Albert and Özgit, Attila (2007) Security on mobile phones with lightweight cryptographic message syntax. In: Information Security and Cryptology Conference with International Participation, Ankara

Kundakcıoğlu, Erhun Ömer and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2007) Bottom-up construction of minimum-cost and/or trees for sequential fault diagnosis. IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A. Systems and humans, 37 (5). pp. 621-629. ISSN 1083-4427

Kunt, Emrah Deniz and Çakır, Kazım and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) A Workstation for microassembly. In: 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'07,, Athens, Greece

Kunt, Emrah Deniz and Naskalı, Ahmet Teoman and Çakır, Kazım and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Mikro montaj İş İstasyonu. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Kunt, Metin (2007) A prince goes forth (perchance to return). In: Tezcan, Baki and Barbir, Karl K., (eds.) Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World: A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 63-71. ISBN 9780299227548

Kunt, Metin (2007) Sultan Süleyman ve Nikris. In: Kumrular, Özlem, (ed.) Muhteşem Süleyman. Kitap Yayınevi; 158. Tarih ve Coğrafya Dizisi; 56. Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul. ISBN 9789756051771

Küçükural, Alper and Sezerman, Uğur (2007) Potential use of graph theoretical properties of protein structures in structural alignment. In: BIOCOMP 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Küçükural, Alper and Sezerman, Uğur and Erçil, Aytül (2007) DISCRIMINATION OF NATIVE FOLDS USING NETWORK PROPERTIES OF PROTEIN STRUCTURES. In: APBC 2008, Kyoto JAPAN (Accepted)

Küçükural, Alper and Yeniterzi, Reyyan and Yeniterzi, Süveyda and Sezerman, Uğur (2007) Evolutionary selection of minimum number of features for classification of gene expression data using genetic algorithms. In: 9th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2007), London, England

Kümek, Mustafa (2007) Ship self air defense analysis for different operation conditions via simulation. [Thesis]

Kütük, Özgür and Başağa, Hüveyda (2007) Apoptosis signalling by HNE: a role For JNK-c-Jun/AP-1 pathway. Redox Report, 12 (1-2). pp. 30-34. ISSN 13510002


Lehesranta, Satu J. and Koistinen, Kaisa M. and Massat, Nathalie and Davies, Howard V. and Shepherd, Louise V. T. and McNicol, James W. and Çakmak, İsmail and Cooper, Julia and Luck, Lorna and Karenlampi, Sirpa O. and Leifert, Carlo (2007) Effects of agricultural production systems and their components on protein profiles of potato tubers. Proteomics, 7 (4). pp. 597-604. ISSN 1615-9853

Levy, Orly and Beechler, Schon and Taylor, Sully and Boyacıgiller, Nakiye Avdan (2007) What we talk about when we talk about "global mindset": managerial cognition in multinational corporations. Journal of international business studies, 38 (2). pp. 231-258. ISSN 0047-2506

Levy, Orly and Taylor, Sully and Boyacıgiller, Nakiye Avdan and Beechler, Schon (2007) Global mindset: a review and proposed extension. In: Javidan, Mansour and Steers, Richard and Hitt, Michael A., (eds.) The Global Mindset. Advances in International Management; 19. Elsevier JAI, Oxford, pp. 11-48. ISBN 978-0-7623-1402-7

Li, Yanfang and Israr, Ali and Patoğlu, Volkan and O'Malley, Marcia K. (2007) Passive and active kinesthetic perception just noticeable difference for natural frequency of virtual dynamic systems. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0013

Li, Yanfang and Patoğlu, Volkan and Huang, Deborah and O'Malley, Marcia K. (2007) Towards just noticeable differences for natural frequency of manually excited virtual dynamic systems. In: The Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and IEEE Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Tsukuba, Japan


Malima, Asanterabi Kighoma (2007) Motion planning and assembly for microassembly workstation. [Thesis]

Malima, Asanterabi Kighoma and Demirok, Erhan and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Yüksek duyarlılıklı hareket denetleyicilerin deneysel incelenmesi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Malima, Asanterabi Kighoma and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Motion planning and assembly for microassembly workstation. In: Intelligent Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, USA

Mardin, Şerif (2007) Turkish nationalism: from a system of classification to a system of solidarity. In: Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden and Keyman, Fuat, (eds.) Symbiotic Antagonisms: Competing Nationalisms in Turkey. The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. (Accepted)

Markon, Sandor and Komatsu, Yasuhiro and Onat, Ahmet and Yamanaka, A. and Kazan, Ender (2007) Linear motor coils as brake actuators for multi-car elevators. In: LDIA 2007, Lille, France (Accepted)

Meidl, Wilfried and Niederreiter, Harald and Venkateswarlu, Ayineedi (2007) Error linear complexity measures for multisequences. Journal of Complexity, 23 (2). pp. 169-192. ISSN 0885-064X

Meidl, Wilfried and Venkateswarlu, Ayineedi (2007) Remarks on the k-error linear complexity of p(n)-periodic sequences. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, 42 (2). pp. 181-193. ISSN 0925-1022 (Print) 1573-7586 (Online)

Meidl, Wilfried and Winterhof, Arne (2007) On the linear complexity profile of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators with Redei functions. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 13 (3). pp. 628-634. ISSN 1071-5797

Mescioğlu, Gül (2007) The EU policy game- ‘discernable multilevel interactions Cycle’; case of the eu biodiversity policy in the UK. [Thesis]

Mıhçı, Gürkan Maruf (2007) Soduz, audio visual noise project /. [Thesis]

Migliari, Simone and Tomsick, John A. and Markoff, Sera and Kalemci, Emrah (2007) The rise and fall of the compact jet in GRO J1655-40. In: 6th Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, Como, Italy (Accepted)

Migliari, Simone and Tomsick, John A. and Markoff, Sera and Kalemci, Emrah (2007) Tracing the jet contribution to the mid-IR over the 2005 outburst of GRO J1655-40 via broadband spectral modeling. Astrophysical Journal, 670 . pp. 610-623. ISSN 0004-637X (Print) 1538-4357 (Online)

Miraz, Maria Josefa Garcia. (2007) Building a European dimension of quality assurance in higher education. [Thesis]

Morgounov, Alexei and Gómez-Becerra, Hugo Ferney and Abugalieva, Aigul and Dzhunusova, Mira and Yessimbekova, M. and Muminjanov, Hafiz and Zelenskiy, Yu and Öztürk, Levent and Çakmak, İsmail (2007) Iron and zinc grain density in common wheat grown in Central Asia. Euphytica, 155 (1-2). pp. 193-203. ISSN 0014-2336 (Print) 1573-5060 (Online)

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2007) Information societies, new terrorism: its impact on international politics. Review of international law and politics, 3 (9). pp. 130-138.

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2007) The European Union and the 2nd pillar integration: the common foreign and security policy. In: Stivachtis, Yannis A., (ed.) The State of European Integration. Ashgate, England, pp. 3-18. ISBN 0754672239

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2007) Turkey’s accession to the EU: its potential impact on common European security and defence policy. In: Gasparini, Giovanni, (ed.) Turkey and European Security. English Series No. 8, February 2007. Quaderni, IAI, Rome, Italy, pp. 13-29.

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Taşkın, Evrim (2007) The European Union's enlargement: does culture and identity play a role? Ankara Review for European Studies, 6 (2). pp. 31-50.

Myors, Brett and Lievens, Filip and Schollaert, Eveline and Van Hoye, Greet and Cronshaw, Steven F. and Mladinic, Antonio and Rodríguez, Viviana and Aguinis, Herman and Steiner, Dirk D. and Rolland, Florence and Schuler, Heinz and Frintrup, Andreas and Nikolaou, Ioannis and Tomprou, Maria and Subramony, S. and Raj, Shabu B. and Tzafrir, Shay and Bamberger, Peter and Bertolino, Marilena and Mariani, Marco and Fraccaroli, Franco and Sekiguchi, Tomoki and Onyura, Betty and Yang, Hyuckseung and Anderson, Neil and Evers, Arne and Chernyshenko, Oleksandr and Englert, Paul and Kriek, Hennie J. and Joubert, Tina and Salgado, Jesús F. and König, Cornelius J. and Thommen, Larissa A. and Chuang, Aichia and Sinangil, Handan K. and Bayazıt, Mahmut and Cook, Mark and Shen, Winny and Sackett, Paul R. (2007) International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection. (Accepted)


Naskalı, Ahmet Teoman and Onat, Ahmet and Mutluer, Ozan (2007) Modele dayalı öngörülü ağ baglantılı kontrol sistemi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Nergiz, Zeynep Saide and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) Dry powder deposition for fabrication of electromagnetic devices using textured dielectric and magnetic ceramics. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0022

Nergiz, Zeynep Saide and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) Optimization of dry powder deposition parameters for the production of dielectric and magneto-dielectric composites. In: Materials Science & Technology 2007 Conference and Exhibit, Detroit, Michigan

Neslihan Z., Ergen and Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Shearman, Robert C. and Budak, Hikmet (2007) Identifying, cloning and structural analysis of differentially expressed genes upon Puccinia infection of Festuca rubra var. rubra. Gene, 393 (1-2). pp. 145-152. ISSN 0378-1119

Neyzi, Leyla (2007) Beauty and truth. In: Durak, Attila, (ed.) Ebru: Reflections on Cultural Diversity in Turkey. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, p. 56. ISBN 978-975-342-572-8

Neyzi, Leyla (2007) Güzellik ve hakikat. In: Durak, Atilla, (ed.) Ebru: Kültürel Çeşitlilik Üzerine Yansımalar. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, p. 56. ISBN 9789753425711

Neyzi, Leyla (2007) Nostalgia for the modern. [Book Review]

Nişli, Tuna and Özdemir, Mustafa Yiğit and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Belvermeye dayalı nano konumlandırıcının simulasyon tabanlı yapısal analizi. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Nomer, Nedim Nami (2007) Aydınlanma ve eleştirel akıl: Bilgen, Deveci ve Sarıbay'ın düşündürdükleri. In: Toprak, Binnaz, (ed.) Aydınlanma Sempozyumu, 11-12 Mayıs 2007. Osmanlı Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 50-55. ISBN 994473103X


Oflazer, Kemal and Durgar El-Kahlout, İlknur (2007) Exploring different representational units in English-to-Turkish statistical machine translation. In: Statistical Machine Translation Workshop at ACL 2007, Prague, Czech Republic

Okçu, Tuba Nur (2007) Self-esteem, political efficacy, and perceived parental attitudes. [Thesis]

Oktay, Sibel (2007) The impact of the Eastern enlargement of the European Union on the Euro-Mediterranean partnership: an analysis of member state preferences. [Thesis]

Okur, Gökhan Ahmet (2007) Movie assembly: Internet image database film making /. [Thesis]

Onat, Ahmet and Parlakay, Emrah Mehmet (2007) Implementation of Model Based Networked Predictive Control System. In: Real-Time Linux Workshop 0, Linz Austria (Accepted)

Orbay, Hakan (2007) Globalization and tradition in corporate governance in Turkey: problems and opportunities. AIB Insights, 7 (2). pp. 3-9. ISSN 1938-9590 (Print) 1938-9604 (Online)

Oskay, Esra Harika (2007) The atmosphere of play / oyun havası : A practical and theoretical survey on the private space. [Thesis]


Pakatcı, Kemal İsa and Aydın, Zafer and Erdoğan, Hakan and Altunbaşak, Yücel (2007) Yetim proteinlerde ikincil yapı öngörüsü için eğitim kümesi indirgeme yöntemleri = Training set reduction methods for single sequence protein secondary structure prediction. In: IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, 2007, SIU 2007, Eskişehir, Turkey

Pantelic, Bratislav (2007) Designing identities: reshaping the Balkans in the first two centuries: the case of Serbia. Journal of Design History, 20 (2). pp. 131-144. ISSN 0952-4649

Park, Jung-Hyun and Adoro, Stanley and Lucas, Philip J. and Sarafova, Sophia D. and Alag, Amala S. and Doan, Loretta L. and Erman, Batu and Liu, Xiaolong and Ellmeier, Wilfried and Bosselut, Remy and Feigenbaum, Lionel and Singer, Alfred (2007) 'Coreceptor tuning': cytokine signals transcriptionally tailor CD8 coreceptor expression to the self-specificity of the TCR. Nature immunology, 8 (10). 1049 -1059. ISSN 1529-2908

Parla Alpan, Ayşe (2007) Book review of Esra Ozyurek, Nostalgia for the Modern: State Secularism and Everyday Politics in Modern Turkey, Durham: Duke University Press, 2006. [Book Review]

Parla Alpan, Ayşe (2007) Irregular workers or ethnic kin? Post-1990s labour migration from Bulgaria to Turkey. International migration, 45 (3). pp. 157-181. ISSN 0020-7985

Parlak, Mustafa and Hamzaoğlu, İlker (2007) A low power implementation of H.264 adaptive deblocking filter algorithm. In: NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Parlakay, Emrah Mehmet (2007) Implementation of a distributed control system using real-time operating system. [Thesis]

Patel, Sandeep K. and Zurita, J. and Del Santo, M. and Finger, Mark H. and Kouveliotou, Chryssa and Eichler, D. and Göğüş, Ersin and Ubertini, P. and Walter, R. and Woods, Peter M. and Wilson, Colleen A. and Wachter, S. and Bazzano, A. (2007) A possible magnetar nature for IGR J16358-4726. The Astrophysical journal, 657 (2). pp. 994-1003. ISSN 0004-637X

Peçe, Uğur (2007) Greek Ottomans in the 1908 parliament /. [Thesis]

Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Saygın, Yücel and Savaş, Erkay (2007) Secret charing vs. encryption-based techniques for privacy preserving data mining. In: Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Statistical Disclosure Control,

Pehlivan, Behice (2007) Yeşilçam melodramatic imagination and its influence on the new Turkish Cinema. [Thesis]

Persentili Batislam, Emine and Denizel, Meltem and Filiztekin, Alpay (2007) Empirical validation and comparison of models for customer base analysis. International Journal of Research In Marketing, 24 (3). pp. 201-209. ISSN 0167-8116


Ruiz-Velasco, A. E. and Swan, H. F. and Troja, E. and Malesani, D and Fynbo, J. P. U. and Starling, R. L. C. and Xu, D. and Aharonian, F. and Akerlof, C. W. and Andersen, M. I. and Ashley, M.C.B. and Barthelmy, S.D. and Bersier, D. and Cerón, M. Castro and Castro-Tirado, A. J. and Gehrels, N. and Göğüş, Ersin and Gorosabel, J. and Guidorzi, C. and Güver, T. and Hjorth, J. and Horns, D. and Huang, K. Y. and Jakobsson, P. and Jensen, B. L. and Kızıloğlu, Ü. and Kouveliotou, C. and Krimm, H. A. and Ledoux, C. and Levan, A. J. and Marsh, T. and McKay, T. and Melandri, A. and Milvang-Jensen, B. and Mundell, C. G. and O’Brien, P. T. and Özel, M. and Phillips, A. and Quimby, R. and Rowell, G. and Rujopakarn, W. and Rykoff, E. S. and Schaefer, B. E. and Sollerman, J. and Tanvir, N. R. and Thöne, C. C. and Urata, Y. and Vestrand, W. T. and Vreeswijk, P. M. and Watson, D. and Wheeler, J. C. and Wijers, R. A. M. J. and Wren, J. and Yost, S. A. and Yuan, F. and Zhai, M. and Zheng, W. K. (2007) Detection of GRB 060927 at z = 5.47: Implications for the Use of Gamma-Ray Bursts as Probes of the End of the Dark Ages. The Astrophysical Journal, 669 (issue ). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0004-637X (Print) 1538-4357 (Online)


Saçlıoğlu, Cihan Kemal (2007) Feza Gürsey'in Teorik Fiziğe Katkıları. In: Cumhuriyet ve Bilim, Ankara (Accepted)

Saçlıoğlu, Cihan Kemal (2007) Solutions of Seiberg-Witten and Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations in Euclidean signature. In: Marcel Grossman 11 conference on General Relativity, Berlin, Germany

Samara, Konstandia (2007) Identity issues of the Ottoman Greeks in the age of nationalism as reflected in the educational policies of the Greek community of İstanbul, 1895-1915. [Thesis]

Saner, Burcu (2007) Fluorinated nanofibers for potential biomedical applications. [Thesis]

Saner, Burcu and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Öncü, N. Bilgin (2007) Branched pentablock poly (L-lactide-co- -caprolactone) synthesis in scCO2. (Accepted)

Sarıgöl, İlkan (2007) A clustering based heuristic for location routing problems. [Thesis]

Sarıgöl, İlkan and Çatay, Bülent (2007) A clustering based heuristic for location routing problems. In: 5th International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress,

Savaş, Erkay (2007) Binary algorithms for multiplicative inversion. Wireless Security and Cryptography: Specifications and Implementations. Taylor & Francis, Oxford, pp. 1-432. ISBN 084938771X

Savaş, Erkay (2007) Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Clustering Based on Secret Sharing. In: PAKDD 2007, (Accepted)

Sayarı, Sabri (2007) Islam, secularism and nationalism in modern Turkey. [Book Review]

Sayarı, Sabri (2007) The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Parti. [Book Review] (Accepted)

Sayarı, Sabri (2007) The US policy on Turkey's EU membership. In: Goren, Nimrod and Nachmani, Amikam, (eds.) The Importance of Being European: Turkey, the EU and Middle East. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, pp. 78-85. ISBN 978-965-91082-0-6

Sayarı, Sabri (2007) Towards a new Turkish party system? Turkish Studies, 8 (2). pp. 197-210. ISSN 1468-3849

Sayarı, Sabri (2007) Turkey. In: Levinson, David and Christensen, Karen, (eds.) Global Perspectives on The United States: A Nation by Nation Survey. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barrington, MA, pp. 643-647. ISBN 978-1-933782-06-5

Sayers, Zehra (2007) 3D Macromolecular structure analyses: applications in plant proteins. Brilliant Light in Life and Material Sciences. Springer, Berlin, pp. 135-146. ISBN 9781402057229

Sayers, Zehra (2007) Use of Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering for Biological Sciences. In: Ulusal Parçacık Hızlandırıcıları ve Uygulamaları Kongresi (UPHUK-III)., Bodrum, Turkey (Accepted)

Saygın, Yücel (2007) A privacy preserving assertion based policy language for federation systems. In: 12th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, Sophia Antipolis, France

Schneider, Annedith (2007) Turning linguistic weakness into critical strength: reading literature as a foreign language. Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 40 (1). pp. 133-142. ISSN 0742-5562

Seferoğlu, Hülya and Gürbüz, Özgür and Erçetin, Özgür and Altunbaşak, Yücel (2007) Rate-distortion based real-time wireless video streaming. Signal processing: Image communication, 22 (6). pp. 529-542. ISSN 0923-5965

Selsky, John W. and Goes, Jim and Babüroğlu, Oğuz N. (2007) Contrasting perspectives of strategy making: applications in 'Hyper' environments. Organization studies, 28 (1). pp. 71-94. ISSN 0170-8406

Serdaroğlu, Ahmet and Ertüzün, Ayşın and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Defect detection in textile fabric images using subband domain subspace analysis. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 17 (4). pp. 663-674. ISSN 1054-6618 (Print) 1555-6212 (Online)

Serincan, Fazıl Mustafa and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Transient analysis of proton electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) at start-up and failure. Fuel Cells, 7 (2). pp. 118-127. ISSN 1615-6846

Seven, Utku (2007) Linear inverted pendulum model and swing leg dynamics in biped robot walking trajectory generation. [Thesis]

Sezen, Ege (2007) Janissary FC /. [Thesis]

Sezer, Osman Gökhan and Erçil, Aytül and Ertüzün, Ayşın (2007) Using perceptual relation of regularity and anisotropy in the texture with independent component model for defect detection. Pattern recognition, 40 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 0031-3203

Sezerman, Ayşe Özlem (2007) Vicinal solvent and protein coupling modulates the protein dynamics. [Thesis]

Simpson, Adam John (2007) Developing a vocabulary syllabus. In: Davidson, Peter, (ed.) Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. TESOL Arabia, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 227-236. ISBN 9948-8566-6-X

Simpson, Adam John (2007) Friend or foe? The Effects of mini-dictionaries on student learning. Horizons: The Journal of David’s English Teaching World, Decemb (Issue ). pp. 6-14. ISSN 1756-2422

Simpson, Adam John (2007) The Internet: the world’s greatest corpus & motivational tool. In: Davidson, Peter, (ed.) Using Technology in the Classroom. TESOL Arabia, United Arab Emirates. (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2007) Kırım Savaşı, ıslahat fermanı ve Osmanlı eğitim düzeninde dönüşümler. In: 150.Yıldönümünde Kırım Savaşı ve Paris Antlaşması (1853-1856), İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2007) Oliver Jens Schmitt. Levantiner. Lebenswelten und Identitäten einer ethnokonfessionellen Gruppe im osmanischen Reich im "langen 19.Jahrhundert". [Book Review]

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2007) Osmanlı Ermenilerinde kültür modernleşmesi, cemaat okulları ve Abdülhamid rejimi. Tarih ve Toplum: Yeni Yaklaşımlar (5). pp. 71-92. ISSN 1019-4681

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2007) Regulations for raising children during the Hamidian Period. In: Georgeon, François and Kreiser, Klaus, (eds.) Enfance et Jeunesse Dans Le Monde Musulman (Chilhood and Youth in the Muslim World). Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris, pp. 211-217. ISBN 9782706819766

Sopov, Aleksandar (2007) Falling like an autumn leaf: the historical visions of the battle of the Maritsa-Meriç River and the quest for a place called Sırp Sındığı. [Thesis]

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Sümengen, Selçuk and Eren, Tolga Mustafa and Balcısoy, Selim and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Real-time deformable objects for collaborative virtual environments. In: GRAPP, 2007, Barcelona, Spain


Tabak, Ahmet Fatih (2007) Simulation based experiments of traveling-plane-wave-actuator miropumps and microswimmers. [Thesis]

Tabak, Ahmet Fatih and Solak, Altuğ and Erdem, Emine Yegan and Akcan, Caner and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Simulation-based analysis of 3D flow inside a micropump with passive valves. In: 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, USA

Tabak, Ahmet Fatih and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Numerical analysis of a planar wave propagation based micropropulsion system. In: 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, USA

Tabak, Ahmet Fatih and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Numerical analysis of the 3D flow induced by propagation of plane-wave deformations on thin membranes inside microchannels. In: The 5th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels & Minichannels, Universidad De Las Americas, Puebla, Mexico

Tabak, Ahmet Fatih and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Numerical simulations and analysis of a micropump actuated by traveling plane waves. In: SPIE Photonics West 2007, MOEMS-MEMS Conference 2007, San Jose, CA, USA

Tantuğ, A. Cüneyd and Adalı, Eşref and Oflazer, Kemal (2007) A MT System from Turkmen to Turkish employing finite state and statistical methods. In: XI. Machine Translation Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark

Tantuğ, A. Cüneyd and Adalı, Eşref and Oflazer, Kemal (2007) Machine translation between Turkic languages. In: 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic

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Tekeli, Erkin (2007) Shape and data driven texture segmentation using local binary patterns. [Thesis]

Tekeli, Erkin and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) A Local binary patterns and shape priors based texture segmentation method. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Turkey

Tekeli, Erkin and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Shape and data-driven texture segmentation using local binary patterns. In: EURASIP European Signal Processing Conference, Poznan, Poland

Tepedelenlioğlu, E. and Ögelman, Hakkı (2007) Discovery of extended emission around the pulsar B0355+54. Astrophysical Journal, 658 (issue ). pp. 1183-1187. ISSN 0004-637X

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Togan, Sübidey and Ersel, Hasan (2007) Current account sustainability - The case of Turkey. In: Başçı, Erdem and Togan, Sübidey and Von Hagen, Jürgen, (eds.) Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession. Edward Elgar Publications, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, pp. 268-293. ISBN 9781847200006

Topçu, Berkay and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Gözetim videolarında dinamik niteliklere dayalı yürüme/koşma sınıflandırma = Walking/running classification in surveillance videos using dynamic features. In: IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, 2007, SIU 2007, Eskişehir, Turkey

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Tsuji, Toshiaki and Ohnishi, Kouhei and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) A controller design method based on functionality. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 54 (6). pp. 3335-3343. ISSN 0278-0046

Tunc, Taner and Budak, Erhan (2007) Optimization of 5-Axis milling processes based on the process models with application to airfoil machining. In: 10th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining OPerations, Calabria, Italy

Turan, Nazlı Mukadder (2007) The influence of accountability on negotiation processes and outcomes in family businesses. [Thesis]

Türdü, Deniz and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Gauss karışım modeli tabanlı uyarlamalı arkaplan modelinin histerezis eşikleme ile iyileştirilmesi = Improving gaussian mixture model based adaptive background modeling using hysteresis thresholding. In: IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, 2007, SIU 2007, Eskişehir, Turkey

Türdü, Deniz and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Improved post-processing for GMM based adaptive background modeling. In: ISCIS 2007, Ankara (Accepted)


Ulusoy, Gündüz (2007) Disiplinlerarası araştırma ve eğitim. In: Aktan, Coşkun Can, (ed.) Değişim Çağında Yüksek Öğretim: Global Trendler - Paradigmal Yönelimler. Yaşar Üniversitesi, İzmir, pp. 389-398. ISBN 978-975-6339-10-7

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Çetindamar, Dilek and Yeğenoğlu, Hande and Bulut, Çağrı (2007) An Empirical study on the competitiveness and innovation in four sectors of the Turkish manufacturing industry. In: The 14th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Ankara

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Yeğenoğlu, Hande (2007) Innovation performance and competitive strategies in the Turkish manufacturing industry. In: The 8th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management, New Delhi

Umut, Melis (2007) Representations of masculinities in the post-1960s Turkish cinema /. [Thesis]


Vardar, Mustafa Fuat (2007) Software patents in the European Union. [Thesis]

Varshney, Kush R. and Çetin, Müjdat and Fisher, III, John W. and Willsky, Alan S. (2007) A Sparse signal representation-based approach to image formation and anisotropy determination in wide-angle radar. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Turkey

Volakis, John L. and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) Novel materials for RF devices. In: 2007 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii

Vural, Esra and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül and Littlewort, Gwen and Bartlett, Marian and Movellan, Javier (2007) Drowsy driver detection through facial movement analysis. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Human Computer Interaction Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Vural, Esra and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül and Littlewort, Gwen and Bartlett, Marian and Movellan, Javier (2007) Machine learning systems for detecting driver drowsiness. In: 3rd Biennial Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for Mobile and Vehicular Systems, Istanbul, Turkey


Wasti, S. Arzu and Eser Erdil, Selin (2007) Bireycilik ve toplulukçuluk değerlerinin ölçülmesi: benlik kurgusu ve INDCOL ölçeklerinin Türkçe geçerlemesi. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7 . pp. 39-66. ISSN 1303-4979

Wasti, S. Arzu and Tan, Hwee Hoon and Brower, Holly H. and Önder, Çetin (2007) Cross-cultural measurement of supervisor trustworthiness: an assessment of measurement invariance across three cultures. Leadership Quarterly, 18 (5). pp. 477-489. ISSN 1048-9843

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Yağcıoğlu, Burcu (2007) As though: concealed within images = Sanki: imgenin gizliliği. [Thesis]

Yamaner, Yalçın Feysel and Bozkurt, Ayhan (2007) Front-end IC Design for 2D cMUT Arrays: Modeling and Experimental Verification. In: 2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, New York, NY, USA. (Accepted)

Yanıkoğlu, Berrin and Çamlıkaya, Eren and Erdoğan, Hakan (2007) Saklı modeli kullanarak ses ile metin bağımlı kimlik doğrulama. In: Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı SİU 2007, Eskişehir, Turkiye

Yannier, Selim and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Analog sliding mode controller for position tracking of piezoelectric actuators. In: 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 07, Athens, Greece

Yannier, Selim and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Continuous time controller based on SMC and disturbance observer for piezoelectric actuators. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 2 (6). pp. 861-869. ISSN 1827-6660

Yannier, Selim and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Control of piezoelectric actuators using analog sliding mode controller. In: Macha, E and Pawliczek, R, (eds.) Mechatronics Systems and Materials. Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland, pp. 113-127.

Yannier, Selim and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Control of piezoelectric actuators using analog sliding mode controller. In: 26th IASTED Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Insbruck, Auatria

Yannier, Selim and Şabanoviç, Asif (2007) Piezoelektrik aktüatörler için analog kayan kipli denetleyici. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Yardımcı, Galip Gürkan (2007) Structural alignment using network properties. [Thesis]

Yavuz, Gurbet Deniz (2007) Turkey’s accession to the European Union:. [Thesis]

Yeğenoğlu, Hande and Ulusoy, Gündüz (2007) İmalat sanayiinde yenilik araştırması 2006/07 raporu. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2007) Three-dimensional simulations of transient response of PEM fuel cells. In: 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA

Yıldırım, Özlem and Üsdiken, Behlül (2007) Reconciling family-centric and professionalized governance: boards of firms within family business groups. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Yıldız, Yıldıray and Şabanoviç, Asif and Abidi, Khalid Seyed (2007) Sliding-mode neuro-controller for uncertain systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 54 (3). pp. 1676-1685. ISSN 0278-0046

Yılmaz, Bahri (2007) La competitivite internationale et la specialisation dans le commerce international: une comparaison Entre siz pays et L'Europe des 15. In: Krifa-Schneider, Hadjila, (ed.) L'élargissement de L'union Européenne: Quels Enjeux et Défis Majeurs? L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 181-212. ISBN 9782296030060

Yost, S. A. and Swan, H. F. and Rykoff, E. S. and Aharonian, F. and Akerlof, C. W. and Alday, A. and Ashley, M. C. B. and Barthelmy, S. and Burrows, D. and Depoy, D. L. and Dufour, R. J. and Eastman, J. D. and Forgey, R. D. and Gehrels, N. and Göğüş, Ersin and Güver, T. and Halpern, J. P. and Hardin, L. C. and Horns, D. and Kızıloğlu, Ü. and Krimm, H. A. and Lepine, S. and Liang, E. P. and Marshall, J. L. and McKay, T. A. and Mineo, T. and Mirabal, N. and Özel, M. and Phillips, A. and Prieto, J. L. and Quimby, R. M. and Romano, P. and Rowell, G. and Rujopakarn, W. and Schaefer, B. E. and Silverman, J. M. and Siverd, R. and Skinner, M. and Smith, D. A. and Smith, I. A. and Tonnesen, S. and Troja, E. and Vestrand, W. T. and Wheeler, J. C. and Wren, J. and Yuan, F. and Zhang, B. (2007) Exploring broadband GRB behavior during gamma-ray emission. The Astrophysical journal, 657 (2). pp. 925-941. ISSN 0004-637X

Yüceoğlu, B. and Birbil, Ş. İlker (2007) Patching the security breach: Locating and guarding the guards. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0018


Çarkoğlu, Ali (2007) A new electoral victory for the 'pro-Islamists' or the 'new centre-right'? The justice and development party phenomenon in the July 2007 parliamentary elections in Turkey. South European Society & Politics, 12 (4). pp. 501-519. ISSN 1360-8746

Çarkoğlu, Ali (2007) The nature of the left-right ideological self-placement in the Turkish context. Turkish Studies, 8 (2). pp. 253-271. ISSN 1468-3849

Çarkoğlu, Ali and Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2007) Turkish democracy today: elections, protest and stability in an islamic society. International Library of Political Studies; 15. I.B. Tauris, London, pp. 1-256. ISBN 9781845111854

Çarkoğlu, Ali and Toprak, Binnaz (2007) Religion, society and politics in a changing Turkey. Project Report. TESEV, İstanbul.

Çatay, Bülent and Göl, Hakan (2007) Logistics outsourcing and 3PL selection: A Case study in an automotive supply chain. In: 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,

Çaylı, Merve and Karatop, Ayşe Gül and Kavlak, Ahmet Emrah and Kaynar, Hakan and Türe, Ferhan and Erdem, Esra (2007) Solving challenging grid puzzles with answer set programming. In: International Workshop on Answer Set Programming,

Çelik, Ayşe Betül and Blum, Andy (2007) Future uncertain: using scenarios to understand Turkey's geopolitical environment and its impact on the Kurdish question. Ethnopolitics, 6 (4). pp. 569-583. ISSN 1744-9065

Çetin, Müjdat and Chen, Lei and Fisher, III, John W. and Ihler, Alexander and Kreidl, Patrick and Moses, Randolph and Wainwright, Martin and Williams, Jason and Willsky, Alan S. (2007) Graphical models and fusion in sensor networks. In: Swami, Ananthram and Zhao, Q. and Hong, Y.-W and Tong, L., (eds.) Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal Processing & Communications. John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, pp. 215-246. ISBN 0470035579

Çetin, Umut and Soner, Halil Mete and Touzi, Nizar (2007) Options hedging under liquidity costs. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0017

Çetindamar, Dilek (2007) Making use of biotechnology applications in Turkish agriculture: why is it not yet happening. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 6 (4-5). pp. 576-591. ISSN 1462-4605 (Print) 1741-5004 (Online)

Çetindamar, Dilek and Fiş, Murat (2007) Schumpeter’s twins: entrepreneur and intrapreneur. In: Carayannis, Elias G. and Ziemnowicz, Christopher, (eds.) Rediscovering Schumpeter: creative destruction evolving into “mode 3”. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007, pp. 199-217. ISBN 9781403942418

Çetindamar, Dilek and Husoy, Kristoffer (2007) Corporate social responsibility practices and environmentally responsible behavior: the case of United Nations Global Compact. Journal of Business Ethics, 76 (2). pp. 163-176. ISSN 0167-4544 (Print) 1573-0697 (Online)

Çiftçioğlu, Ertuğrul Necdet and Gürbüz, Özgür (2007) Access scheduling based on time water-filling for next generation wireless LANs. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Çimren, Emrah and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan (2007) Development of a machine tool selection system using AHP. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 35 (3-4). pp. 363-376. ISSN 0268-3768

Çoruh, Ceyda (2007) Identification and characterization of a cDNA encoding ZIP transporter protein in Triticum dicoccoides. [Thesis]

Çulhaoğlu, Burcu (2007) Electoral participation in Turkish national and local elections. [Thesis]


Öcalan, Cem (2007) Newspaperbox: online news space /. [Thesis]

Öğüt, Erdem (2007) Electroactivity of PVDF electrospun fiber mats and ZNO-PVDF composites. [Thesis]

Öğüt, Erdem and Yördem, Sinan Onur and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Papila, Melih (2007) Poly (vinylidene fluoride)/zinc oxide smart composite material. In: SPIE: Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, California USA

Öktem, Serkan Hikmet (2007) Sub-pixel accurate h.264 motion estimation hardware design. [Thesis]

Öktem, Serkan Hikmet and Hamzaoğlu, İlker (2007) An efficient hardware architecture for quarter-pixel accurate H.264 motion estimation. In: 10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Lübeck, Germany

Önal, Pınar (2007) Screening of plant factors that modulate the activation of the NF-kB transcription factor in mammalian cells. [Thesis]

Öncel, Çınar and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali (2007) Chemical synthesis of mixed oxide powders for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)electrolyte and electrodes. In: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Assessment of Hydrogen Energy for Sustainable Development: Energy & Environmental Security, Istanbul, Turkey

Öncel, Çınar and Özkaya, Berkem and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali (2007) X-ray single phase LSGM at 1350 °C. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27 (2-3). pp. 599-604. ISSN 0955-2219

Öncü, Ahmet (2007) "Yekin mühendis" beratı ya da şahsiyetli soyut emekçiler: TMMOB nereye? DM Teorik-Politik Dergi, 1 (4). pp. 122-141.

Öncü, Ahmet (2007) Küreselleşme. In: Başkaya, Fikret and Ördek, Aydın, (eds.) İktisadi Kurumlar Sözlüğü. Özgür Üniversite, Ankara. (Accepted)

Öncü, Ahmet (2007) Şirket. In: Başkaya, Fikret, (ed.) İktisadi Kurumlar Sözlüğü. Özgür Üniversite, Ankara. (Accepted)

Öncü, Ahmet and Köse, Ahmet Haşim (2007) Imbalances in the world economy and congestion in the periphery. In: Köse, Ahmet Haşim and Şenses, Fikret and Yeldan, Erinç, (eds.) Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the Periphery. Political Economy. Nova, New York.

Öncü, Ayşe (2007) The politics of Istanbul's Ottoman heritage in the era of globalism. In: Drieskens, Barbara and Mermier, Franck and Wimmen, Heiko, (eds.) Cities of the South: Citizenship and Exclusion in the Twenty-First Century. Saqi Books, London, Beirut, pp. 233-264. ISBN 978-0-86356-611-0

Önsel, Şule and Ülengin, Füsün and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kabak, Özgür and Topçu, İlker and Aktaş, Emel (2007) A decision support system to evaluate the competitiveness of nations. In: 12th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Cairo, Egypt

Övütmen, Tamer (2007) The multinomial selection problem. [Thesis]

Özbek, Kemal Mahmut (2007) An analysis of a real-life allocation problem. [Thesis]

Özcan, Meriç (2007) Slow wave atom interferometers for rotation sensing. In: Conference on Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing IV, San Jose, California, USA

Özelkan, Ertunga and Öztürk, Özkan and Budak, Erhan (2007) Optimization of broaching design. In: 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference,

Özen, Alimet Sema and Atılgan, Canan and Sönmez, Gürsel (2007) Noncovalent intramolecular interactions in the monomers and oligomers of the acceptor and donor type of low band gap conducting polymers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (44). pp. 16362-16371. ISSN 1932-7447

Özen, Alimet Sema and Doruker, Pemra and Aviyente, Viktorya (2007) Effect of cooperative hydrogen bonding in Azo-Hydrazone Tautomerism of Azo Dyes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111 (51). pp. 13506-13514. ISSN 0022-3654

Özgür, Erol (2007) Model free visual servoing in macro and micro domain robotic applications. [Thesis]

Özgür, Erol and Ünel, Mustafa (2007) Image based visual servoing using bitangent points applied to planar shape alignment. In: The 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications ~RA 2007, Würzburg, Germany

Özgür, Erol and Ünel, Mustafa (2007) İki noktada teğetler kullanarak görüntü tabanlı görsel geri beslemeli kontrol ile düzlemsel şekil hizalama. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Özgür, Erol and Ünel, Mustafa (2007) Positioning and trajectory following tasks in microsystems using model free visual servoing. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON 2007), Taipei, Taiwan (Accepted)

Özkutlu, Faruk and Öztürk, Levent and Erdem, Halil and McLaughlin, Mike and Çakmak, İsmail (2007) Leaf-applied sodium chloride promotes cadmium accumulation in durum wheat grain. Plant and soil, 290 (1-2). pp. 323-331. ISSN 0032-079X (Print) 1573-5036 (Online)

Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2007) Analytical modeling of chatter stability in turning and boring operations - part I: model development. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129 (4). pp. 726-732. ISSN 1087-1357

Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2007) Analytical modeling of chatter stability in turning and boring operations - Part II: Experimental verification. Journal of manufacturing science and engineering, 129 (4). pp. 733-739. ISSN 1087-1357

Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2007) Experimental analysis and modeling of orthogonal cutting using material and friction models. In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Machines and Design and Production of Dies and Molds, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey

Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Molinari, Alain (2007) Thermomechanical modeling of orthogonal cutting including the effect of stick-slide regions on the rake face. In: 10th CIRP INternational Workshop on Modeling of Machining OPerations, Calabria, Italy

Özmen, Yılmaz Can (2007) A software system to work with 3D models in cultural heritage research. [Thesis]

Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan (2007) Modeling of 5-axis milling processes. Machining science and technology, 11 (3). pp. 287-311. ISSN 1091-0344 print / 1532-2483 online

Öztürk, Erdem and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2007) Modeling dynamics and stability of 5-axis milling processes. In: 10th CIRP INternational Workshop on Modeling of Machining OPerations, Calabria, Italy

Öztürk, Levent and Yazıcı, Mustafa Atilla and Eker, Selim and Gökmen, Özay Özgür and Römheld, Volker and Çakmak, İsmail (2007) Glyphosate inhibition of ferric reductase activity in iron deficient sunflower roots. New Phytologist, 177 (issue ). pp. 899-906. ISSN 0028-646X (Print) 1469-8137 (Online)


Ülengin, Füsun and Kabak, Özgür and Önsel, Şule and Aktaş, Emel and Ulusoy, Gündüz (2007) International competitiveness power and human development of countries. In: 14th International EurOMA Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara

Ünal, Ramazan and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Patoğlu, Volkan (2007) A Multi-criteria design optimization framework for haptic interfaces. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2007/0014

Ünal, Ramazan and Patoğlu, Volkan and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2007) Rehabilitasyon robotunun empedans kontrole göre tasarım optimizasyonu. In: TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Ünay, Devrim and Ekin, Ahmet and Çetin, Müjdat and Jasinschi, Ragu and Erçil, Aytül (2007) Robustness of local binary patterns in brain MR image analysis. In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France

Üney, Murat and Çetin, Müjdat (2007) Graphical model-based approaches to target tracking in sensor networks: an overview of some recent work and challenges. In: IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, İstanbul, Turkey

Ünlü, Abdülhakim and Armağan, Önsel and Levi, Albert and Savaş, Erkay and Erçetin, Özgür (2007) Key predistribution schemes for sensor networks for continuous deployment scenario. In: 6th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, Atlanta GA USA

Üsdiken, Behlül (2007) Commentary: management education between logics and locations. Scandinavian journal of management, 23 (1). pp. 84-94. ISSN 0956-5221

Üsdiken, Behlül (2007) Çevresel baskı ve talepler karşısında örgütler: kaynak bağımlılığı yaklaşımı. In: Sargut, A. Selami and Özen, Şükrü, (eds.) Örgüt Kuramları. İmge Yayınevi, Ankara, pp. 77-132. ISBN 9789755335360

Üsdiken, Behlül and Önder, Çetin (2007) Örgütsel ekoloji: örgüt toplulukları ve çevresel ayıklama. In: Sargut, A. Selami and Özen, Şükrü, (eds.) Örgüt Kuramları. İmge Yayınevi, Ankara, pp. 133-191. ISBN 9789755335360

Üster, Deniz Ayşe (2007) What is opposed to I: a struggle towards purity. [Thesis]

Üstün, Ekin Elçin (2007) A comparison of monetary policy rules of Turkey. [Thesis]

Üzüm, Gökhan (2007) Dutch nationalism and the question of foreigners in the Netherlands /. [Thesis]


İnan, Ali and Kaya, Selim Volkan and Saygın, Yücel and Savaş, Erkay and Azgın Hintoğlu, Ayça and Levi, Albert (2007) Privacy preserving clustering on horizontally partitioned data. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 63 (3). pp. 646-666. ISSN 0169023X

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This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 19:34:43 2025 +03.