Items where Author is "Kunt, Metin"

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Number of items: 30.

Kunt, Metin (2014) Devolution from the centre to the periphery: an overview of Ottoman provincial administration. In: Duindam, Jeroen and Dabringhaus, Sabine, (eds.) The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces: Agents and Interactions. Brill, Leiden, pp. 30-48. ISBN 9789004251489 (Print) 9789004272095 (Online)

Kunt, Metin and Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin (2014) Polonyalı iki Osmanlı. In: Anadol, Ayşen, (ed.) Uzak Komşu Yakın Anılar: Türkiye Polonya İlişkilerinin 600 Yılı. Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 50-61. ISBN 9786054348701

Kunt, Metin and Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin (2014) Two Polish Ottomans. In: Anadol, Ayşen, (ed.) Distant Neighbour, Close Memories: 600 Years Of Turkish-Polish Relations. Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 48-59. ISBN 9786054348718

Kunt, Metin (2014) An Ottoman imperial campaign: suppressing the Marsh Arabs, central power and peripheral rebellion in the 1560s (Bir Osmanlı sefer-i hümayunu: Ceza'ir-i Arab kalkışmasının bastırılması, 1560'larda merkezi güç ve uçlarda isyan). The Journal of Ottoman Studies (Osmanlı Araştırmaları Dergisi) (43). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0255-0636

Kunt, Metin (2013) Ottoman white eunuchs as palace officials and statesmen, 1450-1600. In: Schiele, Juliane and Hanss, Stefan, (eds.) Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800) / Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800). Chronos Verlag, Zurich. (Accepted)

Kunt, Metin and Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin (2012) Divân-ı Hümâyûn: le conseil impérial Ottoman et ses conseillers, 1450-1580. In: Michon, Cédric, (ed.) Conseils & Conseillers Dans L'Europe de la Renaissance: v. 1450-v. 1550. Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais (PUFR), Rennes, France, pp. 299-339. ISBN 978-2-86906-286-3

Kunt, Metin (2012) Royal and other households. In: Woodhead, Christine, (ed.) The Ottoman World. The Routledge Worlds. Routledge, London, pp. 103-115. ISBN 978-0-415-44492-7

Kunt, Metin (2011) Characterizing Ottoman polity: "Turko-Persia" and the Ottomans. In: Binbaş, İlker Evrim and Kılıç-Schubel, Nurten, (eds.) Horizons of the World: Festschrift for İsenbike Togan. İthaki Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 311-324. ISBN 978-605-375-160-1

Duindam, Jeroen and Artan, Tülay and Kunt, Metin (2011) Royal courts in dynastic states and empires: a global perspective. Rulers & Elites Comparative Studies in Governance; 1. Brill, Boston. ISBN 9789004206229

Kunt, Metin (2011) Turks in the Ottoman imperial palace. In: Duindam, Jeroen and Artan, Tülay and Kunt, Metin, (eds.) Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: A Global Perspective. Rulers & Elites Comparative Studies in Governance; 1. Brill, Boston, pp. 289-312. ISBN 9789004206229 ; 9004206221

Artan, Tülay (2011) Royal weddings and the Grand Vezirate: institutional and symbolic change in the early eighteenth century. In: Duindam, Jeroen and Artan, Tülay and Kunt, Metin, (eds.) Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: A Global Perspective. Rulers & Elites Comparative Studies in Governance; 1. Brill, Boston, pp. 339-399. ISBN 9789004206229

Kunt, Metin (2010) Osmanlı tarihçiliğinin çerçevesi: 'Türk-İran' modeli. Doğu Batı: Osmanlılar I, 12 (51). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1303-7242

Kunt, Metin (2009) Terror and toleration: the Habsburg Empire confronts Islam, 1526-1850. [Book Review]

Kunt, Metin (2009) Kâtip Çelebi'nin anlatımıyla Venedik = Venezia raccontata da Katip Çelebi. In: Bellingeri, Giampiero and Ölçer, Nazan Raibe, (eds.) Venezia E Istanbul in Epoca Ottomana: 18 Novembre 2009-28 Febbraio 2010, Istanbul, Università Sabancı, Museo Sakıp Sabancı= Osmanlı Döneminde Venedik ve İstanbul: 18 Kasım 2009 - 28 Şubat 2010: İstanbul, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi. Electa, Milano, pp. 54-64. ISBN 9788837072506 ; 8837072503 ; 9788837072513

Kunt, Metin (2008) Honored by the glory of Islam: conversion and conquest in Ottoman Europe. [Book Review]

Kunt, Metin (2008) Legitimizing the order: the Ottoman rhetoric of state power. [Book Review]

Kunt, Metin (2008) Introduccion historica. Los tres grandes imperios: otomanos, safavidas y mogoles. In: Makariou, Sophie, (ed.) Tres Imperios del Islam. Estambul, Isfahan, Delhi. Obras masestras de la Coleccion del Louvre. Bancaja Foundation, Valencia, pp. 21-28. ISBN 978-84-8471-141-4

Kunt, Metin (2008) Three great empires: Ottomans, Safavis and Mughals. 3 Capitals of Islamic Art: Istanbul, Isfahan, Delhi: Masterpieces From the Louvre Collection. Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, İstanbul, pp. 27-38. ISBN 9789758362806

Kunt, Metin (2008) Ottomans and Spain. In: Uluç, Lale and Aldemir Kilercik, Ayşe, (eds.) Ottoman Calligraphy From the Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul. Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, İstanbul, pp. 18-29. ISBN 978-975-8362-81-3

Kunt, Metin (2008) Reading elite, elite reading. Printing and Publishing in the Middle East, Journa (24). pp. 89-100. ISSN 0022-4480 (Print) 1477-8556 (Online)

Kunt, Metin (2007) Sultan Süleyman ve Nikris. In: Kumrular, Özlem, (ed.) Muhteşem Süleyman. Kitap Yayınevi; 158. Tarih ve Coğrafya Dizisi; 56. Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul. ISBN 9789756051771

Kunt, Metin (2007) A prince goes forth (perchance to return). In: Tezcan, Baki and Barbir, Karl K., (eds.) Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World: A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 63-71. ISBN 9780299227548

Kunt, Metin (2005) Ottomans and safavids: states, statecraft, and societies, 1500-1800. In: Choueiri, Youssef M., (ed.) A Companion to the History of the Middle East. Blackwell Companions to World History. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA, pp. 192-206. ISBN 1405106816

Kunt, Metin (2004) Writing Ottoman history: documents and interpretations. [Book Review]

Kunt, Metin (2003) Sultan, dynasty & state in the Ottoman Empire: political institutions in the 16th century. The Medieval History journal / Special Issue on Tributary Empires, 6 (2). pp. 217-230. ISSN 0304-4181

Kunt, Metin (2003) The Failure of the First Ottoman printing press, media, history, civilization. In: Media, History, Civilization, Seoul, Yonsei University, Institute of Media Art

Kunt, Metin and Woodhead, Christine and Yalçın, Sermet (2002) Kanuni ve çağı: yeniçağda Osmanlı dünyası. (Translated by: Yalçın, Sermet) Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları; 124. Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 1-213. ISBN 9753331568

Kunt, Metin (2002) Sancakbeyi haslarının ögeleri (1480-1540). In: Güzel, Hasan Celal and Çiçek, Kemal and Koca, Salim, (eds.) Türkler. Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 709-713. ISBN 9756782439 (v.10)

Kunt, Metin (2001) The sultan's servants: the transformation of Ottoman provincial government, 1550-1650. Modern Middle East Series; 14. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 1-181. ISBN 0231055781

Kunt, Metin and Woodhead, Christine (1995) Suleyman the magnificent and his age : the Ottoman Empire in the early modern world. Longman, London, pp. 1-218. ISBN 0582038278

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