How does divided attention hinder different stages of episodic memory retrieval?

Ataseven Özdemir, Nursena and Ünver, Nursima and Günseli, Eren (2023) How does divided attention hinder different stages of episodic memory retrieval? Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 5 . ISSN 2666-5182

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Episodic memory retrieval is crucial for survival and can be impaired by divided attention. However, since memory retrieval consists of different stages, divided attention can impair each stage uniquely, leading to retrieval failures. It is important to acknowledge the multistage characteristics of episodic memory retrieval to understand the cognitive mechanisms that mediate the relationship between memory retrieval and divided attention. Here we attempt to unravel the role of divided attention in gating the access to long-term memories through its unique impact on a non-exhaustive list of six stages of a memory retrieval task: processing the retrieval cue, initiating a retrieval mode, searching for the target memory, reactivating the target LTM in WM, deciding on the accuracy of the retrieved content, and motor preparation to produce a response We describe how each stage might be affected by divided attention. To do so, we review not only studies on memory retrieval but also areas that constitute different stages described above given the lack of extensive research that explores the memory retrieval stages distinctively and the role of attention for each stage. We hope this work will contribute to carefully controlling and manipulating how different stages are affected by attention, which in turn will improve our understanding of the relationship between attention and memory retrieval.
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Divided attention; Episodic memory retrieval; Retrieval mode; Selective attention; Working memory
Divisions: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences > Academic programs > Psychology
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Depositing User: Eren Günseli
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2024 20:50
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2024 20:50

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