Items where Year is 2008

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Number of items: 539.


Abbak, Mehmet (2008) Microstrip patch antenna array for coverage and range extension of RFID applications. [Thesis]

Abbak, Mehmet and Tekin, İbrahim (2008) Microstrip patch antenna array for range extension of RFID applications. In: 2008 IEEE APS/URSI Conference, San Diego, Manchaster

Abbak, Mehmet and Tekin, İbrahim (2008) Mikroşerit Yama Dizi Anten ile RFID Sistemlerinde Mesafe Artırımı. In: IV. URSI-Turkiye Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya (Accepted)

Açıkgöz, Sabriye and Bilen, Bukem and Demir, Mustafa Muammer and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Skarlatos, Yani and Aktaş, Gülen and İnci, Mehmet Naci (2008) Use of polyethylene glycol coatings for optical fibre humidity sensing. Optical Review, 15 (2). pp. 84-90. ISSN 1340-6000 (Print) 1349-9432 (Online)

Adak, Hülya (2008) Exiles at home: questions for Turkish and global literary studies. PMLA (Journal of the Modern Language Association of America), 123 (1). pp. 20-26. ISSN 0030-8129

Adanır, Fikret (2008) Die historiographische Kontroverse über die "Armenische Frage" und den Völkermord an den osmanischen Armeniern im Ersten Weltkrieg. In: Zürcher, Erik-Jan, (ed.) Turkey in the Twentieth Century (La Turquie Au Vingtième Siècle). Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta; t. 4. Philologiae et Historiae Turcicae Fundamenta; t. 2. Klaus Schwarz in Kommission, Berlin, pp. 213-254. ISBN 978-3-87997-345-3 ; 3879973458

Adanır, Fikret (2008) Westlertum, islam und demokratie in den politischen Diskursen der Türkei. In: 43. Internationale Hochschulwoche der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Tutzing, Germany

Adoro, Stanley and Erman, Batu and Sarafova, Sophia D. and Van Laethem, François and Park, Jung-Hyun and Feigenbaum, Lionel and Singer, Alfred (2008) Targeting CD4 coreceptor expression to postselection thymocytes reveals that CD4/CD8 lineage choice is neither error-prone nor stochastic. Journal of Immunology, 181 (10). pp. 6975-6983. ISSN 0022-1767 (Print) 1550-6606 (Online)

Afacan, Mustafa Oğuz (2008) A non-cooperation result in a repeated discounted prisoners' dilemma with long and short run players. [Thesis]

Afacan, Oğuz Mustafa and Barlo, Mehmet (2008) Cooperation cannot be sustained in a discounted repeated prisoners' dilemma with patient short and long run players. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2007/0011

Agndal, Henrik and Nilsson, Ulf (2008) Supply chain decision making supported by an Open books policy. International Journal of Production Economics, 116 (1). pp. 154-167. ISSN 0925-5273

Ak, Ronay and Bozkaya, Burçin (2008) A proposed risk model and a GIS framework for hazardous materials transportation. In: International Engineering Management Conference 2008, Portugal

Akan, Batu and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2008) Ölçekten bağımsız öznitelik dönüşümü kullanarak stereo kamera ile üç boyutlu kafa takibi = Stereo based 3D head pose tracking using the scale invariant feature transform. In: IEEE SIU (Sinyal İşleme Uygulamaları), Didim

Akbaş, Erdem (2008) 'Europeanization' of the Turkish political system and the evolution of civil-military relations in the Post-Helsinki era. [Thesis]

Akcan, Caner (2008) Analysis of a novel turbomachinery shaft seal design. [Thesis]

Akcan, Caner and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk and Aksoy, Serdar and Yüksel, Ebubekir (2008) Response surface modeling of a small crossflow hydro turbine rotor. In: International Conference on Small Hydropower, Hidroenergia 2008: "On the Crossroads", Bled, Slovenia

Akcay, Gursel and Mısırlıoğlu, Burç and Alpay, Pamir (2008) Phase transformation characteristics of barium strontium titanate films on anisotropic substrates with (001)//(001) epitaxy. (Accepted)

Akçay, Alp Eren (2008) Software frameworks for production scheduling and analytical benchmarking. [Thesis]

Akgül, Murat and Savak, Neşe Burcu and Özmak, Meryem and Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah and Yürüm, Yuda and Karabakan, Abdülkerim (2008) Adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on clinoptilolite. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 36 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 1303-5002

Akıncı, Özgül (2008) Remembering the assos international performing arts festival through the iconic memory of Hüseyin Katırcıoğlu: reading the rural-urban divide through gender, humor and reflexive ethnography. [Thesis]

Akram, R. and Dede, M. and Oral, Ahmet (2008) Variable temperature-scanning hall probe microscopy with GaN/AlGaN two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) micro hall sensors in 4.2-425K range using novel quartz tuning fork AFM feedback. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (11). pp. 3255-3260. ISSN 0018-9464

Aksay, Esin (2008) Erasmus as an emerging educational space in Turkey: explanation of a new reality at the nexus of education, youth and change. [Thesis]

Aksu, Aylin and Erçetin, Özgür (2008) Reliable multi-hop routing with cooperative transmissions in energy-constrained networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (8). pp. 2861-2865. ISSN 1536-1276

Aksu, Burak (2008) Experimental and analytical investigation on mechanics of metal cutting including edge forces. [Thesis]

Aksu, Burak and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2008) Analysis and modeling of edge forces in orthogonal cutting. In: International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Kassandra, Greece

Akşit, Mahmut Faruk (2008) 3-D analysis of high density brush stiffness with friction-pressure coupling. In: VI. Türkiye Abaqus Kullanıcılar Toplantısı - TAKT 2008, İstanbul

Aktar, Merve (2008) Forms of relation: the western literary canon and Orhan Pamuk's the Black Book, Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children. [Thesis]

Akyüz, Asuman (2008) Araştırmada yenilik: federe arama motorları=Innovation in research: federated search engines. In: 8.ANKOS Yıllık Toplantısı, Eskişehir, Türkiye

Akyüz, Asuman (2008) E-Literature: Sabancı Üniversitesi Kurumsal Arşivi (Araştırma Veritabanı). In: 44.Kütüphane Haftası Programı "Hayatımdaki Kütüphaneler", Ankara, Turkey

Alizadeh, Farid and Noyan, Nilay and Eckstein, Jonathan and Rudolf, Gabor (2008) Arrival rate approximation by nonnegative cubic splines. Operations Research, 56 (1). 140- 156. ISSN 0030-364X (Print) 1526-5463 (Online)

Alkan, Ahmet and Çarkoğlu, Ali and Filiztekin, Alpay and İnceoğlu, Fırat (2008) Türkiye ortaöğretim sektöründe katma değer oluşumu: üniversiteye giriş yarışı. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0011

Alkan Gürsel, Selmiye and Gubler, Lorenz and Gupta, Bhuvanesh Gupta and Scherer, Günther G. (2008) Radiation grafted membranes. In: Abe, A. and Albertsson, A. C and Duncan, R and Duˇsek, K, (eds.) Fuel Cells 1. Advances in Polymer Science, 215. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 157-217. ISBN 978-3-540-69755-8

Altay, Arzu and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali and Carter, C. Barry (2008) Reaction of CaAl4O7 with (0001)-oriented alpha-Al2O3. (Accepted)

Altekin, F. Tevhide and Kandiller, Levent and Özdemirel, Nur Evin (2008) Profit-oriented disassembly-line balancing. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (10). pp. 2675-2693. ISSN 0020-7543

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2008) Künye bellemeyen kezbanlar: kadın redciler neyi reddediyorlar? In: Uluslararası Vicdani Red Konferansı, İstanbul Bilgi Universitesi

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2008) Militarism and the culture of violence. In: World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI), Istanbul

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2008) What Feminism Says To War: Cynthia Cockburn From Where We Stand: War, Women's Activism, and Feminist Analysis (London and New York: Zed Books, 2007). [Book Review]

Altuğ, Sumru and Filiztekin, Alpay and Pamuk, Şevket (2008) Sources of long-term economic growth for Turkey, 1880-2005. European Review of Economic History, 12 (3). pp. 393-430. ISSN 1361-4916 (Print) 1474-0044 (Online)

Ararat, Melsa and Balic, Amra (2008) Turkish transperancy and disclosure survey 2008; a year of littel or no progress. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2008/0002

Ararat, Melsa and Bayazıt, Mahmut (2008) Does the Adoption of Codes of Conduct Marginalise Labour Unions? The Case of Turkey’s Garment Sector. In: Mallin, Chris, (ed.) Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study Approach. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,. (Accepted)

Armağan, Önsel (2008) Ling browser: a NLP based browser for linguistic information. [Thesis]

Armour, Neil and Yıldız, Mehmet and Yıldız, Emine and Dost, Sadık (2008) Liquid phase diffusion growth of SiGe single crystals under magnetic fields. ECS Transactions, 10 (16). pp. 135-146. ISSN 1938-5862 (Print) 1938-6737 (Online)

Arnott, Richard and İnci, Eren (2008) The Stability of downtown parking and traffic congestion. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0004

Artan, Tülay (2008) A book of kings produced and presented as a treatise on hunting. Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, 25 . pp. 299-330. ISSN 0732-2992

Asan, Pınar (2008) Wandering. [Thesis]

Atalay, İsmail Cem and Sarıkaya, Yunus and Gürbüz, Özgür and Erçetin, Özgür (2008) Accurate non-intrusive residual bandwidth estimation in WMNs. In: 5th IEEE Annual Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, 2008., Burlingame, CA

Atılgan, Canan and Aykut, Ayşe Özlem and Atılgan, Ali Rana (2008) How a vicinal layer of solvent modulates the dynamics of proteins. Biophysical Journal, 94 . pp. 79-89. ISSN 0006-3495

Atılgan, Canan and Demirel, Güven and Atılgan, Ali Rana (2008) Collective behavior of El Farol attendees. Advances in Complex Systems, 11 (4). pp. 629-639. ISSN 0219-5259

Atiyas, İzak and Oder, Burak (2008) Türkiye'de özelleştirmenin hukuk ve ekonomisi. Project Report. Türkiye Ekonomi Politikaları Araştırma Vakfı (TEPAV), Ankara.

Atwani, Osman and Barıştıran, Canan and Erden, Ayça and Sönmez, Gürsel (2008) A stable, low band gap electroactive polymer: poly(4,7-dithien-2-yl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole). Synthetic Metals, 158 (3-4). pp. 83-89. ISSN 0379-6779

Ax, Christian and Greve, Jan and Nilsson, Ulf (2008) The impact of competition and uncertainty on the adoption of target costing. International Journal of Production Economics, 115 (1). pp. 92-103. ISSN 0925-5273

Ay, Salih Hasan (2008) Şeylerin mırmırı, mırıldanmanın şeyleri/Things get to murmur, murmur gets to be a thing. [Thesis]

Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Robinson, Chris (2008) Global labour markets, return and onward migration. Canadian Journal of Economics, 41 (4). pp. 1285-1311. ISSN 0008-4085

Aydemir, Abdurrahman Bekir and Skuterud, Mikal (2008) The Immigrant wage differential within and across establishments. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3). pp. 334-352. ISSN 0019-7939

Ayiter, Elif (2008) Art education in a metaverse: ground<c>. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2008, Vienna, TU-Wien

Ayiter, Elif (2008) groundc the enablement of creativity in a metaverse. In: ISEA 2008, the 14th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Singapore

Ayiter, Elif (2008) Integrative art education in a metaverse: ground<c>. Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 6 (1). pp. 41-52. ISSN 1477-965X

Ayiter, Elif (2008) The Uncanny Valley. In: Consciousness Reframed 9: New Realities: Being Syncretic A Transdisciplinary Inquiry Into Art, Science, Technology and Society, Vienne (Accepted)

Aykac, Selcen and de Kervenoael, Ronan (2008) Deneyimsel Pazarlama: Türkiye’deki e-Bankacılık Uygulamaları (Experiential Marketing: Turkish e-Banking Practices). In: 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi (13th National Marketing Congress), Kapadokya (Accepted)

Aykaç, D. Selcen O. and Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan and Kasap, Nihat and Eryarsoy, Enes (2008) Mobile phone and e-government in Turkey: practices and technological choices at the cross-road. In: Third International Conference on Mobile Government and the Mobile Society, Antalya, Turkey

Aytun, Taner and Mutaf, Ömer Faruk and El-Atwani, Osman and Ow-Yang, Cleva W. (2008) Nanoscale composition mapping of segregation in micelles with tapping mode atomic force microscopy. Langmuir, 24 (24). pp. 14183-14187. ISSN 0743-7463 (Print) 1520-5827 (Online)

Aytuna, Aydın (2008) Functional analysis and complex analysis. In: Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis, Sabanci University (Accepted)

Aytuna, Aydın and Zakharyuta, Vyacheslav (2008) On lelong-bremermann lemma. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 136 (5). pp. 1733-1742. ISSN 1088-6826 (e) ISSN 0002-9939 (p)


Bağış, Bilal (2008) Quantitative implications of changes in social security rules: the 2008 reform of Turkey. [Thesis]

Bakkaloğlu, Ahmet Kemal (2008) Realization of a voltage controlled oscillator using 0.35 um sige-bicmos technology for multi-band applications. [Thesis]

Baran, Eray Abdurrahman and Hançer, Cevdet and Çalıkoğlu, Egemen and Duman, Emre and Çetinsoy, Ertuğrul and Ünel, Mustafa and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk (2008) İnsansız hava araçları için test düzeneği tasarımı ve üretimi. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Barış, Baran (2008) Anti-lock brake system (ABS) via sliding mode control. [Thesis]

Barret, Didier and Göğüş, Ersin and Belloni, Tomaso and Gilfanov, Marat (2008) Science with the XEUS high time resolution spectrometer. In: SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation, Marseille, France (Accepted)

Bartlett, Marian and Littlewort, Gwen and Movellan, Javier and Vural, Esra and Lee, Kang and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül (2008) Datamining spontaneous facial behavior with automatic expression coding. In: Esposito, Anna and Bourbakis, Nikolaos G. and Avouris, Nikolaos and Hatzilygeroudis, Ioannis, (eds.) Verbal and Nonverbal Features of Human-Human and Human-Machine Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5042. Springer, USA. ISBN 978-3540708711

Bassa, Alp and Garcia, Arnaldo and Stichtenoth, Henning (2008) A new tower over cubic finite fields. Moscow Mathematical Journal, 8 (3). pp. 401-418. ISSN 1609-3321

Baş, Serkan and Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah and Yürüm, Yuda (2008) PAN-based Pd-doped activated carbon fibers for hydrogen storage: preparation, a new method for chemical activation and characterization of fibers. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 36 (3). pp. 247-253. ISSN 1303-5002

Başar, Ayfer (2008) Planning of emergency medical service stations and ambulances. [Thesis]

Başar, Ayfer and Çatay, Bülent and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2008) Acil yardım istasyonu yerlerinin planlamasında bir tabu arama yaklaşımı. In: Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği 28. Ulusal Kongresi (YA/EM'08), İstanbul

Başar, Ayfer and Özşamlı, Nihan and Akçay, Alp Eren and Ertek, Gürdal (2008) A taxonomy of logistics innovations. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2008/0009

Başkan, Deniz (2008) Security of the energy supply of the EU: a breaking point in integration? [Thesis]

Batu, Özge (2008) Parameter selection in non-quadratic regularization-based SAR imaging. [Thesis]

Batu, Özge and Çetin, Müjdat (2008) Hyper-parameter selection in non-quadratic regularization-based radar image formation. In: SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XV, Orlando, Florida, USA

Batu, Özge and Çetin, Müjdat (2008) İleri sentetik açıklıklı radar görüntüleme algoritmalarında parametre seçimi = Hyper-parameter selection in advanced synthetic aperture radar imaging slgorithms. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, and their Applications, Aydin. Turkey

Bayazıt, Mahmut (2008) Endüstri ilişkileri iklimi ve kuruma ve sendikaya bağlılık. In: 1. Çalışma İlişkileri Kongresi, The Greenpark Hotel, Kartepe, Sakarya

Bayazıt, Mahmut and Çanacık, Burcu (2008) Turkish owner-managers’ interpretations of institutionalization: the roles of perceived environmental complexity, regulatory focus and environmental scanning. In: 11th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV), Singapore

Bayraktar, Muharrem and Özcan, Meriç (2008) Holografik İnterferometri Kullanarak Yüzey Sapmalarının ve Titreşimlerin İncelenmesi. In: ELECO 2008, Bursa (Accepted)

Beechler, Schon and Levy, Orly and Boyacıgiller, Nakiye Avdan and Taylor, Sully (2008) Global mind-set. In: Wankel, Charles, (ed.) 21st century management: a reference handbook. Twenty-first century reference series; v.1. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, pp. 178-189. ISBN 9781412949729

Beriker, Nimet (2008) Conflict resolution: the missing link between liberal international relations theory and realistic practice. In: Sandole, J. D. and Byrne, Sean and Sandole-Staroste, Ingrid and Senehi, Jessica, (eds.) Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 256-271. ISBN 978-0-415-43395-2

Beyhan, Neslihan (2008) Modelling innovation dynamics by using system dynamics methodology. [Thesis]

Bilen, Hakan (2008) Novel estimation and control techniques in micromanipulation using vision and force feedback. [Thesis]

Bilen, Hakan and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Micromanipulation using a microassembly workstation with vision and force sensing. In: Huang, D.-S., (ed.) Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5226/2. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 1164-1172. ISBN 978-3-540-87440-9

Birlik, Fırat (2008) Design and implementation of high quality H.264 video streaming over wireless mesh networks. [Thesis]

Bodenreider, Olivier and Çoban, Zeynep Hande and Doğanay, Mahir Can and Erdem, Esra and Koşucu, Hilal (2008) A preliminary report on answering complex queries related to drug discovery using answer set programming. In: 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming to the (Semantic) Web and Web Services (ALPSWS2008), Udine, Italy

Bodur, Sevinç (2008) Europeanization of Turkish foreign policy towards Cyprus issue under the jdp government: myth or reality. [Thesis]

Bonchi, Francesco and Malin, Bradley and Saygın, Yücel (2008) Recent advances in preserving privacy when mining data. Data and Knowledge Engineering Journal, 65 (issue ). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0169-023X

Bonchi, Francesco and Saygın, Yücel and Verykios, Vassilis and Atzori, Maurizio and Goukalas, Aris and Kaya, Volkan and Savaş, Erkay (2008) Privacy in spatiotemporal data mining. In: Giannotti, Fosca and Pedreschi, Dino, (eds.) Mobility, data mining, and privacy: geographic knowledge discovery. Springer Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 297-333. ISBN 9783540751762

Bott, Sebastian and Tesfamariam, Tsehaye and Hande, Candan and Çakmak, İsmail and Römheld, Volker and Neumann, Günter (2008) Glyphosate-induced impairment of plant growth and micronutrient status in glyphosate-resistant soybean (Glycine max L.). Plant and Soil, 312 (1-2). pp. 185-194. ISSN 0032-079X (Print) 1573-5036 (Online)

Bozat, Özgür (2008) Decoherence and entanglement in single molecule magnets. [Thesis]

Bozat, Özgür and Gedik, Zafer (2008) Spin bath decoherence mediated by phonons. Solid State Communications, 148 (5-6). pp. 237-239. ISSN 0038-1098

Bozoklu, Gülay (2008) Improvement in barrier properties of polymers used in packaging industry: pet/N-MXD6 blends. [Thesis]

Brandstatter, Nina and Meidl, Wilfried (2008) On the linear complexity of Sidel'nikov sequences over nonprime fields. Journal of complexity, 24 (5-6). pp. 648-659. ISSN 0885-064X

Budak, Erhan and Özlü, Emre (2008) Development of a thermomechanical cutting process model for machining process simulations. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 57 (1). pp. 97-100. ISSN 0007-8506

Budak, Erhan and Tunç, Taner L. (2008) A new method for identification and modeling of process damping in machining. In: First International Conference on Process Machine Interactions, Hannover, Germany

Bülbül, Kerem and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Şen, Ahmet (2008) Classic transportation problems. In: Taylor, Don G., (ed.) Logistics Engineering Handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 16/1-16/32. ISBN 084933053X ; 9780849330537


Caglayan, Mustafa and Filiztekin, Alpay and Rauh, Michael T. (2008) Inflation, price dispersion, and market structure. European Economic Review, 52 (7). pp. 1187-1208. ISSN 0014-2921

Canbakal, Hülya (2008) (1 November 2008) A database of Ottoman probate inventories / Osmanlı terekeleri veri tabanı. [Dataset]

Castillo, lmudena and Budak, Hikmet and Varshney, Rajeev K. and Dorado, Gabriel and Graner, Andreas and Hernandez, Pilar (2008) Transferability and polymorphism of barley EST-SSR markers used for phylogenetic analysis in Hordeum chilense. BMC Plant Biology, 8 (97). ISSN 1471-2229

Cebeci, Özge and Köktürk, B. and Ergen, Neslihan and Öztürk, Levent and Çakmak, İsmail and Budak, Hikmet (2008) Differential expression of wheat transcriptomes in response to varying cadmium concentrations. Biologia Plantarum, 52 (4). pp. 703-708. ISSN 0006-3134 (Print) 1573-8264 (Online)

Cenker, Cerem Işıl (2008) Turkey's changing perceptions of the EU: from partnership to patronship - the ever changing nature of EU conditionality in an ever distanced Europe. In: Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Stivachtis, Yannis A., (eds.) Turkey-European Union Relations: Dilemmas, Opportunities, and Constraints. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, pp. 189-214. ISBN 9780739124475 ; 0739124471

Ceylan, Ömer (2008) Realization of readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for an array of 72x4, P-on-N type HgCdTe long wave infrared detectors. [Thesis]

Chen, Kay-Yut and Kaya, Murat and Özer, Özalp (2008) Dual sales channel management with service competition. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 10 (4). pp. 654-675. ISSN 1523-4614 (Print), 1526-5498 (Online)

Collak, Filiz and Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Yeşilırmak, Filiz and Sayers, Zehra (2008) Purification and characterization of recombinant durum metallothionein domain constructs. In: Biophysical Society Meeting 2008, Long Beach, USA

Coşar, Serhan (2008) Facial feature point tracking based on a graphical model framework. [Thesis]


Dağdeviren, Canan and Gülleroğlu, Mert and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali and Papila, Melih (2008) ZnO nanofiber production via electrospinning. In: 4. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı (NanoTr4), İstanbul, Türkiye

Dağdeviren, Canan and Papila, Melih (2008) Dielectric properties of ZnO/PVDF flexible composites. In: SAMPE | Fall Technical Conference 2008 Multifunctional Materials: Working Smarter Together, Memphis Tennessee, US

De Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykac, Selcen (2008) Activating e-bank users: exploring the potential impact of e-atmospherics and experiential marketing case in consumer behavior. In: Blythe, Jim, (ed.) Consumer behavior. Thomson Learning, London. ISBN 9781844803811

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykac, Selcen and Çetin, Seda and Soylu, Yeşim (2008) Adopting the Experiential Values Propositions as E-atmospherics: An Illustration through the Case of E-banking. In: 15th International EIRASS Conference on recent advances in Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb (Accepted)

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. and Bisson, Christophe (2008) The influence of social E-atmospherics in practice: a website content analysis perspective. In: 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice, Universita Ca'Foscari, Italy

De Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. and Hallsworth, Alan and Canning, Catherine (2008) Capturing loyalty across garments’ range: the case of Supermarket Children clothing in the UK. In: 15th International EIRASS Conference on recent advances in Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia

De Kervenoael, Ronan and Liao, R I-JU (2008) Female e-behavior and high involvement products: an exploratory study of cosmetic products e-consumption in Taiwan. In: Business and Economics Society International Conference, Lugano, Switzerland (Accepted)

Demir, Mustafa Muammer and Uğur, Gökçe and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. (2008) Glycidyl-methacrylate-based electrospun mats and catalytic silver nanoparticles. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 209 (5). pp. 508-515. ISSN 1022-1352

Demirci, Tuba and Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2008) Control over feminine body, procreation and public health: demography, bio-politics and abortion in the Ottoman Empire (1789-1908). Journal of the History of Sexuality, 17 (3). ISSN 1043-4070

Demirci, Tuba and Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2008) Women's bodies, demography, and public health: abortion policy and perspectives in the Ottoman Empire of the nineteenth century. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 17 (3). pp. 377-420. ISSN E-ISSN: 1535-3605 Print ISSN: 1043-4070

Demirci Akyol, Esra (2008) The role of memory in the historiography of Hatay. [Thesis]

Denizel, Meltem and Altekin, F. Tevhide and Süral, Haldun and Stadtler, Hartmut (2008) Equivalence of the LP relaxations of two strong formulations for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times. Operations Research Spektrum, 30 (4). pp. 773-785. ISSN 0171-6468 (Print) 1436-6304 (Online)

Deveci, Tanju (2008) Andragogical and pedagogical orientations of adult learners learning english as a foreign language. In: 2nd International English Language Teaching Conference: ELT Profession: Challenges and Prospects (ELT 2006), Famagusta, North Cyprus

Dikici Bilgin, Hasret (2008) Foreign policy orientation of Turkey's pro-Islamist parties: A comparative study of the AKP and Refah. Turkish Studies, 9 (3). pp. 407-421. ISSN 1468-3849 (Print) 1743-9663 (Online)

Dikici Bilgin, Hasret (2008) Political opposition in Turkey: reflections on political Islam. In: ISA's 49th Annual Convention, Bridging Multiple Divides, San Fransisco, USA

Dinçer, Tolga and Kalemci, Emrah and Tomsick, John A. and Buxton, Michelle (2008) Low/hard state of microquasars at low luminosities. In: 7th Microquasar Workshop, Foça, İzmir, Turkey (Accepted)

Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Budak, Hikmet (2008) Analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from Agrostis species obtained using sequence related amplified polymorphism. Biochemical Genetics, 46 (9-10). pp. 663-676. ISSN 0006-2928 (Print) 1573-4927 (Online)

Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Yeşilırmak, Filiz and Yar, Sümeyye and Collak, Filiz and Sayers, Zehra (2008) Plant type 1 metallothioneins: candidates for intrinsically unstructured proteins. In: Biophysical Society Meeting 2008, Long Beach, USA

Doğanay, Mahir Can (2008) Efficient distributed privacy preserving clustering. [Thesis]

Doğanay, Mahir Can and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Saygın, Yücel and Savaş, Erkay and Levi, Albert (2008) Distributed privacy preserving k-means clustering with additive secret sharing. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society, PAIS 2008,, Nantes, France

Doyuran, Tamer (2008) Enhancements of Clarke-Wright savings heuristics for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. [Thesis]

Doyuran, Tamer and Çatay, Bülent (2008) Two enhanced savings functions for the Clark-Wright algorithm. In: Blecker, Thorsten and Kersten, Wolfgang and Gertz, Carsten, (eds.) Management in Logistics Networks and Nodes: Concepts, Technology and Applications. Operations and Technology Management (8). Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 245-258. ISBN 9783503112272

Drannikov, Sergey (2008) RFID-Based manufacturing monitoring and analysis system. [Thesis]

Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah (2008) Effect of metal catalyst and tailoring the conditions for cnf/cnt growth through cvd. [Thesis]

Duran, Ertuğrul Tolga and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk (2008) A study of brush seal oil pressure profile including temperature-viscosity effects. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT, USA

Duruş, Murat (2008) Logo recognition in videos: an automated brand analysis system. [Thesis]


Eiter, Thomas and Erdem, Esra and Faber, Wolfgang (2008) Undoing the effects of action sequences. Journal of Applied Logic, 6 (3). pp. 380-415. ISSN 1570-8683

El-Kahlout, Yasser and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2008) Global design optimization of complex electromagnetic devices via efficient frequency response interpolations. In: 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, USA

Elitaş, Meltem and Khan, Shahzad and Nergiz, Ahmet Özcan and Şabanoviç, Asif (2008) Function based control for bilateral systems in tele-micromanipulation. In: IEEE The 10th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Trento - Italy

Ellialtı, Tuğçe (2008) The stomachache of Turkish women: virginity, premarital sex and responses to ongoing vigilance over women's bodies. [Thesis]

Engin, Billur Hatice (2008) Introducing level of detail to 3D thematic maps. [Thesis]

Engin, Billur Hatice and Çetinkaya, Mehveş and Ayiter, Elif and Germen, Murat and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) Maestro: design challenges for a group calendar. In: Information Visualisation, 2008. IV '08. 12th International Conference, London South Bank University

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Seven, Utku and Taşkıran, Evrim and Koca, Özer (2008) Walking trajectory generation and force feedback control for the humanoid robot leg module SURALP-L. In: 11th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ISC 2008, Orlando, USA

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Seven, Utku and Taşkıran, Evrim and Koca, Özer and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Ünel, Mustafa and Şabanoviç, Asif and Onat, Ahmet (2008) SURALP-L – İnsansı robot platformu bacak modülü. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Erbatur, Kemalettin and Taşkıran, Evrim and Seven, Utku and Koca, Özer (2008) Moving single support ZMP trajectories for humanoid robot walking reference generation. In: 11th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ISC 2008, Orlando, USA

Erçetin, Özgür (2008) Association games in IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (issue ). pp. 5136-5143. ISSN 1536-1276

Erçetin, Özgür (2008) Distance-based routing for balanced energy consumption in sensor networks. In: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08), New Orleans, LA, USA.

Erden, Ayça (2008) Synthesis and optimization of carbon nanofiber templated polypyrrole. [Thesis]

Ergüder, Üstün (2008) Institutions' policies, visions, missions and aims; policies of institutional governance: IEP evaluation and Bogazici University. In: Amaral, Alberto and Rovio-Johansson, Airi and Joao Rosa, Maria and Westerheijden, Don F., (eds.) Essays on supportive peer review. Nova Science Publishing, New York, pp. 153-170. ISBN 978-1-60456-729-8

Eritmen, Kayhan (2008) Distributed detection algorithms for parallel and hierarchical wireless sensor networks. [Thesis]

Ersel, Hasan and Filiztekin, Alpay (2008) Incentives or compensation? government support for private investments in Turkey. In: Galal, Ahmed, (ed.) Industrial Policy in the Middle East and North Africa: Rethinking The Role of The State. American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 35-50. ISBN 9774160509 ; 9789774160509

Ersel, Hasan and Özatay, Fatih (2008) Fiscal dominance and inflation targeting: lessons from Turkey. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 44 (6). pp. 38-51. ISSN 1540-496X

Ersel, Hasan and Özatay, Fatih (2008) Which route should Turkey follow? The EU or national reform process? In: Yassin, E. G., (ed.) Modernization of Economy and Social Development. State University Higher School of Economics Publishing House, Moscow, pp. 146-156.

Ertan, Ünal and Erkut, M. Hakan (2008) On the X-ray light curve, pulsed-radio emission, and spin frequency evolution of the transient anomalous X-ray pulsar XTE J1810-197 during its X-ray outburst. The Astrophysical journal, 673 (2). pp. 1062-1066. ISSN 0004-637X

Ertem, Gökay Kamil and Çelik, Berrin and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2008) Endüstriyel tav fırınlarında ısı denkliği hesaplamaları ve enerji verimliliğinin belirlenmesi. In: IV. Ege Enerji Sempozyumu, İzmir

Eryarsoy, Enes and Koehler, Gary J. and Aytuğ, Haldun (2008) Using domain-specific knowledge in generalization error bounds for support vector machine learning. (Accepted)

Eryiğit, Gülşen and Nivre, Joakim and Oflazer, Kemal (2008) Dependency parsing of Turkish. Computational Linguistics, 34 (3). pp. 357-389. ISSN 0891-2017

Esin, Yeşim Hümay (2008) Formation control of multiple mobile robots using parametric and implicit representations. [Thesis]

Esin, Yeşim Hümay and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Mobil Robotların Eliptik Fourier Tanımlayıcılar ve Örtük Polinomlar Kullanılarak Formasyon Kontrolü. In: TOK'08 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, Türkiye (Accepted)

Esin, Yeşim Hümay and Ünel, Mustafa and Yıldız, Mehmet (2008) Formation control of multiple robots using parametric and implicit representations. In: Huang, D.-S., (ed.) Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5227/2. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 558-565. ISBN 978-3-540-85983-3

Evin, Ahmet (2008) Freedom of Expression: Interpretations of Democratic Rights and Individual Liberties in Turkey's Political Culture. In: International Conference on the Freedom of Expression, Reykjavik (Accepted)

Evin, Ahmet (2008) Turkey and the European Union: paradigms and paradoxes. In: Baudenbacher, Carl and Busek, Erhard, (eds.) Aspekte der Globalisierung: Staatsmonopole für Spiel und Wette - Staatliche Beihilfen - Web 2.0. Verlag Österreich, Vienna, pp. 177-202. ISBN 9783704652515

Evin, Ahmet (2008) Turkish Foreign Policy: Deepening and Widening. (Accepted)


Fırlar, Emre (2008) Examination of a micromechanics based failure criterion for non-crimp fiber reinforced composite laminates. [Thesis]

Filiztekin, Alpay (2008) Türkiye'de bölgesel farklar ve politikalar. Monograph. TÜSİAD, Istanbul.

Finger, Sandra (2008) The meaning of a discovery: tourist gaze and tourist narratives in Southeastern Anatolia. [Thesis]


Garcia, Arnaldo and Stichtenoth, Henning (2008) Some remarks on the Hasse-Arf theorem. In: Fq8, Melbourne (Accepted)

Gatsias, Athanasios (2008) Resolving disputes within the parish: the role of Greek orthodox priests as third parties. [Thesis]

Gaubatz, Gunnar and Savaş, Erkay and Sunar, Berk (2008) Sequential circuit design for embedded cryptographic applications resilient to adversarial faults. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 57 (1). pp. 126-138. ISSN 0018-9340

Gelino, Dawn and Balman, Şölen and Kızıloğlu, Ümit and Arda, Yılmaz and Kalemci, Emrah and Tomsick, John A. (2008) The inclination angle and mass of the black hole in XTE J1118+480. In: A population explosion: the nature & evolution of x-ray binaries in diverse environments, St. Pete Beach, Florida

Genç, Yusuf and Verbyla, A.P. and Torun, A.A. and Çakmak, İsmail and Willsmore, K. and Wallwork, H. and McDonald, G.K. (2008) Quantitative trait loci analysis of zinc efficiency and grain zinc concentration in wheat using whole genome average interval mapping. Plant and Soil . ISSN 0032-079X (Print) 1573-5036 (Online)

Germen, Murat (2008) Inadvertent - Ars accidentalis. In: International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging (CAe 2008), Lisbon, Portugal

Germen, Murat (2008) Reconfiguring architectural space through photography. In: Computer Art Congress 2008 / Emerging forms of computer art: making the digital sense, Monterrey Tech Campus Toluca Mexico City, Mexico

Germen, Murat (2008) Redesigning architecture through photography. In: EVA London 2008, Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond, British Computer Society, London, UK

Goltz, Felix and Martellini, Lionel and Şimşek, Koray Deniz (2008) Optimal static allocation decisions in the presence of portfolio insurance. Journal of Investment Management, 6 (2). ISSN 0095-4918

Gonsalvesh, L. and Marinov, S.P. and Stefanova, M. and Yürüm, Yuda and Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah and Dinler-Doğanay, Gizem and Kolankaya, N. and Sam, M. and Carleer, R. and Reggers, G. and Thijssen, E. and Yperman, J. (2008) Biodesulphurized subbituminous coal by different fungi and bacteria studied by reductive pyrolysis. Part 1: Initial coal. Fuel, 87 (12). pp. 2533-2543. ISSN 0016-2361

Göğüş, Aytaç (2008) Influence of state education department regulations on teaching and learning with technology. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2008, Vienna, Austria

Göğüş, Aytaç (2008) Teachers' perceptions about the usefulness of integrating a digital device into high school mathematics classrooms. In: IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2008), Freiburg, Germany

Göğüş, Aytaç and Arıkan, Huriye (2008) Learning to learn in higher education. In: IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2008), Freiburg, Germany

Gökhan, Ali (2008) The determinants of internal migration in Turkey. [Thesis]

Gökhan, Ali and Filiztekin, Alpay (2008) The determinants of internal migration in Turkey. In: International Conference on Policy Modelling (EcoMod 2008), Berlin, Germany

Göktürk, Sarper Muharrem and Erçetin, Özgür and Gürbüz, Özgür (2008) Energy distribution control in wireless sensor networks through range optimization. In: IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Cannes, France

Göktürk, Sarper Muharrem and Erçetin, Özgür and Gürbüz, Özgür (2008) Throughput analysis of ALOHA with cooperative diversity. IEEE Communications Letters, 12 (6). pp. 468-470. ISSN 1089-7798

Görür Atabaş, Hülya (2008) Coaching in academic writing. In: Krzanowski, Mark, (ed.) Current Developments in English for Academic, Specific and Occupational Purposes. Current Developments in English. Garnet Education, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781859644393

Göymen, Korel (2008) Involving private enterprise in local development. In: De Vries, Michiel S. and Reddy, P. S. and Haque, M. Shamsul, (eds.) Improving Local Government: Outcomes of Comparative Research. Governance and Public Management Series. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 148-169. ISBN 9780230517523

Göymen, Korel (2008) İstanbul: Mega-city Straddling two Continents. (Accepted)

Göymen, Korel (2008) Milestones of Regional Policy and Practice in Turkey. In: LocDevelopmental, Kampala (Accepted)

Göymen, Korel (2008) The evolving state - third sector relations in Turkey. In: Osborne, Stephen P., (ed.) The Third Sector in Europe: Prospects and Challenges. Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-profit Organizations; 8. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 211-229. ISBN 0415423392

Göymen, Korel and Özkaynak, Begüm (2008) Türkiye'de yerel yönetişimde son gelişmeler: Pendik'te edinilen deneyimler ve çıkarılan dersler. In: Göymen, Korel, (ed.) Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları. İstanbul Politikalar Markezi, İstanbul, pp. 113-151.

Gözüaçık, Devrim and Bialik, S. and Raveh, T. and Mitou, Geraldine and Shohat, G. and Sabanay, H. and Mizushima, N. and Yoshimori, T. and Kimchi, A. (2008) DAP-kinase is a mediator of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced caspase activation and autophagic cell death. Cell Death and Differentiation, 15 (12). pp. 1875-1886. ISSN 1350-9047 / 1476-5403

Guner, Nezih and Kaygusuz, Remzi and Ventura, Gustavo (2008) Taxation, aggregates and the household. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0005

Gupta, Abhishek and O'Malley, Marcia K. and Patoğlu, Volkan and Burgar, Charles (2008) Design, control and performance of RiceWrist: a force feedback wrist exoskeleton for rehabilitation and training. International Journal of Robotics Research, 27 (2). pp. 233-251. ISSN 0278-3649 (Print) 1741-3176 (Online)

Gülgün, Mehmet Ali and Sturm, Saso and Cannon, Rowland M. and Ruhle, Manfred (2008) Transient dopant segregation and precipitation in yttrium-doped alumina. International Journal Of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde), 99 (12). pp. 1324-1329. ISSN 1862-5282

Gümeci, Cenk (2008) Development and characterization of electrospun carbon nanofibers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. [Thesis]

Günay, Anıl (2008) Development of a displacement sensor towards detecting quantum fluctuations in nanoelectromechanical systems. [Thesis]

Günaydın, Hakan (2008) Media and foreign policy in Turkey: the tezkere crisis of 2003. [Thesis]

Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak (2008) An integrated innovation model: how innovations are born and what are their impacts on firm performance? In: 15th International Annual EUROMA Conference, Gröningen, Hollanda

Günday, Gürhan and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Alpkan, Lütfihak (2008) Modeling innovation: determinants of innovativeness and the impact of innovation on firm performance. In: The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

Güneri, Cem (2008) Algebraic geometric codes: basic notions. [Book Review]

Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2008) Multidimensional cyclic codes and Artin–Schreier type hypersurfaces over finite fields. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 14 (1). pp. 44-58. ISSN 1071-5797

Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh (2008) Weil-Serre type bounds for cyclic codes. IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, 54 (12). pp. 5381-5395. ISSN 0018-9448

Güneş, Hatice (2008) Memory in obssesive-compulsive disorder: current status and its clinical implications. In: Xth International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Bodrum Turkey

Güneş, Hatice and Çağın, Özlem (2008) Contemporary counseling systems. In: 2nd Symposium on Psychological Counseling and Guidance in Universities, Sabanci University Istanbul (Accepted)

Gürbüz, Özgür (2008) Design and performance analysis of an ARQ scheme for broadband wireless access. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E91-B (6). pp. 1989-1998. ISSN 1745-1345 (online), 0916-8516 (print)

Gürsoy, Yaprak (2008) Civil-military relations as a component of democratic consolidation in Turkey: a comparison with Greece. In: Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Stivachtis, Yannis A., (eds.) Turkey-European Union Relations: Dilemmas, Opportunities, and Constraints. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, pp. 303-324. ISBN 978-0-7391-2447-5 ; 0-7391-2447-1

Gürsoy, Yaprak (2008) Crisis and conciliation: a year of rapprochement between Greece and Turkey. [Book Review]

Gürsoy, Yaprak (2008) Regime change in the Aegean after the Second World War: Reconsidering the foreign influence. In: The Annual Meeting of the ISA's 49th Annual Convention, Bridging Multiple Divides, San Francisco

Gürsoy, Yaprak (2008) The Effects of the population exchange on the Greek and Turkish political regimes in the 1930s. East European Quarterly, 42 (2). pp. 95-128. ISSN 0012-8449

Gürsoy, Yaprak and Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2008) The EU’s common foreign, security and defense policies and the Turkish perceptions. In: The Annual Meeting of the ISA's 49th Annual Convention, Bridging Multiple Divides, San Francisco

Güver, Tolga and Özel, Feryal and Göğüş, Ersin (2008) Physical properties of the AXP 4U 0142+61 from x-ray spectral analysis. Astrophysical Journal, 675 (2). pp. 1499-1504. ISSN 0004-637x


Haksöz, Çağrı (2008) Tedarik ağı risklerini akıllıca yönetmek. Dergi L=Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi ve Lojistik (27).

Haksöz, Çağrı and Kadam, Ashay (2008) Supply portfolio risk. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2008/0001

Haksöz, Çağrı and Pinedo, Michael (2008) Economic lot scheduling with resources in parallel. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2008/0007

Hammer, Tove H. and Bayazıt, Mahmut and Wazeter, David L. (2008) Union Leadership and Member Attitudes: A Multi-Level Analysis. (Accepted)

Hammer, Tove H. and Bayazıt, Mahmut and Wazeter, David L. (2008) Union leadership and member attitudes: A multi-level analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (2). pp. 392-410. ISSN 0021-9010

Hamzaoğlu, İlker and Taşdizen, Özgür and Şahin, Esra (2008) An Efficient H.264 intra frame coder system. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54 (4). ISSN 0098-3063

Harput, Sevan and Bozkurt, Ayhan (2008) Ultrasonic Phased Array Device for Acoustic Imaging in Air. (Accepted)

Heves, Emre and Tekin, İbrahim and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2008) A MEM-varactor tuned, 7.8 GHz differential LC voltage-controlled oscillator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 144 (2). pp. 296-303. ISSN 0924-4247

Hierons, Robert M. and Jourdan, Guy-Vincent and Ural, Hasan and Yenigün, Hüsnü (2008) Using adaptive distinguishing sequences in checking sequence constructions. In: Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil

Hocaoğlu, Elif (2008) Data acquisition and feature extraction for classification of prehensile semg signals for control of a multifunctional prosthetic hand. [Thesis]

Hocaoğlu, Muhammet Ali (2008) 3D reconstruction, classification and mechanical characterization of microstructures. [Thesis]

Hocaoğlu, Muhammet Ali and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) HK segmentation of 3D micro-structures reconstructed from focus. In: Huang, D.-S., (ed.) Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5226/2. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 1173-1180. ISBN 978-3-540-87440-9


Iasonidou, Thomai (2008) The impact of turning points on the change of images in a conflict society: a study of narratives in Cyprus. [Thesis]

Ilbagi, H. and Rabenstein, F. and Habekuss, A. and Ordon, F. and Citir, A. and Cebeci, O. and Budak, Hikmet (2008) Molecular, serological and transmission electron microscopic analysis of the barley yellow dwarf virus- PAV and the cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV in canary seed (Phalaris canariensis L.). Cereal Research Communications, 36 (2). pp. 225-234. ISSN 0133-3720 (Print) 1788-9170 (Online)

Irzık, Sibel (2008) Orhan Pamuk'ta temsil ve siyaset. In: Kılıç, Engin and Esen, Nüket, (eds.) Orhan Pamuk'un Edebi Dünyası. İletişim Yayınları; 1293. Çağdaş Türkçe Edebiyat; 171. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 31-53. ISBN 9789750505690

Israr, Ali and Kapson, Hakan and Patoğlu, Volkan and O'Malley, Marcia K. (2008) Effects of magnitude and phase cues on human motor adaptation. In: IEEE 3rd Joint EUROHAPTICS CONFERENCE and SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (Accepted)


Jha, Krishna C. and Ahuja, Ravindra K. and Şahin, Güvenç (2008) New approaches for solving the block-to-train assignment problem. Networks, 51 (issue ). pp. 48-62. ISSN 0028-3045 (Print) 1097-0037 (Online)

Joinet, Angelique and Kalemci, Emrah and Senziani, Fabio (2008) Hard X-ray emission of the microquasar GRO J1655-40 during the rise of its 2005 outburst. Astrophysical Journal, 679 . pp. 655-663. ISSN 0004-637x

Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, Selcen and Eryarsoy, Enes and Kasap, Nihat (2008) Categorizing ‘intention to use’ e-government services through mobile phone: the importance of front loading activities. In: International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2008), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada


Kabadayı, Sanem and Tekin, İbrahim (2008) Software-only TDOA/RTF positioning for 3G WCDMA wireless network. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 8 (7). pp. 895-906. ISSN 1530-8669

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2008) Aydınlanma, vatandaşlık ve kadın: Türkiye örneği. In: Keyman, Fuat, (ed.) Aydınlanma ve vatandaşlık. Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv ve Araştırma Merkezi, İstanbul.

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2008) Türkiye'de vatandaşlığın anatomisi. In: Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden, (ed.) Vatandaşlığın Dönüşümü: Üyelikten Haklara. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 168-184. ISBN 9789753426701

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2008) Vatandaşlığın ulustan arındırılması: Türkiye örneği. In: Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden, (ed.) Vatandaşlığın Dönüşümü: Üyelikten Haklara. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 31-54. ISBN 9789753426701

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2008) Vatandaşlık ve siyasal katılım. In: Yazıcı, Serap and Gözler, Kemal and Keyman, Fuat and Göztepe, Ece, (eds.) Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun'a Armağan (Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun). Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 225-246. ISBN 9789754644616 (Set) 9789754644623 (v.1) 9789754644630 (v.2)

Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2008) Vatandaşlık: kavramın farklı anlamları. In: Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden, (ed.) Vatandaşlığın Dönüşümü: Üyelikten Haklara. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 21-30. ISBN 9789753426701

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008) 1990'larda sanat ve eleştiri. In: Çalıkoğlu, Levent, (ed.) Çağdaş Sanat Konuşmaları: 90’lı Yıllarda Türkiye’de Çağdaş Sanat. Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 79-115. ISBN 978-975-08-1465-5

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008) Aklın siyaseti siyasetin aklı: egemenlik ve sınır şartları üstüne bir deneme. In: Aydınlanma sempozyumu, İstanbul

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008) Kuvvetler Ayrılığı İlkesi ve Liberal Demokrasinin İç Kısıtlamaları: Anayasacılıktan Demokrasiye. (Accepted)

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008) Political eras and Varlık. In: Deniztekin, Osman, (ed.) Selections From Varlık: The Magazine Which Created The New Turkish Literature, [1933-2008]. Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 213-249. ISBN 9789754343571

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008) The end of the 'New' as we know it: post-1990 and the ‘New’ beginnings in Turkish Culture. Third text, 22 (1). pp. 21-34. ISSN 0952-8822

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2008) Attitudinal orientation to party organizations in Turkey in the 2000s. Turkish Studies, 9 (2). pp. 297-316. ISSN 1743-9663

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2008) From parliamentary uni-partyism to fragmented multi-partyism: the odyssey of political regimes in the Turkish Republic. In: Zürcher, Erik Jan, (ed.) Turkey in the Twentieth Century (La Turquie Au Vingtieme Siecle). Klaus Schwarz in Kommission, Berlin, pp. 89-116. ISBN 978-3-87997-345-3

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2008) Justice and development party at the Helm: resurgence of islam or restitution of right of center predominant party? In: Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association at the Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2008) Party identification, islam and secularism in Turkey. In: International Studies Association’s Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, USA

Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2008) Türkiye'de demokrasi’nin pekişmesi: bir siyasal kültür sorunu (Democratic consolidation in Turkey: a problem of political culture). In: Yazıcı, Serap and Gözler, Kemal and Keyman, Fuat and Göztepe, Ece, (eds.) Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun'a Armağan (Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun). Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 247-277. ISBN 9789754644616 (Set) 9789754644623 (v.1) 9789754644630 (v.2)

Kalemci, Emrah and Tomsick, John A. and Migliari, Simone and Corbel, Stephane and Markoff, Sera (2008) Galactic black holes in the hard state, a multiwavelength view of accretion and ejection. In: 2nd Kolkata Conference on Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe, Vedic Village, Kolkata, India

Kallempudi, Sreenivasa Saravan and Gül, Özgür and Başağa, Hüveyda and Sezerman, Uğur and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2008) Label-free biosensors for the detection and quantification of cardiovascular risk markers. Journal of Sensor Letters, 6 . pp. 1-5. ISSN 1546-198X (Print) 1546-1971 (Online)

Kancı, Tuba (2008) Imagining the Turkish men and women: nationalism, modernism and militarism in primary school textbooks, 1928-2000. [Thesis]

Kaplan, Emre and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Savaş, Erkay and Saygın, Yücel (2008) Privacy risks in trajectory data publishing: reconstructing private trajectories from continuous properties. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 5178 . pp. 642-649. ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online)

Kar, Anirban and Kıbrıs, Özgür (2008) Allocating multiple estates among agents with single-peaked preferences. Social choice and welfare, 31 (4). pp. 641-666. ISSN 0176-1714 (Print) 1432-217X (Online)

Karabaşoğlu, Orkun and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2008) Comparative analysis of approximation methods in electromagnetic design. In: 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Karabat, Çağatay and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Robust Non-Blind Detection for Spread Spectrum Watermarking System. In: The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Harbin China (Accepted)

Karabat, Çağatay and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Watermark Detection Using Channel Estimation in the Quantization Based Watermarking System. In: The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing Conference, Harbin, China (Accepted)

Karaca, Esra (2008) Role of aven in apoptotic response following paclitaxel and docetaxel treatment in mda-mb231 breast cancer cells. [Thesis]

Karaca, Esra and Telci, Dilek and Kütük, Özgür and Başağa, Hüveyda (2008) Antiapoptotic mechanism of aven in cancer cells. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2008/0001

Karaca, Kevser and Levi, Albert (2008) Towards a framework for security analysis of multiple password schemes. In: ACM EUROSEC 2008, 1st ACM European workshop on system security (part of ACM Eurosys 2008), Glasgow, Scotland

Karaca, Mehmet (2008) Multimedia packet forwarding in 802.11 networks with access point diversity. [Thesis]

Karaca, Mehmet and Erçetin, Özgür (2008) A MAC protocol for multihomed WLANs. In: IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2008 (ISWCS’08), Reykjavik, Iceland

Karadayı, Sinan (2008) The effects of contractual relationships on investment incentives in complementary goods market. [Thesis]

Karaevli, Ayşe (2008) Türkiye'deki işletme gruplarında çeşitlendirme stratejilerinin evrimi. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi ((1-2)). ISSN 1303-4979

Karaevli, Ayşe (2008) Yönetici yedekleme planı bir örgütün değişim kapasitesini nasıl azaltabilir? kuramsal bir model (How can executive succession planning reduce the adaptive capacity of an organization: a theoretical model). Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Management Research), 5 (2). pp. 145-167. ISSN 1303-4979

Karaevli, Ayşe and Douglas, T. Hall (2008) The use of strategic career development in promoting organization effectiveness: a multilevel model. In: Cummings, Tom, (ed.) Handbook of Organizational Development. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, pp. 367-384. ISBN 978-0-7619-2812-6

Karatop, Ayşe Gül (2008) A modified identity-based encryption system for messaging applications. [Thesis]

Karatop, Ayşe Gül and Savaş, Erkay (2008) An identity-based key infrastructure suitable for messaging and its application to e-mail. In: 4th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, Istanbul, Turkey

Karpuzcu, Hakan Feyzullah (2008) Late Ottoman modernist/rationalist discourses on Islam: superstition, Sufism and Şemseddin Günaltay. [Thesis]

Karslı, Gizem (2008) Possible anticancer effects of pmc-a through the mechanisms of mitochondrial apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in colon carcinoma cell lines; hct116 wt and bax (-/-). [Thesis]

Kaya, Murat and Özer, Özalp (2008) Risk and Information Sharing in Supply Chains through Pricing Contracts. In: Özer, Özalp and Phillips, Robert, (eds.) Handbook of Pricing Management. Oxford Press, Oxford, UK. (Accepted)

Kayahan, Hüseyin (2008) Realization of readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for an array of 288x4, N-on-P type HgCdTe long wave infrared detectors. [Thesis]

Kayahan, Hüseyin and Ergintav, Arzu and Ceylan, Ömer and Bozkurt, Ayhan and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2008) Realization of a ROIC for 72x4 PV-IR detectors. In: SPIE-Photonics West 2008, San Jose California - USA

Kayalar, Ceren and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) Augmented reality based user interfaces to assist fieldwork on excavation sites. In: CAA 2008, Budapest, Hungary

Kayalar, Ceren and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) Augmented Reality Tools for Cultural Heritage. In: Symposium of the preservation of cultural heritage, Ankara (Accepted)

Kayalar, Ceren and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) Natural interaction framework for navigation systems on mobile devices. In: Pinder, Shane, (ed.) Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. I-Tech Educational and Publishing, Austria, Croatia, pp. 199-214. ISBN 978-953-7619-15-2

Kaymak, Ebru (2008) Arabidopsis thaliana lipases: cloning and expression in pichia pastoris. [Thesis]

Kaymaksüt, Ercan (2008) A 5.2 GHz RF combined power amplifier with fully integrated on-chip impedance matching Wilkinson power combiner and splitter. [Thesis]

Kaymaksüt, Ercan and Tekin, İbrahim (2008) Empedans Uyumlu Wilkinson Güç bölücü yöntemi ile Birleştirilmiş Güç Kuvvetlendiricisi Tasarımı. In: IV. URSI- Türkiye Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya (Accepted)

Kaynar, Hakan (2008) Heuristics for unique input output sequence computation. [Thesis]

Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Soft Feedback Equalization for Patterned Media Storage. In: International Conference on Magnetics, (Accepted)

Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Soft feedback equalization for patterned media storage. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (11). pp. 3793-3796. ISSN 0018-9464

Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Two-dimensional equalization/detection for patterned media storage. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (4). pp. 533-539. ISSN 0018-9464

Kholmatov, Alisher Anatolyevich (2008) Privacy protecting biometric authentication systems. [Thesis]

Kholmatov, Alisher Anatolyevich and Yanıkoğlu, Berrin (2008) Realization of correlation attack against fuzzy vault scheme. In: Security, Forensics, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents X, San Jose, CA, USA

Kıbrıs, Özgür (2008) A Revealed preference analysis of solutions to simple allocation problems. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0001

Kıbrıs, Özgür (2008) Cooperative game theoretical approaches to negotiation and group decision. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0007

Kıbrıs, Özgür (2008) On algorithmic solutions to simple allocation problems. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0006

Kılıç, Kemal (2008) Personalized advertisement system based on computational intelligence. In: 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Shenzen, China

Kılıç, Murat and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Sivrikaya Şerifoğlu, Funda (2008) A bi-objective genetic algorithm approach to risk mitigation in project scheduling. International Journal of Production Economics, 112 (issue ). pp. 202-216. ISSN 0925-5273

Kipping, Matthias and Engwall, Lars and Üsdiken, Behlül (2008) Preface: the transfer of management knowledge to peripheral countries. International Studies of Management and Organization, 38 (4). pp. 3-16. ISSN 0020-8825

Kipping, Matthias and Üsdiken, Behlül (2008) Business history and management studies. In: Jones, Geoffrey and Zeitlin, Jonathan, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Business History. Oxford Handbooks In Business and Management (224). Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 96-119. ISBN 019926368X

Kirmit, Umut (2008) Financial correlation networks. [Thesis]

Koca, Özer and Seven, Utku and Taşkıran, Evrim and Erbatur, Kemalettin (2008) Yay şekilli tek ayak destek SMN yörüngeleri ile insansı robot yürüme referansı sentezi. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Kocabaş, Övünç (2008) Design and realization of an embedded processor for cryptographic applications. [Thesis]

Kocabaş, Övünç and Savaş, Erkay (2008) Enhancing an Embedded Processor Core with a Cryptographic Unit for Performance and Security. In: 2008 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, (Accepted)

Koç, Mustafa (2008) The effects of switching costs over the pricing strategies of operators in mobile telecommunications market. [Thesis]

Koçak, Cemil (2008) Atatürk kürtlere özerklik verilecek dedi. In: Düzel, Neşe, (ed.) Hesaplaşma. Doğan Kitap Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 175-182. ISBN 9789759915766 ; 9759915766

Koçak, Cemil (2008) Yeni Belgeler ve Bilgilerle Otuzlu ve Kırklı Yıllarda Türkiye'de Yahudiler. In: Alkan, Mehmet, (ed.) Kemal Karpat Armağanı. İmge Yayınları, İstanbul. (Accepted)

Koçak, Özgecan and Carroll, Glenn R. (2008) Growing church organizations in diverse US communities, 1890-1926. American Journal of Sociology, 113 (5). pp. 1272-1315. ISSN 0002-9602 (Print) 1537-5390 (Online)

Koçaş, Cenk and Bohlmann, Jonathan (2008) Segmented switchers and retailer pricing strategies. Journal of Marketing, 72 (3). pp. 124-142. ISSN 0022-2429

Koçaş, Cenk and Irmak, Melek and Duran, Yasin (2008) Pazarlama kararlarına pazarın verdiği tepkiler nasıl ölçülür? Pazarlama ve İlrtişim Kültürü Dergisi .

Koğacıoğlu, Dicle (2008) Conduct, meaning and inequality in an Istanbul courthouse. New Perspectives on Turkey, 39 . pp. 97-127. ISSN 0896-6346

Konyalı, Haluk (2008) Long time stress relaxation of unfilled and filled amorphous networks under uniaxial tension. [Thesis]

Konyalı, Haluk and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Erman, Burak (2008) Long time stress relaxation of amorphous networks under uniaxial tension: The Dynamic Constrained Junction Model. Polymer, 49 (4). pp. 1056-1065. ISSN 0032-3861

Kopşa, Arzum (2008) The assassination of Hrant Dink from the perspective of Armenian youth in Turkey: a time of trauma or solidarity? [Thesis]

Koşar, Ali (2008) Exergy analysis of second generation micro heat sinks. In: Global Conference on Global Warming 2008 (GCGW-08), Istanbul, Turkey

Koşar, Ali (2008) Two-phase pressure drop across a hydrofoil-based micro-pin device using r-123. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32 (6). pp. 1213-1221. ISSN 0894-1777

Koz, Mustafa and Koşar, Ali (2008) Parametric study on the effect of endwalls on heat transfer and fluid flow in micro pin-fin heat sinks. In: ECI International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, Whistler, BC, Canada

Koz, Mustafa and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2008) Simulation-based analysis of a biologically-inspired micropump with a rotating spiral inside a microchannel. In: 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Darmstadt, Germany

Koz, Mustafa and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2008) Simulations of microflows induced by rotation of spirals in microchannels. In: Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems VI, San Jose, CA, USA

Kömürcü, Giray and Savaş, Erkay (2008) An Efficient hardware implementation of the tate pairing in characteristic three. In: The Third International Conference on Systems, ICONS 2008, Cancun, Mexico

Kömürcü, Gizem (2008) Effects of business excellence drivers on firm performance in manufacturing industry. [Thesis]

Kumatani, Kenichi and Ekenel, Hazım K. and Gao, Hua and Stiefelhagen, Rainer and Erçil, Aytül (2008) Multi-stream gaussian mixture model based facial feature localization=Çoklu gauss karışım modeli tabanlı yüz öznitelikleri bulma algoritması. In: IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, 2008. SIU 2008., Aydın, Turkey

Kumbaroğlu, Gürkan and Karalı, Nihan and Arıkan, Yıldız (2008) CO2, GDP and RET: an aggregate economic equilibrium analysis for Turkey. Energy Policy, 36 (7). pp. 2694-2708. ISSN 0301-4215

Kunaçav, Murat Özer (2008) The formations and constructions of the American identity: a case for classical antiquity. [Thesis]

Kunt, Emrah Deniz and Naskalı, Ahmet Teoman and Çakır, Kazım and Şabanoviç, Asif and Yüksel, Ebubekir (2008) A versatile and reconfigurable microassembly workstation. In: 6th International Workshop on Microfactories, Evanston, IL,USA

Kunt, Emrah Deniz and Naskalı, Ahmet Teoman and Çakır, Kazım and Şabanoviç, Asif and Yüksel, Ebubekir (2008) Çok Yönlü ve Tekrar Yapılandırılabilir Mikro Montaj İş İstasyonu. In: TOK'08 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Istanbul (Accepted)

Kunt, Metin (2008) Honored by the glory of Islam: conversion and conquest in Ottoman Europe. [Book Review]

Kunt, Metin (2008) Introduccion historica. Los tres grandes imperios: otomanos, safavidas y mogoles. In: Makariou, Sophie, (ed.) Tres Imperios del Islam. Estambul, Isfahan, Delhi. Obras masestras de la Coleccion del Louvre. Bancaja Foundation, Valencia, pp. 21-28. ISBN 978-84-8471-141-4

Kunt, Metin (2008) Legitimizing the order: the Ottoman rhetoric of state power. [Book Review]

Kunt, Metin (2008) Ottomans and Spain. In: Uluç, Lale and Aldemir Kilercik, Ayşe, (eds.) Ottoman Calligraphy From the Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul. Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, İstanbul, pp. 18-29. ISBN 978-975-8362-81-3

Kunt, Metin (2008) Reading elite, elite reading. Printing and Publishing in the Middle East, Journa (24). pp. 89-100. ISSN 0022-4480 (Print) 1477-8556 (Online)

Kunt, Metin (2008) Three great empires: Ottomans, Safavis and Mughals. 3 Capitals of Islamic Art: Istanbul, Isfahan, Delhi: Masterpieces From the Louvre Collection. Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, İstanbul, pp. 27-38. ISBN 9789758362806

Kuru, Yener and Savaşır, Onur Erdem and Nergiz, Zeynep Saide and Öncel, Çınar and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali (2008) Enhanced co-solubilities of Ca and Si in YAG (Y3Al5O12). Physica Status Solidi (c), 5 (10). pp. 3383-3386. ISSN 1610-1642

Kuru, Yener and Savaşır, Onur Erdem and Nergiz, Zeynep Saide and Öncel, Çınar and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali and Haug, Siglinde and Van Aken, Peter A. (2008) Yttrium aluminum garnet as a scavenger for Ca and Si. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (11). pp. 3663-3667. ISSN 0002-7820 (Print) 1551-2916 (Online)

Kuşku, Eda (2008) The shadow of past rivalry: limits of post-1999 dynamism in Greco-Turkish relations. Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA), 2 (3). ISSN 1865-6773

Küçükural, Alper (2008) Novel techniques for protein structure characterization using graph representation of proteins. [Thesis]


Li, Yanfang and Huegel, Joel C. and Patoğlu, Volkan and O'Malley, Marcia K. (2008) Progressive shared control for training in virtual environments. In: IEEE 3rd Joint EUROHAPTICS CONFERENCE and SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (Accepted)

Liu, Jian and Ahuja, Ravindra K. and Şahin, Güvenç (2008) Optimal network configuration and capacity expansion of railroads. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 . pp. 911-920. ISSN 0160-5682


Maksudyan, Nazan (2008) Hearing the voiceless-seeing the invisible: orphans and destitute children as actors of social, economic, and political history in the late Ottoman Empire. [Thesis]

Maksudyan, Sibel (2008) Repetition of separation anxiety and experiencing solitude. [Thesis]

Malay, Özge and Gülşen, Ece and Apohan, Nilhan K. and Güngör, Atilla and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. (2008) PMSE 486-Cyclic carbonate synthesis from supercritical carbon dioxide and epoxides for the preparation of polyurethane nanocomposites. In: 235th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Maşazade, Engin and Rajagopalan, Ramesh and Varshney, Pramod K. and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Evaluation of Local Decision Thresholds for Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Multiobjective Optimization. In: 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California (Accepted)

Mc Connel, Adam Bennett (2008) The CHP, The U.S., and Ulus: the portrayal of the United States in Ulus Gazetesi during WWII. [Thesis]

Meidl, Wilfried (2008) Reducing the calculation of the linear complexity of binary u2^v-periodic sequences to Games-Chan algorithm. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 46 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 0925-1022

Meidl, Wilfried and Özbudak, Ferruh (2008) Generalized joint linear complexity of linear recurring multisequences. In: Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2008, Lexington, KY, USA

Meydan, Cem and Küçükural, Alper and Yörükoğlu, Deniz and Sezerman, Uğur (2008) Biomarker detection for hexachlorobenzene toxicity using genetic algorithms on gene expression data. In: HIBIT08, ISTANBUL

Mısırlıoğlu, Burç and Akcay, Gursel and Alpay, Pamir (2008) Low-temperature monoclinic phase in epitaxial (001) barium titanate on (001) cubic substrates. (Accepted)

Mulvey, John M. and Şimşek, Koray Deniz and Zhang, Zhuojuan and Fabozzi, Frank J. and Pauling, William R. (2008) Assisting defined-benefit pension plans. Operations Research, 56 (5). pp. 1066-1078. ISSN 0030-364X

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2008) Information societies, new terrorism: its impact on international politics. In: Laçiner, Sedat and Özcan, Mehmet and Bal, İhsan and Bahar, Halil İbrahim, (eds.) USAK Yearbook of International Politics and Law. USAK (Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu), Ankara, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-605-0044-01-0

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2008) The European Union's Accession Negotiations with Turkey from a foreign policy perspective. Journal of European Integration, 30 (1). pp. 63-78. ISSN 0703-6337 (Print) 1477-2280 (Online)

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2008) Turkey and the European Union’s political conditionality. EUSA Review, 21 (1). pp. 6-7.

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2008) Turkey’s accession negotiations with the European Union: the long path ahead. In: Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Stivachtis, Yannis A., (eds.) Turkey-European Union Relations: Dilemmas, Opportunities, and Constraints. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, USA, pp. 115-133. ISBN 978-0-7391-2447-5

Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2008) Turkey’s accession to the European Union: The impact of the EU’s internal dynamics. International Studies Perspectives, 9 (2). pp. 201-219. ISSN 1528-3585


Nebiler, Metin (2008) Trust and wealth. [Thesis]

Neyzi, Leyla (2008) Better late than never: modern Turkey remembers its past. [Book Review]

Neyzi, Leyla (2008) Remembering Smyrna/Izmir: Shared history, shared trauma. History and Memory, 20 (2, Fal). pp. 106-127. ISSN 1527-1994

Neyzi, Leyla (2008) The burning of Smyrna/ Izmir (1922) revisited: coming to terms with the past in the present. In: Beller-Hann, Ildiko, (ed.) The Past as Resource in the Turkic Speaking World. Istanbuler Texte und Studien; Bd. 8. Ergon in Kommission, Würzburg, pp. 23-42. ISBN 978-3-89913-616-6

Neyzi, Leyla (2008) The Politics of public memory in Turkey. [Book Review]

Noyan, Nilay and Ruszczynski, Andrzej (2008) Valid inequalities and restrictions for stochastic programming problems with first order stochastic dominance constraints. Mathematical programming, 114 (2). pp. 249-275. ISSN 0025-5610 (Print) 1436-4646 (Online)


Onat, Ahmet and Naskalı, Ahmet Teoman and Parlakay, Emrah Mehmet (2008) Model Based Predictive Networked Control Systems. In: 17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Seoul Korea (Accepted)

Onat, Ayda (2008) Effects of Istanbul metropolitan municipality compost product on plant growth, mineral nutrients and heavy metals in plant and soil. [Thesis]

Oral, Ahmet (2008) High Sensitivity, Multi-Functional Micro-Hall Sensors Fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb Heterostructures. (Accepted)

Oreg, Shaul and Bayazıt, Mahmut and Vakola, Maria and Arciniega, Luis and Armenakis, Achilles and Barkauskiene, Rasa and Bozionelos, Nikos and Fujimoto, Yuka and González, Luis and Han, Jian and Hřebíčková, Martina and Jimmieson, Nerina and Ferić, Ivana and Kordačová, Jana and Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi and Mlačić, Boris and Topić, Marina Kotrla and Ohly, Sandra and Saksvik, Per Øystein and Hetland, Hilde and Saksvik, Ingvild and van Dam, Karen (2008) Dispositional resistance to change: measurement equivalence and the link to personal values across 17 Nations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93 (4). pp. 935-944. ISSN 0021-9010 (Print), 1939-1854 (Electronic)

Ow-Yang, Cleva W. and Yeom, Hyo-young and Paine, David C. (2008) Fabrication of transparent conducting amorphous Zn–Sn–In–O thin films by direct current magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 516 (10). pp. 3105-3111. ISSN 0040-6090


Pakatcı, Kemal İsa (2008) Protein secondary structure prediction with classifier fusion. [Thesis]

Papila, Melih and Sheplak, Mark and Cattafesta, Louis N. (2008) Optimization of clamped circular piezoelectric composite actuators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 147 (1). pp. 310-323. ISSN 0924-4247

Parla, Ayşe (2008) Irregular Workers or Ethnic Kin? Post-1990s Labour Migration from Bulgaria to Turkey. (Accepted)

Parlak, Mustafa and Adıbelli, Yusuf and Hamzaoğlu, İlker (2008) A Novel computational complexity and power reduction technique for H.264 intra prediction. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54 (4). ISSN 0098-3063

Parlak, Mustafa and Hamzaoğlu, İlker (2008) Low power H.264 deblocking filter hardware implementations. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54 (2). pp. 808-816. ISSN 0098-3063

Pedreschi, Dino and Bonchi, Francesco and Turini, Franco and Verykios, Vassilios and Atzori, Maurizio and Malin, Bradley and Moelans, Bart and Saygın, Yücel (2008) Privacy protection: regulations and technologies, opportunities and threats. In: Giannotti, Fosca and Pedreschi, Dino, (eds.) Mobility, data mining, and privacy: geographic knowledge discovery. Springer Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 101-119. ISBN 9783540751762

Pehlivan, Saliha (2008) On the absolute state complexity of algebraic geometric codes. [Thesis]

Pehlivan, Zozan (2008) The rich and the poor: wealth polarization in late eighteenth-century 'Ayntab. [Thesis]

Peleg, Zvi and Saranga, Yehoshua and Yazıcı, Mustafa Atilla and Fahima, Tzion and Öztürk, Levent and Çakmak, İsmail (2008) Grain zinc, iron and protein concentrations and zinc-efficiency in wild emmer wheat under contrasting irrigation regimes. Plant and Soil, 306 (1-2). pp. 57-67. ISSN 0032-079X (Print) 1573-5036 (Online)

Peral, Natalia Andrea (2008) Is civic nation building a tool for conflict transformation?: The Kosova’s Case. (Accepted)

Peyiç, Merve and Baba, Hakan Altuğ and Hamzaoğlu, İlker and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Low Power IEEE 802.11n LDPC Decoder Hardware. In: 16th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on VLSI-SoC, Rhodes Island, Greece


Sahin, Turker and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Stable algebraic surfaces for 3D object representation. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 32 (2). pp. 127-137. ISSN 0924-9907 (Print) 1573-7683 (Online)

Sakintuna, Billur and Dumanlı, Ahu Gümrah and Nalbant, Aslı and Erden, Ayça and Yürüm, Yuda (2008) Production of templated carbon nano materials, carbon nanofibers and super capasitors. In: EMCC 5, 5th Chemical Engineering Conference for Collaborative Research in Eastern Mediterranean Countries, Cetraro, Calabria, Italy

Saltukoğlu, Deniz (2008) Role of mapks in er stress-related cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. [Thesis]

Sarıkaya, Ruhi and Afify, Mohamed and Deng, Yonggang and Erdoğan, Hakan and Gao, Yuqing (2008) Joint morphological-lexical language modeling for processing morphologically rich languages with application to dialectal Arabic. IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 16 (7). pp. 1330-1340. ISSN 1558-7916

Sarıkaya, Yunus (2008) On-line residual capacity estimation for resource allocation in wireless mesh networks. [Thesis]

Sariibrahimoğlu, Kemal and Kızıl, Hüseyin and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk and Efeoğlu, İhsan and Birol, Feriha S. (2008) A study on wear rates of 100Cr6 steel running against sintered steel surfaces under dry and starved lubrication. In: The 47th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Sariibrahimoğlu, Kemal and Kızıl, Hüseyin and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk and Efeoğlu, İhsan and Kerpicci, Hüsnü (2008) Tribological behavior of sintered steel under starved lubrication in R600A environment. In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Tribology, iCAT 2008, Singapore

Sayarı, Sabri (2008) Non-electoral sources of party system change in Turkey. In: Yazıcı, Serap and Gözler, Kemal and Keyman, Fuat and Göztepe, Ece, (eds.) Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun'a Armağan (Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun). Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 399-418. ISBN 9789754644623 (v.1)

Sayarı, Sabri and Hasanov, Alim (2008) The 2007 elections and parliamentary elites in Turkey: The emergence of a new political class? Turkish Studies, 9 (2). pp. 345-361. ISSN 1468-3849 (Print) 1743-9663 (Online)

Seçkin, Özen Nergis (2008) The Possibilities and subversions of subjectivity self and desire in the modern turkish novel. [Thesis]

Sevan, Harput and Bozkurt, Ayhan and Yamaner, Yalçın Feysel (2008) Ultrasonic phased array device for real-time acoustic imaging in air. In: IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2008 (IUS 2008), Beijing, China

Seven, Utku and Taşkıran, Evrim and Koca, Özer and Erbatur, Kemalettin (2008) Ters sarkaç modeli ve salınan bacak telafisi ile oluşturulan yürüyen robot referans yörüngeleri. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Shkreli, Alma (2008) An analysis of reconciliatory mediation in Northern Albania: the role of customary mediators. [Thesis]

Simpson, Adam John (2008) Are you an effective teacher of reading? Horizons: The Journal of David’s English Teaching World (Issue ). pp. 7-13. ISSN 1756-2422

Slabaugh, Greg and Fang, Tong and McBagonluri, Fred and Zouhar, Alex and Melkisetoglu, Rupen and Xie, Hui and Ünal, Gözde (2008) 3-D shape modeling for hearing aid design. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25 (5). pp. 98-102. ISSN 1053-5888

Slabaugh, Greg and Ünal, Gözde and Fang, Tong and Whited, Brian and Rossignac, Jarec (2008) Variational skinning of an ordered set of discrete 2D balls. In: Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP),

Soldea, Diana Florentina and Soldea, Octavian and Ünal, Gözde and Erçil, Aytül (2008) A Comparison on Features Efficiency in Automatic Reconstruction of Archeological Broken Objects. In: 9th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2008) Erol Köroğlu: Ottoman propaganda and Turkish identity. Literature in Turkey during World War I. [Book Review] (Accepted)

Stacey, Samuel P. and McLaughlin, Michael J. and Çakmak, İsmail and Hettiarachchi, Ganga M. and Scheckel, Kirk G. and Karkkainen, Michael (2008) Root uptake of lipophilic zinc-rhamnolipid complexes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (6). pp. 2112-2117. ISSN 0021-8561 (Print) 1520-5118 (Online)

Stojanovic, Ivana and Çetin, Müjdat and Karl, W. Clem (2008) Joint space aspect reconstruction of wide-angle SAR exploiting sparsity. In: SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XV, Orlando, Florida, USA

Sun, Walter and Çetin, Müjdat and Chan, Ray and Willsky, Alan S. (2008) Segmentation of the evolving left ventricle by learning the dynamics. In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, France

Sun, Walter and Çetin, Müjdat and Chan, Raymond and Willsky, Alan S. (2008) Learning the dynamics and time-recursive boundary detection of deformable objects. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 17 (11). pp. 2186-2200. ISSN 1057-7149

Sümengen, Selçuk and Eren, Tolga Mustafa and Yeşilyurt, Serhat and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) A multi-resolution mesh representation for deformable objects in collaborative virtual environments. In: Braz, Jose and Ranchordas, Alpesh and Aráujo, Helder J. and Madeiras Pereira, Joao, (eds.) Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications International Conference VISIGRAPP 2007, Barcelona, Spain, March 8-11, 2007, revised selected papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 21. Springer, Berlin, pp. 75-88. ISBN 978-3-540-89681-4


Tabak, Ahmet Fatih and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2008) Simulation-based analysis of flow due to traveling-plane-wave deformations on elastic thin-film actuators in micropumps. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 4 (6). pp. 489-500. ISSN 1613-4990

Tanay, Onur (2008) Negotiating Iran nuclear crisis: transatlantic relations and beyond. [Thesis]

Tanrıverdi, Aydın (2008) Testing strategies for k-out-of-n systems under forest type precedence constraints. [Thesis]

Taraktaş, Başak (2008) A comparative approach to euroscepticism in Turkey and Eastern European Countries. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 16 (2). pp. 249-266. ISSN 1478-2790 (electronic) 1478-2804 (paper)

Taş, Duygu (2008) Pricing in column generation for a robust airline crew pairing problem. [Thesis]

Taşçı, Emre Sinan and Bayramoğlu, Ersoy and Levi, Albert (2008) Simple and flexible random key predistribution schemes for wireless sensor networks using deployment knowledge. In: International Conference on Information Security and Assurance, 2008. ISA 2008., Busan, Korea

Taşdizen, Özgür and Akın, Abdulkadir and Kükner, Halil Selahaddin and Hamzaoğlu, İlker and Uğurdağ, Fatih (2008) High performance hardware architectures for a hexagon-based motion estimation algorithm. In: 16th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on VLSI-SoC,

Taşkın, İhsan (2008) On the minimum distance of algebraic geometry codes. [Thesis]

Taşoluk, Burcu (2008) Global brands: a multi-level, multi-country analysis. In: Academy of International Business 2008 Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy

Taşoluk, Burcu and Droge, Cornelia and Calantone, Roger J. (2008) A contingency hierarchical generalized linear model for brand associations. In: 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Taylor, Sully and Levy, Orly and Boyacıgiller, Nakiye Avdan and Beechler, Schon (2008) Employee commitment in MNCs: impacts of organizational culture, HRM and top management orientations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (4). pp. 501-527. ISSN 0958-5192 print/ISSN 1466-4399 online

Taymaz, Erol and Filiztekin, Alpay and Fisunoğlu, Mahir and Kılıçaslan, Yılmaz and Lenger, Aykut (2008) KOBİ’lerde dönüşüm: küçük firmaların büyük başarıları. Monograph. Turkonfed (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu), İstanbul.

Tektaş, Berna and Kasap, Nihat (2008) Time and volume based optimal pricing strategies for telecommunication networks. In: 17th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2008), Dubai, UAE

Telci, Dilek and Wang, Zhuo and Li, Li and Verderio, Elisabetta A. M. and Humphries, Martin J. and Baccarini, Manuela and Başağa, Hüveyda and Griffin, Martin (2008) Fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase matrix rescues RGD-impaired cell adhesion through Syndecan-4 and β1 Integrin co-signaling. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (30). pp. 20937-20947. ISSN 0021-9258

Terzioğlu, Tosun (2008) Diametral dimension and köthe spaces. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 32 (2). pp. 213-218. ISSN 1300-0098

Tomsick, John A. and Migliari, Simone and Markoff, Sera and Kalemci, Emrah and Bailyn, Charles and Buxton, Michelle and Corbel, Stephane and Fender, Rob and Kaaret, Philip (2008) Watching the formation and evolution of compact jets from accreting black holes. In: A Population Explosion: The Nature & Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments, St. Pete Beach (Florida)

Topçu, Berkay and Erdoğan, Hakan (2008) Using local temporal features of bounding boxes for walking/running classification. In: ICASSP, LaS Vegas

Türe, Elif Hatice (2008) A neoclassical analysis of the 2001 crisis in Turkey. [Thesis]

Türe, Ferhan (2008) A hybrid machine translation system from Turkish to English. [Thesis]

Türe, Ferhan and Erdem, Esra (2008) Efficient haplotype inference with answer set programming. In: The Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'08), Chicago, USA

Türker, Uraz Cengiz (2008) Visualization of large temporal social network datasets. [Thesis]

Türünç, Oğuz and Kayaman-Apohan, Nilhan and Kahraman, M. Vezir and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Güngör, Atilla (2008) Nonisocyanate based polyurethane/silica nanocomposites and their coating performance. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 47 (3). pp. 290-299. ISSN 0928-0707 (Print) 1573-4846 (Online)

Tüysüzoğlu, Ahmet and Pakatcı, Kemal İsa and Erdoğan, Hakan (2008) Gözetim videolarında nesne ve olay tanımlama başarım analizi için veritabanı oluşturulması. In: IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme, İletişim ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Didim


Uğur, Gül (2008) Essential spectra of composition operators on the space of bounded analytic functions. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 32 (4). pp. 475-480. ISSN 1300-0098

Uluç, Vanya Anna (2008) Synthesis and characterization of phosphorescent strontium aluminate compounds. [Thesis]

Ulukan, Erdem and Gürbüz, Özgür (2008) Angular MAC: a framework for directional antennas in wireless mesh networks. Wireless networks, 14 (2). pp. 259-275. ISSN 1022-0038 (Print) 1572-8196 (Online)

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Günday, Gürhan and Alpkan, Lütfihak and Kılıç, Kemal (2008) Effects of organizational innovations on firm's production performance. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore

Ural, Hasan and Jourdan, Guy-Vincent and Yenigün, Hüsnü (2008) Combining Adaptive Tests. In: 23rd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul, TURKEY (Accepted)

Uzunbaş, Mustafa Gökhan (2008) Coupled non-parametric shape and moment-based inter-shape pose priors for multiple basal ganglia structure segmentation. [Thesis]

Uzunbaş, Mustafa Gökhan and Çetin, Müjdat and Ünal, Gözde and Erçil, Aytül (2008) Coupled nonparametric shape priors for segmentation of multiple basal ganglia structures. In: 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008, Paris, France

Uzunbaş, Mustafa Gökhan and Çetin, Müjdat and Ünal, Gözde and Erçil, Aytül (2008) Çoklu beyin yapılarının bağlaşık, parametrik olmayan şekil önbilgisi kullanılarak bölütlenmesi = Segmentation of multiple brain structures using coupled nonparametric shape priors. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, and their Applications, Aydin. Turkey


Varshney, Kush R. and Çetin, Müjdat and Fisher, III, John W. and Willsky, Alan S. (2008) Sparse representation in structured dictionaries with application to synthetic aperture radar. IEEE transactions on signal processing, 56 (issue ). pp. 3548-3561. ISSN 1053-587X

Vural, Esra and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül and Littlewort, Gwen and Bartlett, Marian and Movellan, Javier (2008) Automated drowsiness detection for improved driving safety. In: ICAT 2008: International Conference on Automotive Technologies, Istanbul

Vural, Esra and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül and Littlewort, Gwen and Bartlett, Marian and Movellan, Javier (2008) Bilgisayarlı görü yöntemleriyle sürücüde uykululuğun sezimi = Detecting driver drowsiness using computer vision techniques). In: IEEE SIU (Sinyal İşleme Uygulamaları),

Vural, Esra and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül and Littlewort, Gwen and Bartlett, Marian and Movellan, Javier (2008) Machine Learning Systems for Detecting Driver Drowsiness. In: Takeda, Kazuya and Hansen, John and Abut, Hüseyin, (eds.) In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior. Springer, USA. (Accepted)

Vural, Esra and Çetin, Müjdat and Erçil, Aytül and Littlewort, Gwen and Bartlett, Marian and Movellan, Javier (2008) Machine learning systems for detecting driver drowsiness. In: Takeda, K. and Hansen, J. H. L and Erdoğan, Hakan and Abut, Hüseyin, (eds.) In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior. Springer, New York, USA, pp. 97-110. ISBN 978-0387795812


Wang, Zhe Wendy and Slabaugh, Greg and Ünal, Gözde and Fang, Tong (2008) Information-theoretic feature detection and its application to registration of ultrasound images. The International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS), 13 (2). pp. 136-145.

Wasti, Nazlı Syeda and Wasti, S. Arzu (2008) Trust in buyer-supplier relations: The case of the Turkish automotive industry. Journal of International Business Studies, 39 (1). pp. 118-131. ISSN 0047-2506

Wasti, S. Arzu (2008) Organizational commitment: Complication or clarification? In: Smith, Peter B. and Peterson, Mark F. and Thomas, David C., (eds.) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management Research. Sage, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 95-115. ISBN 9781412940269

Wasti, S. Arzu and Can, Özge (2008) Affective and normative commitment to organization, supervisor, and coworkers: do collectivist values matter? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73 (3). pp. 404-413. ISSN 0001-8791

Wasti, S. Arzu and Lee, Kibeom. and Ashton, Michael C. and Somer, Oya (2008) Six Turkish personality factors and the HEXACO model of personality structure. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39 (6). pp. 665-684. ISSN 0022-0221 (Print) 1552-5422 (Online)

Wasti, S. Arzu and Poell, Rob F. and Demircan Çakar, Nigar (2008) Oceans and notions apart? An analysis of the US and European human resource development literature. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (12). pp. 2155-2170. ISSN 0958-5192


Yamaner, Yalçın Feysel and Cenkeramaddi, Linga Reddy and Bozkurt, Ayhan (2008) Front-end IC design for intravascular ultrasound imaging. In: PhD. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, PRIME 2008., Boğaziçi Un'versity, Istanbul. (Accepted)

Yanfang, Li and Israr, Ali and Patoğlu, Volkan and O'Malley, Marcia K. (2008) Passive and active kinesthetic perception just noticeable difference for natural frequency of virtual dynamic systems. In: IEEE Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Haptics Symposium 2008, Reno, NV, USA

Yannier, Selim (2008) Analog controller based on sliding mode control for piezoelectric actuators. [Thesis]

Yazıcı, Özcan (2008) Kolmogorov problem on widths asymptotics and pluripotential theory. [Thesis]

Yazıcıoğlu, Ahmet Yasin and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Esnek Mekanik Sistemler için Birleştirilmiş Dalga Tabanlı Kontrol ve Bozucu Etken Gözlemleyicisi. In: TOK'08 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, Türkiye (Accepted)

Yazıcıoğlu, Ahmet Yasin and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Ölçekten Bağımsız Öznitelik Dönüşümü (SIFT) Kullanımıyla 4 Serbestlik Dereceli Görüntü Tabanlı Görsel Geri Beslemeli Kontrol. In: TOK'08 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, Türkiye (Accepted)

Yeğenoğlu, Hande and Ulusoy, Gündüz (2008) İmalat sanayiinde yenilik araştırması 2006/07 - yönetici özeti. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Yeşil, Emel (2008) Genetic variation for salt and zinc defficiency tolerance in aegilops tauschii. [Thesis]

Yeşilırmak, Filiz (2008) Biophysical and functional characterization of wheat metallothionein at molecular level. [Thesis]

Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2008) Modeling and simulations of deformation and transport in PEM fuel cells. In: 6th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology Conference (FuelCell2008), Denver, Colorado, USA

Yetkin, Deniz (2008) Elites, power sources and democracy. [Thesis]

Yılancıoğlu, Kaan (2008) Pramanicin-a induces apoptosis in hct116 colon carcinoma cells: activation of jnk, p38, erk1/2 and induction of oxidative stress. [Thesis]

Yıldırım, İsmail Fatih (2008) SecurePL: a compiler and toolbox for practical and easy secure multiparty computation. [Thesis]

Yıldırım, Mahir Umman (2008) An ant colony algorithm for the time-independent and time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows. [Thesis]

Yıldız, Mehmet and Rook, Rusty and Suleman, Afzal (2008) SPH with the multiple boundary tangent method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering . ISSN 0029-5981

Yılmaz, Bahri (2008) Foreign trade specialization and international competitiveness Of Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the EU 12. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0008

Yılmaz, Bahri (2008) Relations of Turkey with the European Union a candidate forever? [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Mustafa Doruk (2008) Foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean partner countries, developments and determinants of FDI in the Mediterranean countries. In: Zukrowska, Katarzyna, (ed.) Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 65-92. ISBN 978-83-7378-413-0

Yılmaz, Bahri and Öztürk, Ezgi Özgül (2008) New challenges: the impact of EU enlargement on the Barcelona process: international competitiveness and foreign trade specialisation in the enlarged European Union and MPCs. Division of labour in the mediterranean neighbouring countries and a comparison with seven new member countries, Turkey and the EU 15. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Yılmaz, Ömer Zekvan and Levi, Albert and Savaş, Erkay (2008) Multiphase deployment models for fast self healing in wireless sensor networks. In: International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2008, Porto, Portugal

Yılmaz, Sinem (2008) Role of bcl-2 family members in 4-hne induced apoptosis. [Thesis]

Yördem, Sinan Onur and Papila, Melih and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. (2008) Effects of electrospinning parameters on polyacrylonitrile nanofiber diameter: an investigation by response surface methodology. Materials & design, 29 (1). pp. 34-44. ISSN 0261-3069

Yüksel, Seren (2008) Removal of boron from aqueous solutions by adsorption using natural adsorbents. [Thesis]

Yüksel, Sevgi (2008) Constructing a justice model based on Sen's capability approach. [Thesis]


Zakhariouta, Anastassia and Taralp, Alpay (2008) Entwicklung von reagenzfrei kovalentes Quervernetzen der chitosan-gelatine Grundgerüste Development of reagent-free covalent crosslinking of chitosan-gelatin scaffolds. In: 10 International Essen Conference on Biomaterials and Biomechanics, University of Essen-Duisburg (Accepted)

Zakharyuta, Vyacheslav (2008) Kolmogorov problem on widths asymptotics and pluripotential theory. (Accepted)

Zhang, L. C. and Vasiliev, A. L. and Mısırlıoğlu, Burç and Ramesh, R. and Alpay, S. P. and Aindow, M. (2008) Cation ordering in epitaxial lead zirconate titanate films. Applied Physics Letters, 93 (26). ISSN 0003-6951 (Print) 1077-3118 (Online)


Çakıcı, Serdar and Sümengen, Selçuk and Sezerman, Uğur and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) DockPro: a VR-based tool for protein-protein docking problem. In: 7th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2008), Fusionopolis , Singapore

Çakır, Mustafa and Karataş, Sevim and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Kayaman-Apohan, Nilhan and Güngör, Atilla (2008) Phosphorus-containing sulfonated polyimides for proton exchange membranes. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 209 (9). pp. 919-929. ISSN 1022-1352

Çakmak, İsmail and Kirkby, Ernest A. (2008) Role of magnesium in carbon partitioning and alleviating photooxidative damage. Physiologia Plantarum, 133 (issue ). pp. 692-704. ISSN 0031-9317

Çallı, Berk (2008) Visually aided force control with fuzzy parameter tuning. [Thesis]

Çallı, Berk and Erbatur, Kemalettin and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Bulanık parametre ayarlamalı görüntü destekli kuvvet kontrolü. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Çamlıkaya, Eren (2008) Identity verification using voice and its use in a privacy preserving system. [Thesis]

Çamlıkaya, Eren and Kholmatov, Alisher Anatolyevich and Yanıkoğlu, Berrin (2008) Multi-biometric templates using fingerprint and voice. In: Biometric Technology for Human Identification V, Orlando, Florida, USA

Çapın, Tolga and Balcısoy, Selim and Thalmann, Daniel and Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia and Chua, Tat-Seng (2008) Editorial: CGI 2008. The Visual Computer, 24 (7-9). p. 463. ISSN 0178-2789 (Print) 1432-2315 (Online)

Çarıkçı, Alaettin (2008) Manifestations of gendercidal trauma in the short stories of Kirkor Ceyhan. [Thesis]

Çarkoğlu, Ali (2008) Ideology or economic pragmatism: determinants of party choice in Turkey for the July 2007 elections. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:439

Çarkoğlu, Ali (2008) Ideology or economic pragmatism?: Profiling Turkish voters in 2007. Turkish Studies, 9 (2). pp. 317-344. ISSN 1468-3849

Çarkoğlu, Ali (2008) Social vs. spiritual capital in explaining philanthropic giving in a muslim setting: The case of Turkey. In: Day, Abby, (ed.) Religion and the Individual: Belief, Practice, Identity. Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective. Ashgate, London, pp. 111-126. ISBN 9780754661221

Hale, William and Çarkoğlu, Ali (2008) The politics of modern Turkey: critical issues in modern politics. Critical Concepts in the Modern Politics of the Middle East, 4 v.. Routledge, London, pp. 1-1600. ISBN 0415411068

Çarkoğlu, Ali and Hinich, Melvin (2008) The changing political space of Turkey from 2001 to 2004. In: Yazıcı, Serap and Gözler, Kemal and Keyman, Fuat and Göztepe, Ece, (eds.) Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun'a Armağan (Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun). Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 109-136. ISBN 9789754644616 (Set) ; 9789754644623 (v.1) ; 9789754644630 (v.2)

Çatay, Bülent (2008) An ant colony algorithm for the mixed vehicle routing problem with backhauls. In: 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Tokyo, Japan

Çatay, Bülent and Başar, Ayfer and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2008) İstanbul’da acil yardım istasyonlarının yerlerinin planlanması. Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 19 (4). pp. 20-35. ISSN 1300-3410

Çatay, Bülent and Özlük, Özgür and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2008) An ant colony algorithm for the sequential testing problem under precedence constraints. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing, China

Çelebi, Anıl and Akbulut, Orhan and Urhan, Oğuzhan and Hamzaoğlu, İlker and Ertürk, Sarp (2008) An all binary sub-pixel motion estimation approach and its hardware architecture. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54 (4). ISSN 0098-3063

Çelebi, Anıl and Urhan, Oğuzhan and Ertürk, Sarp and Hamzaoğlu, İlker and Dündar, Günhan (2008) MVBLA based design of constrained 1-bit transform based motion estimation algorithm. In: 16th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Aydın, Turkey

Çelik, Ayşe Betül (2008) The Age of apology: facing up to the past. [Book Review]

Çelik, Ayşe Betül and Gülçubuk, Bülent and Aker, Ahmet Tamer (2008) Ovacık ve Hozat ilçelerinde geriye göç sürecine ilişkin araştırma: "Alana ilişkin temel demografik göstergeler ve göç süreçlerinde yaşanan tarımsal değişimler". Monograph. Ulaşılabilir Yaşam Derneği, Istanbul.

Çelik, Hilmi (2008) Öğretmenin ötesindeki insan: Osman Bey Hocam. Bilgi Dünyası, 9 (2). viii-x. ISSN 1302-3217

Çelik, Hilmi and Bayır, Didar (2008) A general outlook on Turkish librarianship and libraries. Liber quarterly: the journal of European Research Libraries, 18 (3-4). pp. 470-479. ISSN 2213-056X

Çeşmelioğlu, Ayça (2008) On the cycle structure of permutation polynomials. [Thesis]

Çeşmelioğlu, Ayça and Meidl, Wilfried and Topuzoğlu, Alev (2008) Enumeration of a class of sequences generated by inversions. In: 1st International Workshop on Coding and Cryptology, Fujian, China

Çeşmelioğlu, Ayça and Meidl, Wilfried and Topuzoğlu, Alev (2008) On the cycle structure of permutation polynomials. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 14 (issue ). pp. 593-614. ISSN 1071-5797

Çeşmelioğlu, Ayça and Winterhof, Arne (2008) On the average distribution of power residues and primitive elements in inversive and nonlinear recurring sequences. In: 5th International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications (SETA 2008), Lexington, KY

Çetindamar, Dilek and Çetinkaya, Umut Yılmaz (2008) Greece: the oldest EU member country in BSEC. In: Konrad-Adenauer, Stiftung, (ed.) Strategies for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the SMS Sector in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region. The delicacy of the entrepreneurship and SME development in the axis of Ankara-Athens. Konrad-Adenauer, Ankara, pp. 251-268. ISBN 978-975-7968-74-0

Çetindamar, Dilek and Çetinkaya, Umut Yılmaz (2008) Turkey: The EU candidate country. In: Konrad-Adenauer, Stiftung, (ed.) Strategies of the Development of Entrepreneurship and SME Sector in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region. The delicacy of the entrepreneurship and SME development in the axis of Ankara-Athens. Konrad-Adenauer, Ankara, pp. 269-288. ISBN 978-975-7968-74-0

Çetindamar, Dilek and Hopkins, Tara (2008) Enhancing students' responsibility towards society through civic involvement projects. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45 (4). pp. 401-410. ISSN 1470-3297

Çetindamar, Dilek and Hopkins, Tara (2008) Enhancing Students’ Responsibility Towards Society Through Civic Involvement Projects. (Accepted)

Çetindamar, Dilek and Ulusoy, Gündüz (2008) Innovation performance and partnerships in manufacturing firms in Turkey. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19 (issue ). pp. 332-345. ISSN 1741-038X

Çetinkaya, Mehveş (2008) Manipulating consumers through graphic design: a project about the effects of graphic design on branding and consumer perceptions. [Thesis]

Çetinsoy, Ertuğrul and Öner, Kaan Taha and Kandemir, İlyas and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk and Ünel, Mustafa and Gülez, Kayhan (2008) Yeni bir insansız hava aracının (SUAVi) mekanik ve aerodinamik tasarımı. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Çiftçioğlu, Ertuğrul Necdet and Gürbüz, Özgür (2008) Opportunistic scheduling for next generation wireless local area networks. In: Bednorz, Witold, (ed.) Advances in greedy algorithms. In-Tech, Vienna, Austria, pp. 387-410. ISBN 978-953-7619-27-5

Çiftlikli, Serkan (2008) Energy efficient broadcasting in wireless ad hoc networks. [Thesis]

Çilingir, Halime Didem (2008) "Equivalent" material properties for designing ionic polymer metal composite actuators by equivalent bimorph beam theory. [Thesis]

Çilingir, Halime Didem and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Papila, Melih (2008) The effect of IPMC parameters in electromechanical coefficient based on equivalent beam theory. In: Smart Structures/Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring + Diagnostics, San Diego, California, USA

Çoban, Elvin (2008) Column generation approaches to a robust airline crew pairing model for managing extra flights. [Thesis]

Çoban, Elvin and Erdem, Esra and Türe, Ferhan (2008) Comparing ASP, CP, ILP on two challenging applications: wire routing and haplotype inference. In: 2nd International Workshop on Logic and Search (LaSh 2008), Leuven, Belgium


Öksüzoğlu, Ersin (2008) Fast, compact and secure implementation of rsa on dedicated hardware. [Thesis]

Öksüzoğlu, Ersin and Savaş, Erkay (2008) Parametric, Secure and Compact Implementation of RSA on FPGA. In: 2008 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, (Accepted)

Öncü, Ayşe (2008) Consuming the Past and Claiming the Present of Istanbul. In: Space and Nationalism in Greece and Turkey, Chios (Accepted)

Öner, Kaan Taha and Çetinsoy, Ertuğrul and Ünel, Mustafa and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk and Kandemir, İlyas and Gülez, Kayhan (2008) Dynamic model and control of a new quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle with tilt-wing mechanism. In: ICCARV 2008 : "International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision", Paris, France

Öner, Kaan Taha and Çetinsoy, Ertuğrul and Ünel, Mustafa and Kandemir, İlyas and Akşit, Mahmut Faruk and Gülez, Kayhan (2008) Yeni bir insansız hava aracının (SUAVi) dikey uçuş kipi için dinamik modeli ve yörünge kontrolü. In: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı TOK'08, İstanbul, Türkiye

Önsel Şahin, Şule and Ülengin, Füsun and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Aktaş, Emel and Kabak, Özgür and Topçu, Y. İlker (2008) A new perspective on the competitiveness of nations. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 42 (4). pp. 221-246. ISSN 0038-0121

Örencik, Cengiz (2008) Fuzzy vault scheme for fingerprint verification: implementation, analysis and improvements. [Thesis]

Örencik, Cengiz and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Savaş, Erkay and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2008) Improved fuzzy vault scheme for fingerprint verification. In: International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Porto, Portugal

Özbek, Sefa and Tekin, İbrahim (2008) IEEE 802.15.3a Standard Uyumlu, Ultra Geniş Bantlı- Düşük Gürültülü Kuvvetlendirici Devresinin Gerçeklenmesi. In: IV. URSI-Turkiye Bilimsel Kongresi, (Accepted)

Özdemir, Bahar Soğutmaz and Hernandez, Pilar and Filiz, Ertuğrul and Budak, Hikmet (2008) Brachypodium genomics. International Journal of Plant Genomics . ISSN 1687-5370 (Print) 1687-5389 (Online)

Özdemir, Özge (2008) Accumulation of selenium in different wheat genotypes and its protective role against various abiotic stress factors. [Thesis]

Özel, Feryal and Güver, Tolga and Göğüş, Ersin (2008) The magnetic fields of anomalous X-ray pulsars. In: 40 years of pulsars: millisecond pulsars, magnetars and more, Motreal (Canada)

Özgür, Erol and Ünel, Mustafa and Erdoğan, Hakan and Erçil, Aytül (2008) Evolving implicit polynomial interfaces. In: British Machine Vision Conference 2008, Leeds

Özgür, Erol and Yılmaz, Mustafa Berkay and Karabalkan, Harun and Erdoğan, Hakan and Ünel, Mustafa (2008) Lip segmentation using adaptive color space training. In: Auditory Visual Speech Processing, Moreton Island

Özlü, Emre (2008) Analytical modeling of cutting process mechanics and dynamics for simulation of industrial machining operations. [Thesis]

Özmen, Can and Balcısoy, Selim (2008) Bi-manual interactive tools for cultural heritage researchers. In: 2008 International Conference on Cyberworlds, Hangzhou, China

Öztat Alemdaroğlu, İz (2008) Oku/Read. [Thesis]

Öztoprak, Figen and Birbil, Ş. İlker (2008) Implementation of a fixing strategy and parallelization in a recent global optimization method. In: Euro Mini Conference on Continuous Optimization and Knowledge-Based Technologies (EurOPT-2008), Neringa, Lithuania

Özturan, Huriye Elvan and Oral, Muhittin and Kasap, Nihat and Bozkaya, Burçin (2008) Information technology and business awareness diagnostic tool. European Journal of Management, 8 (3). ISSN 1555-4015

Öztürk, Hafize Berna (2008) The impact of structural funds on local government in the EU: cases of the UK (England) and Germany. [Thesis]


Ünal, Gözde and Bucher, Susann and Carlier, Stephane and Slabaugh, Greg and Fang, Tong and Tanaka, Kaoru (2008) Shape-driven segmentation of the arterial wall in intravascular ultrasound images. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 12 (3). pp. 335-347. ISSN 1089-7771 (Print) 1558-0032 (Online)

Ünal, Gözde and Nain, Delphine and Slabaugh, Greg and Fang, Tong (2008) Customized design of hearing aids using statistical shape learning. In: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,

Ünal, Gözde and Slabaugh, Greg (2008) Endovaskuler müdahalelerde x-ray videodan kılavuz teli izleme = Guidewire tracking in x-ray videos of endovascular interventions. In: Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları,

Ünal, Gözde and Slabaugh, Greg (2008) Estimation of vector fields in unconstrained and inequality constrained variational problems for segmentation and registration. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 31 (1). pp. 57-72. ISSN 0924-9907 (Print) 1573-7683 (Online)

Ünal, Gözde and Slabaugh, Greg and Kakadiaris, Ioannai and Tannenbaum, Allen (2008) Introduction to the special section on computer vision for intravascular and intracardiac imaging. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 12 (3). pp. 273-276. ISSN 1089-7771

Ünal, Ramazan (2008) Design optimization and control of a parallel lower-arm exoskeleton. [Thesis]

Ünal, Ramazan and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Patoğlu, Volkan (2008) A multi-criteria design optimization framework for haptic interfaces. In: IEEE Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Haptics Symposium 2008, Reno, NV, USA

Ünal, Ramazan and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Patoğlu, Volkan (2008) Multi-criteria design optimization of parallel robots. In: IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems and IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, CIS -RAM 2008, Chengdu, China

Ünal, Ramazan and Patoğlu, Volkan (2008) Optimal dimensional synthesis of a dual purpose haptic exoskeleton. In: EuroHaptics 2008, Madrid, Spain

Ünal, Ramazan and Patoğlu, Volkan (2008) Optimal dimensional synthesis of force feedback lower arm exoskeletons. In: 2nd Biennial IEEE RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2006), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Ünel, Mustafa and Şabanoviç, Asif and Yılmaz, Burak and Doğan, Eray (2008) Visual motion and structure estimation using sliding mode observers. International Journal of Systems Science, 39 (2). pp. 149-161. ISSN 1369-7751

Üney, Murat and Çetin, Müjdat (2008) Akustik algılayıcı ağlarında çarpan çizgeleri kullanarak hedef konumlandırma = Target localization in acoustic sensor networks using factor graphs. In: IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, and their Applications, Aydin. Turkey

Ünlü, Abdülhakim and Levi, Albert (2008) Two-tier, location-aware and highly resilient key predistribution scheme for wireless sensor networks. In: Visions of Computer Science Conference, BCS International Academic Conference, London, UK

Üsdiken, Behlül (2008) Organizational theory. In: Clegg, Stewart R. and Bailey, James R., (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, pp. 1196-1200. ISBN 9781412915151

Üsdiken, Behlül (2008) Türkiye'de işletme grupları: özel sayı'ya giriş. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Türkiye'de İşletme Grupları Özel Sayısı), 8 (1-2). pp. 5-21. ISSN 1303-4979

Üsdiken, Behlül and Yıldırım Öktem, Özlem (2008) Kurumsal ortamda degişim ve büyük aile holdingleri bünyesindeki şirketlerin yönetim kurullarında ‘icrada görevli olmayan’ ve ‘bağımsız’ üyeler = Changes in the institutional environment and "Non-Executive" and "Independent" directors on the boards of firms affiliated to large family business groups. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 41 (1). pp. 43-71. ISSN 1300-1795


İmamoğlu, Mümin (2008) Serial distributed detection strategies for wireless sensor networks. [Thesis]


Şabanoviç, Asif and Elitaş, Meltem and Ohnishi, Kouhei (2008) Sliding modes in constrained systems control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55 (9). pp. 3332-3339. ISSN 0278-0046

Şabanoviç, Asif and Şabanoviç, Nadira and Ohnishi, Kouhei (2008) Control of interconnected mechanical systems. In: The 17th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea

Şen, Ahmet and Bülbül, Kerem (2008) A survey on multi trip vehicle routing problem. In: VI. International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress 2008 (6. Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi), İstanbul, Türkiye

Şen, Ferhat (2008) Critique duo:a socio-political critique on contemporary society with two short films. [Thesis]

Şen, Tunç Ahmet (2008) The dream of a 17th century Ottoman intellectual: Veysi and his habname. [Thesis]

Şendur, Kürşat and Challener, William and Mryasov, Oleg (2008) Interaction of spherical nanoparticles with a highly focused beam of light. In: MRS Conference: 2007 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA

Şendur, Kürşat and Challener, William and Mryasov, Oleg (2008) Interaction of spherical nanoparticles with a highly focused beam of light. Optics Express, 16 (5). pp. 2874-2886. ISSN 1094-4087

Şendur, Kürşat and Karabaşoğlu, Orkun and Baran, Eray Abdurrahman and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2008) Optimization of plasmonic nano-antennas. In: MRS Conference, San Francisco, USA

Şimşek, Koray Deniz (2008) Introduction to stochastic programming and its applications to finance. In: Fabozzi, Frank J., (ed.) Handbook of Finance: Valuation, Financial Modeling, and Quantitative Tools, Volume III. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 775-783. ISBN 978-0-470-04256-4

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