Items where Author is "Truchetet, Frederic"
Bajard, Alban and Aubreton, Olivier and Bokhabrine, Youssef and Verney, Benjamin and Eren, Gönen and Erçil, Aytül and Truchetet, Frederic (2012) Three-dimensional scanning of specular and diffuse metallic surfaces using an infrared technique. Optical Engineering, 51 (6). ISSN 0091-3286 (Print) 1560-2303 (Online)
Eren, Gönen and Aubreton, Olivier and Meriaudeau, Fabrice and Secades, L. A. Sanchez and Fofi, David and Naskali, A. Teoman and Truchetet, Frederic and Erçil, Aytül (2009) Scanning from heating: 3D shape estimation of transparent objects from local surface heating. Optics Express, 17 (14). pp. 11457-11468. ISSN 1094-4087
Eren, Gönen and Aubreton, Olivier and Meriaudeau, Fabrice and Secades, L. A. Sanchez and Fofi, David and Naskali, Ahmet Teoman and Truchetet, Frederic and Erçil, Aytül (2009) A 3D scanner for transparent glass. In: 15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2009), Salerno, Italy