Items where Division is "Sabancı Business School" and Year is 2007

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 45.

Agndal, Henrik and Nilsson, Ulf (2007) Activity-based costing: effects of long-term buyer-supplier relationships. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 4 (3). pp. 222-245. ISSN 1176-6093

Aksu, Mine Hatice (2007) Varlıklarda değer düşüklüğü: TMS 36. UFRS-UMS Uyumlu Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Uygulaması. Maliye ve Hukuk Yayınları, Ankara. ISBN 9789750120206

Aksu, Mine Hatice and Önder, Türkan and Saatçioğlu, Kemal (2007) Auditor selection, client firm characteristics, and corporate governance: evidence from an emerging market. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0001

Ararat, Melsa (2007) A development Perspective for CSR; case of Turkey. (Accepted)

Ararat, Melsa and Yurtoğlu, B. Burçin (2007) Rating based indexing of Istanbul Stock Exchange, lessons from its failure and Novo Mercado's sucess in to advance corporate governance reforms. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0010

Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. and Eryarsoy, Enes and Kasap, Nihat and Jouan de Kervenoael, Ronan (2007) Türkiye’de e-devlet hizmetleri için mobil telefonların kullanımı (Using mobile phones for e-government services in Turkey). In: Uluslararası 6. Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi (6th International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress), İstanbul, Türkiye

Balic, Amra and Ararat, Melsa (2007) Turkish transparency and disclosure survey 2007: pace of improvement has slowed. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0012

Baron, James N. and Hannan, Michael T. and Hsu, Greta and Koçak, Özgecan (2007) In the company of women: gender inequality and the logic of bureaucracy in start-up firms. Work and occupations, 34 (1). pp. 35-66. ISSN 0730-8884

Ben-Tahar, Imen and Soner, Halil Mete and Touzi, Nizar (2007) Modeling continuous-time financial markets with capital gains taxes. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0018

Ben-Tahar, Imen and Soner, Halil Mete and Touzi, Nizar (2007) The dynamic programming equation for the problem of optimal investment under capital gains taxes. (Accepted)

Chen, Xiao-Ping and Wasti, S. Arzu and Triandis, Harry C. (2007) When does group norm or group identity predict cooperation in a public goods dilemma? The moderating effects of idiocentrism and allocentrism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31 (2). pp. 259-276. ISSN 0147-1767

Çetin, Umut and Soner, Halil Mete and Touzi, Nizar (2007) Options hedging under liquidity costs. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FMAN_2007/0017

Çetindamar, Dilek (2007) Making use of biotechnology applications in Turkish agriculture: why is it not yet happening. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 6 (4-5). pp. 576-591. ISSN 1462-4605 (Print) 1741-5004 (Online)

Çetindamar, Dilek and Fiş, Murat (2007) Schumpeter’s twins: entrepreneur and intrapreneur. In: Carayannis, Elias G. and Ziemnowicz, Christopher, (eds.) Rediscovering Schumpeter: creative destruction evolving into “mode 3”. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007, pp. 199-217. ISBN 9781403942418

Çetindamar, Dilek and Husoy, Kristoffer (2007) Corporate social responsibility practices and environmentally responsible behavior: the case of United Nations Global Compact. Journal of Business Ethics, 76 (2). pp. 163-176. ISSN 0167-4544 (Print) 1573-0697 (Online)

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) 'it’s in her eyes': A 'barometer' for EU accession through female perceptions of role portrayals in advertising: a Cross-cultural study of Ukraine and Turkey. In: EMAC 2007 36th, Reykjavik Iceland

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) Gray market e-shopping and trust building practices. In: Kautonen, Teemu and Karjaluoto, Heikki, (eds.) Trust and New Technologies. Edward Elgar, London. (Accepted)

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) Profiling Turkish e-grocery consumers’ motivations. In: 3rd International Conference on Business, Management, and Economics, ICBME'2007, İzmir, Turkey

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. and Soopramanien, Didier (2007) Anticipating e-grocery services pre-purchase practices: Contrasting trajectories in households’ organisation. In: EIRASS, San Francisco

de Kervenoael, Ronan and Soopramanien, Didier and Elms, Jonathan and Hallsworth, Alan (2007) Personal privacy as a positive experience of shopping: an illustration through the case of online grocery shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35 (7). pp. 583-599. ISSN 0959-0552

Elms, Jonathan and de kervenoael, Ronan and Aykaç, D. Selcen Ö. (2007) "It’s in his eyes”: The negotiation and interpretation of masculinity using the Dolce et Gabbana’s 2005 Print Advertising Campaign. In: 4th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, Marseille, France

İnci, Ahmet Can (2007) Currency and yield co-integration between a developed and an emerging country: The case of Turkey. Bogazici Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, 21 (1-2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1300-9583

Karaevli, Ayşe (2007) Performance consequences of new CEO "outsiderness": moderating effects of pre-and post-succession contexts. Strategic management journal, 28 (7). pp. 681-706. ISSN 0143-2095

Kasap, Nihat and Aytuğ, Haldun and Erengüç, Ş. Selçuk (2007) Provider selection and task allocation issues in networks with different QoS levels and all you can send pricing. Decision Support Systems, 43 (2). pp. 375-389. ISSN 0167-9236

Kasap, Suat and Testik, Murat Caner and Kasap, Nihat (2007) Business descriptions and financial performance analysis of public RFID companies. In: 1st Annual RFID Eurasia Conference and Exhibitions, Istanbul, Turkey

Koçak, Özgecan and Can, Özge (2007) Technology parks and technology focused incubators in Turkey. In: Baltic Dynamics 2007: International Conference "Internation Partnership for Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities", Riga, Latvia

Koçak, Özgecan and Can, Özge (2007) Türkiye'nin teknopark ve teknoloji odaklı kuluçka merkezlerinin karşılaştırmalı bir çalışması. In: 15. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sakarya, Türkiye

Koçan, Gürcan and Öncü, Ahmet (2007) Rejuvenating citizenship in the context of diversity. epsNet Kiosk Plus, THE NET Journal of Political Science, 5 (1). pp. 109-119.

Levy, Orly and Beechler, Schon and Taylor, Sully and Boyacıgiller, Nakiye Avdan (2007) What we talk about when we talk about "global mindset": managerial cognition in multinational corporations. Journal of international business studies, 38 (2). pp. 231-258. ISSN 0047-2506

Levy, Orly and Taylor, Sully and Boyacıgiller, Nakiye Avdan and Beechler, Schon (2007) Global mindset: a review and proposed extension. In: Javidan, Mansour and Steers, Richard and Hitt, Michael A., (eds.) The Global Mindset. Advances in International Management; 19. Elsevier JAI, Oxford, pp. 11-48. ISBN 978-0-7623-1402-7

Myors, Brett and Lievens, Filip and Schollaert, Eveline and Van Hoye, Greet and Cronshaw, Steven F. and Mladinic, Antonio and Rodríguez, Viviana and Aguinis, Herman and Steiner, Dirk D. and Rolland, Florence and Schuler, Heinz and Frintrup, Andreas and Nikolaou, Ioannis and Tomprou, Maria and Subramony, S. and Raj, Shabu B. and Tzafrir, Shay and Bamberger, Peter and Bertolino, Marilena and Mariani, Marco and Fraccaroli, Franco and Sekiguchi, Tomoki and Onyura, Betty and Yang, Hyuckseung and Anderson, Neil and Evers, Arne and Chernyshenko, Oleksandr and Englert, Paul and Kriek, Hennie J. and Joubert, Tina and Salgado, Jesús F. and König, Cornelius J. and Thommen, Larissa A. and Chuang, Aichia and Sinangil, Handan K. and Bayazıt, Mahmut and Cook, Mark and Shen, Winny and Sackett, Paul R. (2007) International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection. (Accepted)

Orbay, Hakan (2007) Globalization and tradition in corporate governance in Turkey: problems and opportunities. AIB Insights, 7 (2). pp. 3-9. ISSN 1938-9590 (Print) 1938-9604 (Online)

Öncü, Ahmet (2007) "Yekin mühendis" beratı ya da şahsiyetli soyut emekçiler: TMMOB nereye? DM Teorik-Politik Dergi, 1 (4). pp. 122-141.

Öncü, Ahmet (2007) Küreselleşme. In: Başkaya, Fikret and Ördek, Aydın, (eds.) İktisadi Kurumlar Sözlüğü. Özgür Üniversite, Ankara. (Accepted)

Öncü, Ahmet (2007) Şirket. In: Başkaya, Fikret, (ed.) İktisadi Kurumlar Sözlüğü. Özgür Üniversite, Ankara. (Accepted)

Öncü, Ahmet and Köse, Ahmet Haşim (2007) Imbalances in the world economy and congestion in the periphery. In: Köse, Ahmet Haşim and Şenses, Fikret and Yeldan, Erinç, (eds.) Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the Periphery. Political Economy. Nova, New York.

Persentili Batislam, Emine and Denizel, Meltem and Filiztekin, Alpay (2007) Empirical validation and comparison of models for customer base analysis. International Journal of Research In Marketing, 24 (3). pp. 201-209. ISSN 0167-8116

Selsky, John W. and Goes, Jim and Babüroğlu, Oğuz N. (2007) Contrasting perspectives of strategy making: applications in 'Hyper' environments. Organization studies, 28 (1). pp. 71-94. ISSN 0170-8406

Taşoluk, Burcu and Yaprak, Attila and Calantone, Roger J. (2007) Managing headquarters-subsidiary relationships in product rollouts: An Agency theory perspective. In: AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Diego, California

Triandis, Harry C. and Wasti, S. Arzu (2007) Culture. In: Stone, Dianna L. and Stone-Romero, Eugene F., (eds.) The Influence of Culture on Human Resource Processes and Practices. Taylor and Francis, New York, USA, pp. 1-24. ISBN 978-0-8058-4599-0 (paperback) 978-0-8058-4598-3 (hardback) 978-0-415-96333-6 (electronic)

Üsdiken, Behlül (2007) Commentary: management education between logics and locations. Scandinavian journal of management, 23 (1). pp. 84-94. ISSN 0956-5221

Üsdiken, Behlül (2007) Çevresel baskı ve talepler karşısında örgütler: kaynak bağımlılığı yaklaşımı. In: Sargut, A. Selami and Özen, Şükrü, (eds.) Örgüt Kuramları. İmge Yayınevi, Ankara, pp. 77-132. ISBN 9789755335360

Üsdiken, Behlül and Önder, Çetin (2007) Örgütsel ekoloji: örgüt toplulukları ve çevresel ayıklama. In: Sargut, A. Selami and Özen, Şükrü, (eds.) Örgüt Kuramları. İmge Yayınevi, Ankara, pp. 133-191. ISBN 9789755335360

Wasti, S. Arzu and Tan, Hwee Hoon and Brower, Holly H. and Önder, Çetin (2007) Cross-cultural measurement of supervisor trustworthiness: an assessment of measurement invariance across three cultures. Leadership Quarterly, 18 (5). pp. 477-489. ISSN 1048-9843

Yıldırım, Özlem and Üsdiken, Behlül (2007) Reconciling family-centric and professionalized governance: boards of firms within family business groups. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA

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