Items where Subject is "DR0401-741.22 Turkey"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 41.


Adanır, Fikret (2009) Karşılaştırmalı bir değerlendirme: Çarlık Rusya'sı ve Habsburg İmparatorluğu arasında Osmanlı’da vatandaşlık. Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi (182). pp. 54-63. ISSN 1300-7025

Adanır, Fikret (2010) Türkiye'nin Avrupa Uyumu'na katılımı. Toplumsal Tarih (195). pp. 22-33. ISSN 1300-7025

Adanır, Fikret and Kaiser, Hilmar (2009) Osmanlı İmparatorluğu örneği: göç, sürgün ve ulusun inşası. Toplumsal Tarih (186). pp. 18-27. ISSN 1300-7025

Görgülü, Aybars (2009) Towards a Turkish-Armenian rapprochement? Insight Turkey, 11 (2). pp. 19-29. ISSN 1302-177X

Kunt, Metin (2010) Osmanlı tarihçiliğinin çerçevesi: 'Türk-İran' modeli. Doğu Batı: Osmanlılar I, 12 (51). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1303-7242

Ozil, Ayşe (2024) Fields into houses: local actors, society and the making of a new urban landscape in Tarlabaşı and Tatavla in late Ottoman Istanbul. (Accepted)

Özil, Ayşe (2015) Skyscrapers of the past and their shadows: a social history of urbanity in late Ottoman Istanbul. International Journal of Turkish Studies, 21 (1-2). pp. 75-94. ISSN 0272-7919

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Canbakal, Hülya and Yıldız, Aysel (2024) Family composition among the Ottoman soldiery and commoners (1626–1826). In: 12th Halcyon Days in Crete Symposium The Janissaries: Socio-Political and Economic Actors in the Ottoman Empire (17th-Early 19th Centuries), Rethymno (Accepted)


Haksöz, Çağrı and Seshadri, Sridhar and Iyer, Ananth V. (2011) Managing supply chains on the silk road: strategy, performance, and risk. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, New York, NY. ISBN 9781439867204

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2012) Ansiklopedik Osmanlı tarih sözlüğü. Alfa Yayıncılık, İstanbul. (Accepted)

Book Section / Chapter

Adanır, Fikret (2011) Bosna-Hersek'te 'Müslüman' bir ulusun oluşumu: bir tarihyazımı tartışması. In: Adanır, Fikret and Faroqhi, Suraiya, (eds.) Osmanlı ve Balkanlar: Bir Tarihyazımı Tartışması. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 307-350. ISBN 978-975-05-0953-7

Adanır, Fikret (2011) Commentray: challenging Religion's supranational character in a period of international competition. In: Leonhard, Jörn and Von Hirschhausen, Ulrike, (eds.) Comparing Empires: Encounters and Transfers in the Long Nineteenth Century. Schriftenreihe der FRIAS School of History. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 385-389. ISBN 978-3-525-31040-3 ; 3-525-31040-4

Adanır, Fikret (2011) Kıyım, soykırım ve tarihçilik. In: Aral, Fahri, (ed.) İmparatorluğun Çöküş Döneminde Osmanlı Ermenileri: Bilimsel Sorumluluk ve Demokrasi Sorunları. 23-25 Eylül 2005. Tarih-Belge; 3. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 31-42. ISBN 978-605-399-190-8

Canbakal, Hülya and Quinn, Meredith and Terzioğlu, Derin (2022) Book ownership across centuries: the case of military men in Bursa, 1620-1840. In: Goshgarian, Rachel and Khuri-Makdisi, Ilham and Yaycıoğlu, Ali, (eds.) Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar. Ottoman and Turkish Studies. Academic Studies Press, Brighton, pp. 145-176. ISBN 9781644698464

Kılıç, Engin (2023) Dreams of development: peasantism, cadrism, and a disciplined society. In: Yenen, Alp and Zürcher, Erik-Jan, (eds.) A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in A Hundred Fragments. Leiden University Press, Leiden, pp. 234-238. ISBN 9789087284107 (Print) 9789400604551 (Online)

Kılıç, Engin (2023) Finding nowhereland: totalitarian nightmares as a utopian vision. In: Yenen, Alp and Zürcher, Erik-Jan, (eds.) A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in A Hundred Fragments. Leiden University Press, Leiden, pp. 408-411. ISBN 9789087284107 (Print) 9789400604551 (Online)

Ozil, Ayşe (2024) Perceptions of ancient remains in Ottoman Anatolia in the mid-nineteenth century. In: Petsalis-Diomidis, Alexia, (ed.) Travel and Classical Antiquities in Nineteenth Century Ottoman Greece: Exploring Marginalized Perspectives. Routledge, London. (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2013) Abdülhamit devri eğitim tarihçiliğine bir bakış: 1980 sonrasında taşra maarifi ve gayrı müslim mekteplerinin historiografik bir analizi. In: Reindl-Kiel, Hedda and Kenan, Seyfi, (eds.) Alman Türk Tesadüfleri: Kemal Beydilli'ye Armağan (Deutsch-Türkische Begegnungen: Festschrift für Kemal Beydilli). EB Verlag, Berlin, pp. 571-592. ISBN 978-3-86893-113-6

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2021) Hakan-ı Rum or Yavuz Sultan Selim: throne of Joseph or universal Islamic caliphate? Some observations on changing Ottoman Turkish perceptions of the conquest of the Mamluk lands from 1520 to 1920. In: Abu-Husayn, Abdulrahim, (ed.) 1516: The Year That Changed the Middle East. American University of Beirut Press, Beirut, pp. 45-109. ISBN 9789953586809

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2012) II. Abdülhamid dönemi eğitimine genel bakış ve 1980 sonrası ikincil kaynakların kısmî bir değerlendirmesi. In: Akyıldız, Ali, (ed.) Abdülhamit Araştırmaları. Klasik Yayınları, İstanbul. (Accepted)

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2013) Taşranın denetimi ve asimilasyonu: Diyarbakır'da sivil devlet eğitimi'nin ortaya çıkışı (1868-1908). In: Aktar, Cengiz, (ed.) Diyarbakır Tebliğleri: Diyarbakır ve Çevresi Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Tarihi Konferansı. Hrant Dink Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 139-158. ISBN 978-605-86570-3-8

Volumes Edited / Special Issues

Adanır, Fikret (2010) Balkans: history and historiography. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues] (Accepted)

Alkan, Mehmet Ö. and Ozil, Ayşe (2023) 100. yılında Yunan arşiv kaynaklarında işgal Eskişehir'i. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Book Review

Somel, Selçuk Akşin (2012) Avi Rubin, Ottoman Nizamiye courts: law and modernity. [Book Review]

Creative Activity in Art and Design

Haksöz, Çağrı Ashiq Melodies of Turkey (solo concert). [Creative Activity in Art and Design]


Balanlı, Esra (2019) Changing perceptions, varying fortunes: representations of the Sabbateans of Turkey. [Thesis]

Blackthorne-O'Barr, Erik Aldritch Charlemagne (2018) Song and stage, gender and nation: the emergence of kanto in late Ottoman İstanbul. [Thesis]

Bulut, Erkin (2020) The life and ideas of an 18th-century Ottoman Bureaucrat: Süleyman Penah Efendi and his Order of the climes. [Thesis]

Işın, Furkan (2020) The politics of Persian historiography at the court of Süleyman: Shah Qasım and his Kanz Al-Javahir. [Thesis]

İlgezdi, Ömer Faruk (2020) Imagining RÜM in Mamluk Cairo ABD Al-Basıt Al Malati and the Ottoman domains. [Thesis]

Jarombek, Laurel Elizabeth (2024) A Tale Of Two Allies: Changing Media Coverage Of The U.S.-Turkish Relationship. [Thesis]

Karaca, Başak Yağmur (2020) Turkey's struggle with democracy:|bemergent non-democratic regime in the twenty-first century. [Thesis]

Kurnalı, Mutlu (2020) Ways of seeing: Nev'izade Ata'i's Alemnüma and canges in the visual perception of Ottoman society in the early seventeenth century. [Thesis]

Kurtulmuş, Alev Irmak (2020) A country in a school: FAJR Iranian school in Turkey. [Thesis]

Murat, Talha (2020) The political ideas of Derviş Vahdeti as reflected in Volkan newspaper(1908-1909). [Thesis]

Öget, Mustafa (2019) Turkish foreign policy in Davutoğlu ERA: a critical assessment. [Thesis]

Reyes, Natalie Jennifer (2018) As seen through the eyes of New York Times: a narration of the 1960 Turkish coup. [Thesis]

Sert, Tarık Ali (2021) Mass empowerment in democratic transition: the case of Turkey. [Thesis]

Timuçin, Fatma (2021) 8-Bit iron fist: Digital authoritarianism in competitive authoritarian regimes: The cases of Turkey and Hungary. [Thesis]

Topçu, Bilge Kaan (2019) Contemporary healthcare policies and theories in Turkey. [Thesis]

Yılmaz, Alper (2021) Building state capacity: The uneven territorial reach of the Turkish state during the republican ERA|. [Thesis]

This list was generated on Mon Jan 13 00:50:31 2025 +03.