Items where Division is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences" and Year is 2002
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002) Cam odada oturmak. İnkılap Kitabevi, İstanbul. ISBN 975101851x
Akman, Ayhan Mehmet (2002) Etnik sivil kurumsal ikilemin ötesinde: modernist milliyetçilik. In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö., (ed.) Milliyetçilik. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, 4. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 81-90. ISBN 9750500873 (v.4)
Alkan, Ahmet (2002) A class of multipartner matching markets with a strong lattice structure. Economic Theory, 19 (4). pp. 737-746. ISSN 0938-2259 (Print) 1432-0479 (Online)
Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2002) Bedenimiz ve biz: bekaret ve cinselliğin siyaseti. In: Bora, Aksu and Günal, Asena, (eds.) 90'larda Türkiye'de Feminizm. İletişim Yayınları; 784. Bugünün Kitapları Dizisi; 77. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 323-343. ISBN 9750500180
Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Bora, Tanıl (2002) Ordu, militarizm ve milliyetçilik. In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö., (ed.) Milliyetçilik. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, 4. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 140-154. ISBN 9750500873 (v.4)
Arıkan, E. Burak (2002) Turkish ultranationalists under review: a study of the Nationalist Action Party. Nations and Nationalism, 8 (3). pp. 357-375. ISSN 1354-5078
Arıkan, E. Burak (2002) Türkeş'ten Bahçeli'ye MHP: değişim nereye kadar. In: Cangızbay, Kadir and Öngider, Seyfi, (eds.) Milliyetçilik, Faşizm ve MHP. Aykırı Yayıncılık. Güncel Dizisi; 2. Aykırı Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 39-70. ISBN 975833753X
Arıkan, E. Burak and Çınar, Alev (2002) The nationalist action party: representing the state, the nation or the nationalist? In: Rubin, Barry and Heper, Metin, (eds.) Political Parties in Turkey. Frank Cass, London, pp. 25-40. ISBN 0714652741
Baç, Mehmet (2002) On the informational content of wage offers. International economic review, 43 (1). pp. 173-193. ISSN 0020-6598
Baç, Mehmet (2002) Restricted charitable donations and the "Cy Pres" doctrine. European Journal of Law and Economics, 14 (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0929-1261
Baç, Mehmet and Bag, Parimal Kanti (2002) Committee decisions with partisans and side-transfers. Theory and decision, 52 (3). pp. 267-286. ISSN 0040-5833 (Print) 1573-7187 (Online)
Berik, Zeynep (2002) Plural temporalities of vision: temporalities and fragmentations in art and beyond. [Thesis]
Bulut, Zeynep (2002) Sound work as contemporary art practice : a study of sound in contemporary art practices. [Thesis]
Ciliv, Serra (2002) Between belonging and opposition: life story narratives of women from the generation of' 78. [Thesis]
Çini, Nihan (2002) Getting to the table process : underlying conditions of the Turkish-Greek Cypriot rapprochement of December 2001. [Thesis]
Eralp, Doğa Ulaş (2002) EU Foreign policy on Cyprus : exploring the mediation potential. [Thesis]
Gershoni, Israel and Erdem, Yusuf Hakan and Woköck, Ursula (2002) Histories of the modern Middle East: new directions. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colo. ISBN 1588260496
Erdem, Yusuf Hakan (2002) Recruitment for the "Victorious Soldiers of Muhammad" in the Arab provinces, 1826-1828. In: Gershoni, Israel and Erdem, Yusuf Hakan and Woköck, Ursula, (eds.) Histories of the Modern Middle East: New Directions. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, pp. 189-206. ISBN 1588260496
Filiztekin, Alpay and Altuğ, Sumru (2002) Scale effects, time-varying markups and cyclical behavior of primal and dual productivity. Applied Economics, 34 (13). pp. 1687-1702. ISSN 0003-6846
Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2002) Milliyetçilik - Liberalizm ekseninde vatandaşlık ve bireysellik. In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö., (ed.) Milliyetçilik. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, 4. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 284-292. ISBN 9750500873 (v.4)
Kadıoğlu, Ayşe Gülden (2002) Türkiye'de vatandaşlık ve bireyleşme: iradenin akıl karşısındaki zaferi. In: Keyman, Fuat, (ed.) Liberalizm, Devlet, Hegemonya. Everest Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 258-282. ISBN 9752970648
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002) Avrupa: Türk modernleşmesinin Xanadu'su Türk modernleşmesi kurucu iradesine yeni bir bakış denemesi. In: Keyman, Fuat, (ed.) Liberalizm, Devlet, Hegemonya. Everest Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 214-242. ISBN 9752970648
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002) Postmodernite ile modernite arasında Türkiye: 1980 sonrası zihinsel, toplumsal, siyasal dönüşüm. Everest Yayınları; 145. Kültürel Çalışmalar; 2. Everest Yayınları, İstanbul. ISBN 9752890350
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002) Postmodernite kuramları ve Türkiye pratiği. Sodev Yayınları, İstanbul.
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002) Sanatsal gerçeklikler, olgular ve öteleri. Everest Yayınları; 121. Deneme; 5. Everest Yayınları, İstanbul. ISBN 9752890067
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2002) Twin towers: terrible machine or the realty questioned. In: Çiçekoğlu, Feride, (ed.) The Phenomenon of 9/11. Bilgi University Press, İstanbul.
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent and Kocabaşoğlu, Uygur (2002) Bir zihniyet, kurum ve kimlik kurucusu olarak batılılaşma. In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö., (ed.) Modernleşme ve Batıcılık. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, 3. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9750500431 (v.3)
Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2002) Civil society in Turkey: continuity or change? In: Beeley, Brian, (ed.) Turkish Transformation: New Century-New Challenges. Eothen, Huntingdon, pp. 59-78. ISBN 090671933x
Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2002) Elections and governance. In: Sayarı, Sabri and Esmer, Yılmaz R., (eds.) Politics, Parties, and Elections in Turkey. Lynne Rienner, Boulder, CO, pp. 55-71. ISBN 1588260224
Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2002) State and civil society in Turkey: democracy, development and protest. In: Sajoo, Amyn B., (ed.) Civil Society in the Muslim World: Contemporary Perspectives. I.B.Tauris, New York, pp. 247-272. ISBN 1850435901
Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2002) The Motherland party: the challenge of institutionalization in a charismatic leader party. Turkish Studies, 3 (1). pp. 40-61. ISSN 1468-3849
Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2002) Turkey's choice: the road away from the Europian Union. Turkey: The Road Ahead. Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm. ISBN 9171838023
Kıbrıs, Özgür (2002) Misrepresentation of utilities in bargaining: pure exchange and public good economies. Games and Economic Behavior, 39 (1). pp. 91-110. ISSN 0899-8256
Koçak, Cemil (2002) Kemalist milliyetçiliğin bulanık suları. In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö., (ed.) Milliyetçilik. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, 4. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 37-43. ISBN 9750500873 (v.4)
Koçak, Cemil (2002) Türk Milliyetçiliğinin İslamla buluşması. In: Alkan, Mehmet Ö., (ed.) Milliyetçilik. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce, 4. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 601-603. ISBN 9750500873 (v.4)
Koryan, Rita (2002) History and conflict resolution : challenges and opportunities. [Thesis]
Köse, Talha (2002) Islamic Mediation in Turkey: third party roles of "Alim's" in the resolution of communal conflicts. [Thesis]
Kunt, Metin (2002) Sancakbeyi haslarının ögeleri (1480-1540). In: Güzel, Hasan Celal and Çiçek, Kemal and Koca, Salim, (eds.) Türkler. Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 709-713. ISBN 9756782439 (v.10)
Kunt, Metin and Woodhead, Christine and Yalçın, Sermet (2002) Kanuni ve çağı: yeniçağda Osmanlı dünyası. (Translated by: Yalçın, Sermet) Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları; 124. Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 1-213. ISBN 9753331568
Mardin, Şerif (2002) Playing games with names. In: Kandiyoti, Deniz and Saktanber, Ayşe, (eds.) Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey. I.B. Tauris, London, pp. 115-127. ISBN 1860644279
Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2002) Enlarging the European Union: where does Turkey stand? Monograph. TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation), İstanbul.
Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2002) Turkey and European security. In: Ehrhart, Hans-Georg, (ed.) Towards a European Security and Defense Policy, Positions, Perceptions, Problems, Perspectives. Nomos Verlagsanstalt, Baden, Germany, pp. 206-216. ISBN 3789075795
Müftüler-Baç, Meltem (2002) Turkey in the EU’s enlargement process: obstacles and challenges. Mediterranean Politics, 7 (2). pp. 79-95. ISSN 1743-9418
Neyzi, Leyla (2002) Embodied elders: space and subjectivity in the music of Metin-Kemal Kahraman. Middle Eastern studies, 38 (1). pp. 89-109. ISSN 1743-7881 (electronic) 0026-3206 (paper)
Neyzi, Leyla (2002) Islam and society in Turkey. [Book Review]
Neyzi, Leyla (2002) Metin-Kemal Kahraman'ın müziği: yaşlı kuşağın belleği yoluyla Dersimli kimliğinin yeniden keşfi. Toplum ve Bilim, 92 . pp. 163-175. ISSN 1300-9354
Neyzi, Leyla (2002) Remembering to forget: Sabbateanism, national identity, and subjectivity in Turkey. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 44 (1). pp. 137-158. ISSN 0010-4175
Pantelic, Bratislav (2002) The architecture of decani and the role of archbishop Danilo II. Studien und Perspektiven; 9. Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden. ISBN 3895002399
Wang, YungTong (2002) Proportionally adjusted marginal pricing method to share joint costs. Review of economic design, 7 (2). pp. 205-211. ISSN 1434-4750
Wang, YungTong and Zhu, Daxin (2002) Ordinal proportional cost sharing. Journal of mathematical economics, 37 (3). pp. 215-230. ISSN 0304-4068
Yaşamış, Firuz Demir (2002) Environmental impact assessment: theory, technique and methods. [Volumes Edited / Special Issues]
Yılmaz, Bahri (2002) The role of trade strategies for economic development: a comparison of foreign trade between Turkey and South Korea. Russian & East European finance and trade, 38 (2). pp. 59-78. ISSN 1061-2009
Yılmaz, Bahri (2002) Turkey's competitiveness in the European Union - A comparison with Greece, Portugal, Spain, and the EU/12/15. Russian & East European finance and trade, 38 (3). pp. 54-72. ISSN 1061-2009
Yılmaz, Bahri (2002) Turkey's relations with the European Union (Economic integration between EU and Turkey). Turkish Policy Quarterly, 1 (3). pp. 107-116. ISSN 1303-5754