Toleration, discrimination, or acceptance? How majorities interpret and legitimize minority toleration depends on outgroup threat

Acar, Berfin and Bağcı, Çiğdem and Verkuyten, Maykel (2023) Toleration, discrimination, or acceptance? How majorities interpret and legitimize minority toleration depends on outgroup threat. British Journal of Social Psychology . ISSN 0144-6665 (Print) 2044-8309 (Online) Published Online First

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The notion of tolerance is widely embraced in plural contexts, but little is known about how majority members interpret the toleration of minorities. With four studies, we investigated majority group members' interpretations of a minority toleration situation (compared to full acceptance and discrimination situations) as a function of outgroup threat. Study 1 (N = 214) showed that higher perception of threat from Syrian refugees was associated with Turkish natives' stronger likelihood of interpreting a refugee toleration situation as ‘acceptance’. Studies 2 (N = 161, threatening context: Syrian refugees-Turkish natives) and 3 (N = 206, non-threatening context: homosexuals-liberal heterosexual students) demonstrated that toleration was interpreted more as a form of acceptance in a high-threat context, whereas it was perceived more like discrimination in the non-threatening context. Experimental Study 4 (N = 150, pre-registered, Muslims-Christians in the UK) indicated that increasing outgroup threat led to higher legitimization of toleration, which, in turn, related to lower support of minority rights. It is concluded that outgroup threat affects how people interpret the way in which minorities are treated, which has implications for initiatives and policies that try to stimulate tolerance towards minority groups.
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: acceptance; discrimination; intergroup toleration; refugees; threat
Divisions: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Depositing User: Çiğdem Bağcı
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2024 20:35
Last Modified: 07 Jun 2024 20:35

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