Items where Division is "Manufacturing Systems Eng." and Year is 2012

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 57.

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Şahin, Güvenç (2012) Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi (YAEM özel sayısı). [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Kundakcıoğlu, Erhun Ömer and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2012) Optimization Letters: Special Issue: 30th National Congress on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Turkey. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]

Çatay, Bülent and Öztürk, Gürkan (2012) Uluslararası lojistik. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları: 2625. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. ISBN 978-975-06-1276-3

Ertek, Gürdal (2012) Üniversite öğrencileri için motivasyon yöntemleri. Gürdal Ertek,

Abouee-Mehrizi, Hossein and Balcıoğlu, Ahmet Barış and Baron, Opher (2012) Strategies for a centralized single product multiclass M/G/1 make-to-stock queue. Operations Research, 60 (4). pp. 803-812. ISSN 0030-364X

Akçay, Alp Eren and Ertek, Gürdal and Büyüközkan, Gülçin (2012) Analyzing the solutions of DEA through information visualization and data mining techniques: SmartDEA framework. Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (9). pp. 7763-7775. ISSN 0957-4174

Arslan, Alp Muzaffer (2012) On the optimal control problem for single leg airline revenue management with overbooking. [Thesis]

Atakan, Semih (2012) Minimizing value-at-risk in single machine scheduling problems. [Thesis]

Başar, Ayfer and Çatay, Bülent and Ünlüyurt, Tonguç (2012) A taxonomy for emergency service station location problem. Optimization Letters (Sl), 6 (6). pp. 1147-1160. ISSN 1862-4472

Beşikci, Umut and Bilge, Ümit and Ulusoy, Gündüz (2012) A modied branch and cut procedure for resource portfolio problem under relaxed resource dedication policy. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:SU_FENS_2012/0003

Beşikci, Umut and Bilge, Ümit and Ulusoy, Gündüz (2012) Multi-mode resource constrained multi-project scheduling and resource portfolio problem. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Budak, Erhan (2012) Improving 5-axis milling operations using process models. In: 9th International Conference on Machine Tools, Automation, Technology and Robotics (MATAR 2012), Prag, Czech Republic

Budak, Erhan (2012) Suppression of chatter vibrations in simultaneous machining operations. In: 15th International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference (IMEC), Tokyo, Japan

Budak, Erhan and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Alan, Salih and Özgüven, H. Nevzat (2012) Prediction of workpiece dynamics and its effects on chatter stability in milling. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 61 (1). pp. 339-342. ISSN 0007-8506

Çakır, Esin and Özlü, Emre and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan (2012) Modeling of temperature distribution in orthogonal cutting with dual-zone contact at rake face. In: 1st International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Montreal, Canada

Çavuşlar, Gizem and Çatay, Bülent and Apaydın, Serkan Mehmet (2012) A tabu search approach for the NMR protein structure-based assignment problem. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 9 (6). pp. 1621-1628. ISSN 1545-5963

Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan (2012) Chatter stability of parallel milling operations. In: 15. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Kongresi (UMTİK 2012), Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey

Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan (2012) Eşzamanlı frezeleme operasyonlarının dinamiği ve kararlılığı. In: 3. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTIS 2012), Ankara, Türkiye

Dayanık, Savaş and Sezer, Semih Onur (2012) Multisource Bayesian sequential binary hypothesis testing problem. Annals of Operations Research, 201 (1). pp. 99-130. ISSN 0254-5330 (Print) 1572-9338 (Online)

Ertek, Gürdal (2012) Depolama sistemleri. In: Çatay, Bülent and Öztürk, Gürkan, (eds.) Uluslararası Lojistik. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, pp. 90-117. ISBN 978-975-06-1276-3

Ertek, Gürdal (2012) Lojistik bilişim sistemleri. In: Çatay, Bülent and Öztürk, Gürkan, (eds.) Uluslararası Lojistik. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, pp. 118-150. ISBN 978-975-06-1276-3

Ertek, Gürdal and Akyurt, Nazlı and Tillem, Gamze (2012) DEA-based benchmarking models in supply chain management: an application-oriented literature review. In: X. International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress 2012, Istanbul

Ertek, Gürdal and Demiriz, Ayhan and Çakmak, Fatih (2012) Linking behavioral patterns to personal attributes through data re-mining. In: Cao, Longbing and Yu, Philip S., (eds.) Behavior Computing: Modeling, Analysis, Mining and Decision. Springer, Berlin, pp. 197-214. ISBN 978-1-4471-2968-4 (Print) 978-1-4471-2969-1 (Online)

Ertek, Gürdal and Erdoğan, Ahmetcan and Patoğlu, Volkan and Tunç, Murat Mustafa and Çitak, Ceysu and Vanlı, Tuğçe (2012) Encapsulating and representing the knowledge on the evaluation of an engineering system. In: ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2012), Chicago, Illinois, USA

Ertek, Gürdal and Kaya, Murat and Kefeli, Cemre and Onur, Özge and Uzer, Kerem (2012) Scoring and predicting risk preferences. In: Cao, Longbing and Yu, Philip S., (eds.) Behavior Computing: Modeling, Analysis, Mining and Decision. Springer, Berlin, pp. 143-163. ISBN 978-1-4471-2968-4 (Print) 978-1-4471-2969-1 (Online)

Ertek, Gürdal and Tunç, Murat Mustafa (2012) Re-mining association mining results through visualization, data envelopment analysis, and decision trees. In: Kahraman, Cengiz, (ed.) Computational Intelligence Systems in Industrial Engineering. Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems; 6. Atlantis Press/Springer, Germany, pp. 601-622. ISBN 978-94-91216-76-3

Ertek, Gürdal and Tunç, Murat Mustafa and Kurtaraner, Ece and Kebüde, Doğancan (2012) Insights into the efficiencies of on-shore wind turbines: a data-centric analysis. In: International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA 2012), Trabzon, Turkey

Göğüş, Aytaç and Ertek, Gürdal (2012) Statistical scoring algorithm for learning and study skills. In: 3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Education - INTE 2012, Prague, Czech Republic

Karagüzel, Umut and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan (2012) Process modeling of turn-milling using analytical approach. In: 3rd CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interactions (PMI), Nagoya, Japan

Khoda, AKM and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Designing bio-mimetic variational porosity for tissue scaffolds. In: 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC 2012), Orlando, FL, USA

Khoda, AKM and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Modeling of multifunctional deformable porous scaffolds for soft tissue engineering. In: 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC 2012), Orlando, FL, USA

Khoda, AKM B. and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Functionally heterogeneous porous scaffold design for tissue engineering. In: ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2012), Houston, Texas, USA

Khoda, AKM B. and Özbolat, İbrahim T. and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Modeling of multifunctional porous tissue scaffolds with continuous deposition path plan. In: ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2012), Houston, Texas, USA

Khoda, AKM Bashirul and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Conformal tissue scaffold with multi-functional porosity for wound healing. In: 1st International Conference on Design and Processes for Medical Devices (PROMED 2012), Brascia, Italy

Kılıç, Kemal and Casillas, Jorge (2012) Hybrid genetic-fuzzy system modeling application in innovation management. In: 1st International Symposium on Management Intelligent Systems, Salamanca, Spain

Ludkovski, Michael and Sezer, Semih Onur (2012) Finite horizon decision timing with partially observable Poisson processes. Stochastic Models, 28 (2). pp. 207-247. ISSN 1532-6349

Muter, İbrahim and Birbil, Ş. İlker and Bülbül, Kerem and Şahin, Güvenç (2012) A note on "A LP-based heuristic for a time-constrained routing problem". European Journal of Operational Research, 221 (2). pp. 306-307. ISSN 0377-2217

Noyan, Nilay (2012) Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming with an application to disaster management. Computers & Operations Research, 39 (3). pp. 541-559. ISSN 0305-0548

Özbolat, İbrahim T. and Khoda, A.K.M.B. and Marchany, Michelle and Gardella, Joseph A. and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Hybrid tissue scaffolds for controlled release applications. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 7 (1). pp. 37-47. ISSN 1745-2759 (Print) 1745-2767 (Online)

Özbolat, İbrahim T. and Khoda, AKMB and Koç, Bahattin (2012) Bioadditive manufacturing of hybrid tissue scaffolds for controlled release kinetics. In: ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2012), Houston, TX, USA

Özbolat, İbrahim T. and Koç, Bahattin (2012) 3D hybrid wound devices for spatiotemporally controlled release kinetics. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 108 (3). pp. 922-931. ISSN 0169-2607 (Print) 1872-7565 (Online)

Özlü, Emre and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Güven, İpek and Budak, Erhan (2012) Industrial applications of science integrated machining approach. In: 15. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Kongresi (UMTİK 2012), Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey

Özşahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat (2012) Analytical modeling of the machine tool spindle dynamics under operational conditions. In: 37th International MATADOR Conference, Manchester, UK

Özyiğit, Özlem and Ulusoy, Gündüz and Özlale, Ümit and Yaveroğlu, Tolga (2012) Information and communication technologies on the road to 2023. [Working Paper / Technical Report] Sabanci University ID:UNSPECIFIED

Pourakbar, M. and Frenk, J. B. G. and Dekker, R. (2012) End-of-life inventory decisions for consumer electronics service parts. Production and Operations Management, 21 (5). pp. 889-906. ISSN 1059-1478 (Print) 1937-5956 (Online)

Suyabatmaz, Ali Çetin (2012) Railway crew capacity planning problem with connectivity considerations in pairings. [Thesis]

Suyabatmaz, Ali Çetin and Şahin, Güvenç (2012) A column-and-row generation algorithm for a crew planning problem in railways. In: International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), Zurich, Switzerland

Şahin, Güvenç (2012) Ulaştırma sistemleri. In: Çatay, Bülent and Öztürk, Gürkan, (eds.) Uluslararası Lojistik. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları: 2625. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir. ISBN 978-975-06-1276-3

Şeker, Merve and Noyan, Nilay (2012) Stochastic optimization models for the airport gate assignment problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48 (2). pp. 438-459. ISSN 1366-5545

Şen, Halil and Bülbül, Kerem (2012) A simple, fast, and effective heuristic for the single-machine total weighted tardiness problem. In: 13th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2012), Leuven, Belgium

Topaloğlu, Hüseyin and Birbil, Ş. İlker and Frenk, Hans and Noyan, Nilay (2012) Tractable open loop policies for joint overbooking and capacity control over a single flight leg with multiple fare classes. Transportation Science, 46 (4). pp. 460-481. ISSN 0041-1655 (Print) 1526-5447 (Online)

Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan (2012) Effect of cutting conditions and tool geometry on process damping in machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 57 . pp. 10-19. ISSN 0890-6955

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Altuğ Fayda, Sema Nur and İyigün Meydanlı, İffet (2012) Ar-ge projeleri için proje sonrası analiz ve risk yönetimi süreçleri. In: Öner, Atilla M., (ed.) Teknik Değişimin Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi. Pan Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 413-435. ISBN 9786054518241

Uzar, Muhammed Furkan and Çatay, Bülent (2012) Distribution planning of bulk lubricants at BP Turkey. Omega - International Journal of Management Science, 40 (6). pp. 870-881. ISSN 0305-0483

Ünlüyurt, Tonguç and Aydın, Cenk (2012) Improved rehandling strategies for container retrieval process. Journal of Advanced Transportation (Sl), 46 (4). pp. 378-393. ISSN 0197-6729 (Print) 2042-3195 (Online)

Yeşil, Engin and Kaya, Murat and Sıradağ, Sarven (2012) Fuzzy forecast combiner design for fast fashion demand forecasting. In: International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA 2012), Trabzon, Turkey

Yıldırım, Mahir Umman and Çatay, Bülent (2012) A time-based pheromone approach for the ant system. Optimization Letters (Sl), 6 (6). pp. 1081-1099. ISSN 1862-4472

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 06:58:45 2025 +03.