Items where Division is "Visual Arts & Communication Design" and Year is 2005
Arıkan, İrem (2005) The planet of birds, and time as an entity = Kuşlar gezegeni, ve bir varlık olarak zaman. [Thesis]
Durmuşoğlu, Övül (2005) Painting and the pornographic: Marlene Dumas, Jenny Saville and plays of identifications. [Thesis]
Durulan, Emrah Mehmet and Ayiter, Elif (2005) The fluid city. In: Altered States Conference, Plymouth, UK
Gökhan, Ali Oytun (2005) Acid chat: gestural interface design. [Thesis]
Günel, Zeynep (2005) Metamorphosis. [Thesis]
Kahraman, Hasan Bülent and Selen, Eser (2005) Performans, performativite ve bedenin tamamlanma süreçleri. Monograph. Akbank, İstanbul.
Mavitan, Tan (2005) Arbeit macht fire. [Thesis]
Sunam, Aylin (2005) I need some time. [Thesis]