Items where Subject is "TJ170-179 Mechanics applied to machinery. Dynamics"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 49.


Aghakhani, Amirreza and Motlagh, Peyman Lahe and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2019) A general electromechanical model for plates with integrated piezo-patches using spectral-Tchebychev method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 458 . pp. 74-88. ISSN 0022-460X (Print) 1095-8568 (Online)

Alan, Salih and Bediz, Bekir (2021) A novel electromechanical spectral element method for piezoelectric energy harvester plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 505 . ISSN 0022-460X (Print) 1095-8568 (Online)

Altıntaş, Y. and Kersting, P. and Biermann, D. and Budak, Erhan and Denkena, B. and Lazoğlu, I. (2014) Virtual process systems for part machining operations. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63 (2). pp. 585-605. ISSN 0007-8506 (Print) 1726-0604 (Online)

Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir (2020) Free vibration and buckling behavior of functionally graded porous plates reinforced by graphene platelets using spectral Chebyshev approach. Composite Structures, 253 . ISSN 0263-8223 (Print) 1879-1085 (Online)

Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir (2019) Three-dimensional dynamics of functionally graded and laminated doubly-curved composite structures having arbitrary geometries and boundary conditions. Composites Part B: Engineering, 172 . pp. 533-546. ISSN 1359-8368 (Print) 1879-1069 (Online)

Bediz, Bekir (2018) A spectral-Tchebychev solution technique for determining vibrational behavior of thick plates having arbitrary geometry. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 432 . pp. 272-289. ISSN 0022-460X (Print) 1095-8568 (Online)

Bediz, Bekir (2022) Yapıların yüksek doğruluklu modal analizi için otomatik darbe tahrik sistemi [Automated impact excitation system for high accuracy modal analysis of structures]. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 34 (2). pp. 317-327. ISSN 2636-8277

Bediz, Bekir and Özdoğanlar, O. Burak (2019) Rotational dynamics of micro-scale cutting tools. Precision Engineering, 60 . pp. 1-11. ISSN 0141-6359 (Print) 1873-2372 (Online)

Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir (2022) Design of laminated conical shells using spectral Chebyshev method and lamination parameters. Composite Structures, 281 . ISSN 0263-8223 (Print) 1879-1085 (Online)

Lahe, Peyman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2021) Electromechanical analysis of functionally graded panels with surface-integrated piezo-patches for optimal energy harvesting. Composite Structures, 263 . ISSN 0263-8223 (Print) 1879-1085 (Online)

Lotfan, Saeed and Bediz, Bekir (2022) Free vibrations of rotating pre-twisted blades including geometrically nonlinear pre-stressed analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 535 . ISSN 0022-460X (Print) 1095-8568 (Online)

Lotfan, Saeed and Biglari, Hasan and Choupani, Andisheh and Bediz, Bekir (2021) Dynamics of carbon nanotubes under thermally induced nanoparticle transport on helical tracks. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 93 . pp. 684-707. ISSN 0307-904X (Print) 1872-8480 (Online)

Lotfan, Saeed and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir (2021) A general higher-order model for vibration analysis of axially moving doubly-curved panels/shells. Thin-Walled Structures, 164 . ISSN 0263-8231 (Print) 1879-3223 (Online)

Lotfan, Saeed and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Ciğeroğlu, Ender (2022) Nonlinear resonances of axially functionally graded beams rotating with varying speed including Coriolis effects. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107 (1). pp. 533-558. ISSN 0924-090X (Print) 1573-269X (Online)

Mohammadi, Yaser and Azvar, Milad and Budak, Erhan (2018) Suppressing vibration modes of spindle-holder-tool assembly through FRF modification for enhanced chatter stability. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67 (1). pp. 397-400. ISSN 0007-8506 (Print) 1726-0604 (Online)

Motlagh, Peyman Lahe and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2020) A spectral Tchebychev solution for electromechanical analysis of thin curved panels with multiple integrated piezo-patches. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 486 . ISSN 0022-460X (Print) 1095-8568 (Online)

Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Gokalp, Kaya and Akyıldız, Taha Atahan and Alan, Salih and Kaya, Kamer and Bediz, Bekir (2023) A hybrid CPU–GPU solver based on three-dimensional spectral Chebyshev technique for determining the dynamic behavior of thick sandwich panels. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 147 . pp. 181-194. ISSN 0955-7997 (Print) 1873-197X (Online)

Rahmat, Amin and Koç, Bahattin and Yıldız, Mehmet (2017) A systematic study on numerical simulation of electrified jet printing. Additive Manufacturing . ISSN 2214-7810 (Print) 2214-8604 (Online) Published Online First

Serhat, Gökhan and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2020) Unifying lamination parameters with spectral-Tchebychev method for variable-stiffness composite plate design. Composite Structures, 242 . ISSN 0263-8223 (Print) 1879-1085 (Online)

Seyyedrahmani, Farzad and Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Serhat, Gökhan and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2022) Multi-objective optimization of composite sandwich panels using lamination parameters and spectral Chebyshev method. Composite Structures, 289 . ISSN 0263-8223 (Print) 1879-1085 (Online)

Shekhar, Shivang and Bediz, Bekir and Özdoğanlar, O. Burak (2023) Tool-tip dynamics in micromachining with arbitrary tool geometries and the effect of spindle speed. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 185 . ISSN 0890-6955 (Print) 1879-2170 (Online)

Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2018) Prediction of tool tip dynamics for generalized milling cutters using the 3D model of the tool body. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95 (5-8). pp. 1891-1909. ISSN 0268-3768 (Print) 1433-3015 (Online)

Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Mohammadi, Yaser and Budak, Erhan (2018) Destabilizing effect of low frequency modes on process damped stability of multi-mode milling systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 111 . pp. 423-441. ISSN 0888-3270 (Print) 1096-1216 (Online)

Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Zatarain, Mikel (2019) Stability optimal selection of stock shape and tool axis in finishing of thin-wall parts. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 68 (1). pp. 401-404. ISSN 0007-8506 (Print) 1726-0604 (Online)

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Afridi, Saif Ahmad and Yüksel, Esra and Rivera, Gilbert and Hong, Seong-Wook and Budak, Erhan (2024) Sensitvity analysis of rotating auxiliary components of a high-speed spindle shaft assembly. In: 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, Antalya, Turkiye

Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir (2021) Three-dimensional dynamics of laminated curved composite structures: a spectral-Tchebychev solution. In: 14th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP 2019), Crete, Greece

Bagherzadeh, Amin and Sarghassabi, Mahzad and Budak, Erhan (2024) New assesment to enhance efficiency of cryogenic turn-milling. In: 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, Antalya, Turkiye

Baytok, Esma and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2014) Titanyum ve alaşımlarının yüksek performanslı işlenmesi (High performance machining of titanium and its alloys). In: 5. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2014), Bursa, Türkiye

Bediz, Bekir (2018) Effects of the rotational speed on the dynamics of micro cutting tools. In: 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Eskisehir, Turkey

Bediz, Bekir and Özdoğanlar, O. Burak (2018) Predicting the rotating tool-tip dynamics in mechanical micromachining using modal testing. In: International Congress on Machining (UTIS 2018), Antalya, Turkey

Dedeköy, Demir and Ciğeroğlu, Ender and Bediz, Bekir (2023) Nonlinear vibration analysis of uniform and functionally graded beams with spectral Chebyshev technique and harmonic balance method. In: 40th IMAC: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, FL, USA

Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan (2023) Smart tool-related faults monitoring system using process simulation-based machine learning algorithms. In: XXXIV CIRP Sponsored Conference, Karpacz, Poland

Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Pashmforoush, Farzad and Budak, Erhan (2024) Advanced techniques in milling process monitoring. In: 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, Antalya, Turkiye

Farea, Shawqi Mohammed Othman and Mumcuoğlu, Mehmet Emin and Ünel, Mustafa and Mise, Serdar and Ünsal, Simge and Çevik, Enes and Yılmaz, Metin and Köprübaşı, Kerem (2024) Prediction of failures in air pressure system: a semi-supervised framework based on transformers. In: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Beijing, China

Gönül, Bora and Sapmaz, Ömer Faruk and Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2019) Improved stable conditions in robotic milling by kinematic redundancy. In: 17th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations, Sheffield, UK

Karataş, Gamze and Özsahin, Orkun and Ozguven, Nevzat and Budak, Erhan (2021) Design optimization of tool holder extension for enhanced chatter stability by using component mode tuning method. In: 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting, Sheffield, UK

Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir (2021) Buckling analysis of laminated composite panels using 2D spectral Chebyshev and lamination parameters. In: 24th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS24), Porto, Portugal

Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Serhat, Gokhan and Basdogan, İpek and Bediz, Bekir (2024) Design and fabrication of variable stiffness composite laminates with enhanced dynamic behavior. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21), Nantes, France

Kunt, Emrah Deniz and Khalil, Islam S.M. and Naskali, Ahmet Teoman and Fidan, Kaan Can and Sabanovic, Asif (2010) Yüksek hassasiyetli montaj işlemleri için minyatür delta robot tasarımı, en iyilemesi ve denetimi. In: Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı 2010 (TOK'2010), Gebze, Kocaeli

Motlagh, Peyman Lahe and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Başdoğan, İpek (2021) A spectral Tchebychev solution for electrostatic analysis of functionally graded composite plates with integrated piezo-patches. In: 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP7), Porto, Portugal

Mousavi, Vahid and Behrouz Baraghi, Seyedehsuzan and Budak, Erhan (2024) Cutting-edge CBN grinding wheels: exploiting texturing for enhanced performance via attenuating heat generation. In: 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, Antalya, Turkiye

Mousavi, Vahid and Behrouz Baraghi, Seyedehsuzan and Budak, Erhan (2024) Experimentally backed simulation of textured CBN grinding wheels for enhanced performance. In: 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2024), Sendai, Japan

Öztürk, Sezen and Alipour Ghassabi, Ata and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2023) Effect of 3d scaffold morphology on bone tissue regeneration based on a multi-physics fem model. In: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS), Krakow, Poland

Pashmforoush, Farzad and Balçık, Gamze and Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Budak, Erhan (2024) Machine learning-based optimization for chatter-free milling with maximum productivity. In: 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, Antalya, Turkiye

Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir (2019) Three-dimensional vibration behavior of FGM doubly-curved laminated structures. In: International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC), Orlando, Florida

Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Karagüzel, Umut and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan (2017) Development of turn-milling machine tool program parameters based on basic cutting geometry. In: 8th International Symposium on Machining, Antalya, Turkey

Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Ozsahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan (2021) Effect of spindle design on spindle dynamics and chatter stability. In: International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing PRESM2021, Jeju, South Korea

Şimşek, Uğur and Ozcevik, Birol and Soylemez, Emrecan and Bediz, Bekir (2022) Integration of particle dampers with additive manufacturing for sustainable aviation. In: Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit, Toulouse, France

Turan, Berkay Barış and Genç, Emre and Akçığ, İnci Nil and Göztepe, Neslihan and Mumcuoğlu, Mehmet Emin and Ünel, Mustafa (2024) Detecting high fuel consumption in HDVs with ensemble of anomaly detection models. In: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Beijing, China

This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 01:43:41 2025 +03.