Items where Subject is "HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 49.


Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2013) Gendered silences, gendered memories: new memory work on Islamized Armenians in Turkey. (Accepted)

Canbakal, Hülya and Filiztekin, Alpay (2020) Slavery and decline of slave-ownership in Ottoman Bursa, 1460-1880. International Journal of Labour and Working Class History, 97 . pp. 57-80. ISSN 0147-5479 (Print) 1471-6445 (Online)

Demirci, Tuba and Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2008) Women's bodies, demography, and public health: abortion policy and perspectives in the Ottoman Empire of the nineteenth century. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 17 (3). pp. 377-420. ISSN E-ISSN: 1535-3605 Print ISSN: 1043-4070

Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan and Çakıcı, N. Meltem and Güner, Duygu (2010) The role of choice in the development of an m-government strategy in Turkey. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 2 (2). pp. 38-57. ISSN 1941-627X (Print) 1941-6288 (Online)

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2006) Demokrasiyi demokrasiyle aşmak ya da iktidarsız bir demokrasinin olasılıkları: Tocquvilleci demokrasi, toplumsal iktidar ve sivil toplum kaygıları. Doğu Batı (39). pp. 229-258. ISSN 1301-4153

Neyzi, Leyla and Darıcı, Haydar (2015) Generation in debt: family, politics, and youth subjectivities in Diyarbakır. New Perspectives on Turkey, 52 . pp. 55-75. ISSN 0896-6346 (Print) 1305-3299 (Online)

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2011) İki kitap, bir sergi: Türkiyeli Ermenilerin yeniden keşfi. In: İmparatorluğun Çöküş Döneminde Osmanlı Ermenileri: Bilimsel Sorumluluk ve Demokrasi Sorunları, Istanbul Bilgi University

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2014) Kimin kadınları? Müslümanlaştırılmış Ermeniler üzerinden aile-millet-kadınlar. In: Başka Bir Aile Anlayışı Mümkün mü?, İstanbul, Türkiye

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2013) Mardin'de torunlar: Müslümanlaş(tırıl)mış Ermenileri hatırlamak. In: Mardin ve Çevresi Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Konferansı (Uluslararası Konferans), Mardin, Türkiye

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2014) Müslümanlaş(tırıl)mış Ermenilere dair tarihsel suskunluk ve yeni hafıza çalışmaları. In: Müslümanlaş(tırıl)mış Ermeniler Konferansı, İstanbul (Accepted)

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) From progressive conservatism to conservative progressivism in Turkish Culture. In: Culture and Society in Modern Turkey, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2005) The Issue of Abortion in 19th Century Ottoman Empire. In: IXth International Congress of Economic and Social History of Turkey, Dubrovnik-Croatia,


Canbakal, Hülya (2009) 17. yüzyılda Ayntab: Osmanlı kentinde toplum ve siyaset. İletişim Yayınları; 1355. Araştırma Dizisi; 231. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. ISBN 9789750506369

Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Çetin, Fethiye and Freely, Maureen and Libaridian, Gerard (2014) The grandchildren: the hidden legacy of 'lost' Armenians in Turkey. (Translated by: Freely, Maureen) Armenian Studies Series. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick. ISBN 978-1-4128-5391-0

Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Çetin, Fethiye (2009) Torunlar. Metis Yayınları. Tarih Toplum Felsefe. Metis Yayınları, İstanbul. ISBN 978-975-342-728-9

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2007) Türk sağı ve AKP. Agora Kitaplığı; 151. Güncel Siyasi Meseleler; 3. Agora Kitaplığı, İstanbul. ISBN 9944916677

Singer, Amy and Neumann, Christoph K. and Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2011) Untold histories of the Middle East: recovering voices from the 19th and 20th centuries. SOAS/Routledge Studies on the Middle East; 12. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415570107

Mardin, Şerif (2006) Religion, society, and modernity in Turkey. Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N.Y.. ISBN 0815628102

Öncü, Ahmet and Tekelioğlu, Orhan (2005) Şerif Mardin'e Armağan. İletişim Yayınları; 1091. Araştırma-inceleme dizisi; 184.. İletişim, İstanbul, pp. 1-366. ISBN 9750503422

Book Section / Chapter

Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2022) Gendered silences, gendered memories: new memory work on Islamized Armenians in Turkey. In: Randall, Amy E., (ed.) Genocide and Gender in the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Survey. Bloomsburry Publishing, London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney, pp. 312-331. ISBN 9781350111004

Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Kancı, Tuba (2011) Küçük askerleri ve küçük ayşeleri eğitmek: ders kitaplarında askerileştirilmiş ve cinsiyetlendirilmiş vatandaşlık. In: Carlson, Marie and Rabo, Annika and Gök, Fatma, (eds.) Çokkültürlü Toplumlarda Eğitim: Türkiye ve İsveç'ten Örnekler. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 47-71. ISBN 978-605-399-139-7

Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Strid, Sofia (2024) 'Better stories' of feminist+ witnessing and co-creativity in dark times: epilogue. In: Belloso, Maria Lopez and Clavero, Sara and Strid, Sofia, (eds.) Resisting the Pandemic: Better Stories and Innovation in Times of Crisis. Peter Lang, Berlin - Bruxelles - Chennai - Lausanne - New York - Oxford, pp. 235-257. ISBN 978-3-631-91230-0 (Print) 978-3-631-91741-1 (Online)

Canbakal, Hülya and Quinn, Meredith and Terzioğlu, Derin (2022) Book ownership across centuries: the case of military men in Bursa, 1620-1840. In: Goshgarian, Rachel and Khuri-Makdisi, Ilham and Yaycıoğlu, Ali, (eds.) Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar. Ottoman and Turkish Studies. Academic Studies Press, Brighton, pp. 145-176. ISBN 9781644698464

Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan and Çakıcı, M. (2010) Sources of legitimacy in m-government initiatives in Turkey. In: Alkhalifa, Eshaa M., (ed.) E-Strategies for Resource Management Systems: Planning and Implementation. IGI Global, New York. ISBN 9781616920166 ; 1616920165 (print) 9781616920173 (electronic)

Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan and Palmere, M. and Çakıcı, M. (2010) Exploring civil servant resistance to m-government: a story of transition and opportunities Turkey. In: Abdel-Wahab, Ahmed Gad and El-Masry, Ahmed A., (eds.) Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries: Effects and Implications. IGI Global, New York. ISBN 9781616928186 ; 1616928182 (print) 9781616928209 (electronic)

Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2005) Türk milliyetçi romantisizminin sonu: kurucu modernist ideolojinin dönüşümü ve yazınsal söylem. In: Öncü, Ahmet and Tekelioğlu, Orhan, (eds.) Şerif Mardin'e Armağan. İletişim Yayınları; 1091. Araştırma-İnceleme Dizisi; 184. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 105-153. ISBN 9750503422

Öncü, Ahmet (2016) Masterless engineers of Turkey: an institutional evolution corroborating Veblen's theory of engineers. In: Hudson, Michael and Öncü, Ahmet, (eds.) Absentee Ownership and Its Discontents: Critical Essays on the Legacy of Thorstein Veblen. ISLET (Institute for the Study of Long-term Economic Trends), London and New York. ISBN 978-3-9814842-7-4

Öncü, Ahmet and Balkan, Mustafa Erol (2013) Reproduction of the "new" Islamic middle class in the neoliberal landscape of Turkey. In: Öncü, Ahmet and Balkan, Mustafa Erol and Balkan, Neşecan, (eds.) Neoliberal Landscape and The Rise of Islamic Capital: The Case of Turkey. Berghahn, New York, Oxford. (Accepted)

Öncü, Ahmet and Demiröz, Demir (2005) Türkiye'de piyasa toplumunun oluşumunda hegemonyanın rolü: bir gerçeklik projesi olarak beyaz Türklük. In: Öncü, Ahmet and Tekelioğlu, Orhan, (eds.) Şerif Mardin'e Armağan. Hocalara Saygı. İletişim, İstanbul. ISBN 9750503422

Öncü, Ahmet and Oğurlu, Anita (2013) A Gramscian reflection on the Laic/Islamic schism in the Turkish dominant class: the case of media. In: Öncü, Ahmet and Balkan, Mustafa Erol and Balkan, Neşecan, (eds.) Neoliberal Landscape and The Rise of Islamic Capital: The Case of Turkey. Berghahn, New York, Oxford. (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2005) Christian community schools during the Ottoman reform period. In: Özdalga, Elisabeth, (ed.) Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy. SOAS/RoutledgeCurzon Studies on the Middle East; 3. RoutledgeCurzon, London, pp. 254-273. ISBN 9780415341646

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2014) Ermeni eğitim kurumları, siyasallaşma ve Osmanlı yönetimi (1878-1923) [Armenian educational institutions, politicization, and Ottoman administration (1878-1923)]. In: Adanır, Fikret and Özel, Oktay, (eds.) 1915: Siyaset, Tehcir, Soykırım. Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul. ISBN 9789753333306 (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2010) Kırım savaşı, ıslahat fermanı ve Osmanlı eğitim düzeninde dönüşümler. In: Seyitdanlıoğlu, Mehmet and İnalcık, Halil, (eds.) Tanzimat: Değişim Sürecinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu. İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul. (Accepted)

Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin (2020) Engellilik tarihi araştırmalarına genel bir bakış [A general overview of research in history of disability]. In: Aydın, A. Resa and Keskin, İshak and Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin, (eds.) Engellilik Tarihi Yazıları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 5262. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, pp. 3-19. ISBN 978-605-07-0727-4


Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Ensari, Pınar and Türker, Nazlı (2023) Transformative funding: a pathway for creative and effective crisis response (Resistire factsheet 19). Research Report. Resistire / Zenodo.

Sandström, Lina and Strid, Sofia and Callerstig, Anne-Charlott and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Türker, Nazlı and Ensari, Pınar and Bobek, Alicja and Charafeddin, Rana and Clavero, Sara and Delaney, Caitriona and Ghidoni, Elena and Harroche, Audrey and Lionello, Lorenzo and Belloso, Maria Lopez and Taramondi, Dolores Morondo and Rossetti, Federica and Still, Alexis and Tzanakou, Charoula (2023) Resistire: agenda for future research. Addressing the impacts of Covid-19 policies on gendered inequalities - cycle 3. Research Report. Resistire / Zenodo.

Strid, Sofia and Vivas, Ana B. and Cacace, Marina and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Borhan Türeli, Burcu (2023) Accting factsheet: inclusive civil society for an inclusive green deal. Research Report. Accting / Zenodo.

Volumes Edited / Special Issues

Adanır, Fikret (2010) Balkans: history and historiography. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues] (Accepted)

Aydın, A. Resa and Keskin, İshak and Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin (2020) Engellilik tarihi yazıları [Essays on disability history]. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Petö, Andrea (2016) Gendered wars, gendered memories: feminist conversations on war, genocide and political violence. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Adanır, Fikret and Faroqhi, Suraiya (2011) Osmanlı ve Balkanlar: bir tarihyazımı tartışması. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Canbakal, Hülya (2012) Preliminary observations on political unrest in eighteenth-century Ayntab: popular protest and faction. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Book Review

Canbakal, Hülya (2003) Morality tales: law and gender in the Ottoman court of Aintab. [Book Review]

Canbakal, Hülya (2004) The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: the structure of power. [Book Review]

Çelik, Ayşe Betül (2008) The Age of apology: facing up to the past. [Book Review]

Neyzi, Leyla (2003) A nation of empire: the Ottoman legacy of Turkish modernity. [Book Review]

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2008) Erol Köroğlu: Ottoman propaganda and Turkish identity. Literature in Turkey during World War I. [Book Review] (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2013) Social relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915. [Book Review]


Canbakal, Hülya (2008) (1 November 2008) A database of Ottoman probate inventories / Osmanlı terekeleri veri tabanı. [Dataset]

This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 15:33:14 2025 +03.