Items where Division is "Visual Arts & Communication Design" and Year is 2005
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Durulan, Emrah Mehmet and Ayiter, Elif (2005) The fluid city. In: Altered States Conference, Plymouth, UK
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent and Selen, Eser (2005) Performans, performativite ve bedenin tamamlanma süreçleri. Monograph. Akbank, İstanbul.
Arıkan, İrem (2005) The planet of birds, and time as an entity = Kuşlar gezegeni, ve bir varlık olarak zaman. [Thesis]
Durmuşoğlu, Övül (2005) Painting and the pornographic: Marlene Dumas, Jenny Saville and plays of identifications. [Thesis]
Gökhan, Ali Oytun (2005) Acid chat: gestural interface design. [Thesis]
Günel, Zeynep (2005) Metamorphosis. [Thesis]
Mavitan, Tan (2005) Arbeit macht fire. [Thesis]
Sunam, Aylin (2005) I need some time. [Thesis]