Items where Division is "History" and Year is 2022
Akcan, Aysu and Taşdemir, Esma Fatıma Bilgin and Kızılırmak, Fırat and Kuru, Mehmet and Öncel, Fatma and Yanıkoğlu, Berrin (2022) Akis: transcription software of Ottoman-Turkish texts using deep learning. Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 9 (2). pp. 43-48. ISSN 2376-0699 (Print) 2376-0702 (Online)
Artan, Tülay (2022) Şehid Ali Paşa’nın Sûk-ı Sultânî’de satılan kitapları, sahaflar ve koleksiyonerler (1719): İslâmi ilimler alanında yazma kitap piyasası ve on sekizinci yüzyıl İstanbul koleksiyonlarının inşası. In: Aynur, Hatice and Artan, Tülay, (eds.) Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonerleri ve Koleksiyonları: İtibar ve İhtiras. Dergâh Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 281-407. ISBN 978-625-8437-64-5
Atçıl, Abdurrahman and Günaydın, Salih and Kami, Gürzat and Karaarslan, Abdullah (2022) Building a digital Tabaqat: challenges, opportunities, and research prospects. Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 9 (2). pp. 243-266. ISSN 2376-0699 (Print) 2376-0702 (Online)
Atçıl, Abdurrahman and Kami, Gürzat (2022) Studying professional careers as hierarchical networks: a case study on the careers of chief judges in the Ottoman Empire (1516–1622). Journal of Historical Network Research (7). pp. 1-32. ISSN 2535-8863
Canbakal, Hülya and Quinn, Meredith and Terzioğlu, Derin (2022) Book ownership across centuries: the case of military men in Bursa, 1620-1840. In: Goshgarian, Rachel and Khuri-Makdisi, Ilham and Yaycıoğlu, Ali, (eds.) Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar. Ottoman and Turkish Studies. Academic Studies Press, Brighton, pp. 145-176. ISBN 9781644698464
Cornelissen Aydemir, Marloes (2022) Pride and prejudice in Istanbul: the personal possessions of a Dutch-Greek countess (1730). Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (14). pp. 13-40. ISSN 2459-0223 (Print) 2717-7769 (Online)
Demiriz, Rana (2022) A curious manuscript from the beylik period: recontextualizing Falname (No.5179)|. [Thesis]
Doğan, Fatih (2022) Lawmaking in an Ottoman frontier province at the turn of the sixteenth century: The mufti of Akkirman, his fatwas and authority. [Thesis]
Kuru, Mehmet (2022) "Muhteşem" bir iklim: 16. yüzyıl Anadolusu'nda demografi, toprak ve emek. In: İnal, Onur and Köse, Yavuz, (eds.) İktidar Tohumları: Osmanlı Çevre Tarihi Üzerine İncelemeler. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. ISBN 9789750534195
Kuru, Mehmet (2022) Ezop Alla Turca: tanzimat öncesi döneme ait Ezop tercümeleri. Toplumsal Tarih, 343 . ISSN 1300-7025
Kuru, Mehmet (2022) Ezop Alla Turca: tanzimat öncesi döneme ait Ezop tercümelerinin kültürel çeviri bağlamında incelenmesi. Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2 . pp. 159-170. ISSN 2757-9999 (Print) 2822-468X (Online)
Ozil, Ayşe (2022) Greek personal names and the question of personal identification in the late Ottoman Empire: a social historical approach. Turkish Historical Review, 13 (3). pp. 399-417. ISSN 1877-5454 (Print) 1877-5462 (Online)
Ozil, Ayşe (2022) Ligor Efendi at the head of an Ottoman municipality: Greek christians and the state in the late Ottoman Empire. In: Arapoglou, Evita, (ed.) Asia Minor Hellenism: Essays and Reflections. Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, pp. 51-58. ISBN 978-960-476-312-2
Sünnetci, Halis (2022) An analysis of Ahmed Vefik's political thought: A Turkist pasha? [Thesis]
Yazıcıgil, Onur (2022) Osmanlı matbuatının sekiz punto nesih yazı karakteri ve Türk hurufat yapımcısı Mehmed Emin Efendi [The Ottoman printers' 8 point naskh typeface and its Turkish type maker Mehmed Emin Efendi]. Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı, 31 . pp. 567-602. ISSN 0579-4080 (Print) 2717-6940 (Online)
Öztürk, Zeynep (2022) “Kızan kaymakam Tahsin Bey”:|bAn analysis of a young Turk administrator’s memoir within the scope of banditry and Ottoman administration in Macedonia (1897-1912). [Thesis]