Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2009) Die Deutschen an der "Pforte der glückseligkeit": kulturelle und soziale begegnungen mit Istanbuler Türken zwischen 1870 und 1918 = Almanlar Dersaadet'te: 1870-1918 devresi İstanbul'unda Almanlarla Osmanlıların kültürel ve toplumsal buluşma deneyimi. In: Kummer, Matthias von, (ed.) Deutsche Prasenz am Bosporus: 130 Jahre Kaiserliches Botschaftspalais, 120 Jahre Historische Sommerresidenz des Deutschen Botschafters in Tarabya. Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, İstanbul, pp. 35-65. ISBN 978-975-807-2354
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This article discusses cultural and social encounters between Germans and Ottomans in Istanbul between 1870-1918. It considers the growing presence of Germans in late Ottoman Istanbul through examining contemporary publications, literary impressions, material culture, and gender relationship. The thesis is that though German political and social presence in the Ottoman capital became powerful during the reign of Abdülhamid II and the Young Turk era, German culture was never able to replace the French prestige culture cherished so much by Ottoman intellectuals.