A radio pulsar phase from SGR J1935+2154 provides clues to the magnetar FRB mechanism

Zhu, Weiwei and Xu, Heng and Zhou, Dejiang and Lin, Lin and Wang, Bojun and Wang, Pei and Zhang, Chunfeng and Niu, Jiarui and Chen, Yutong and Li, Chengkui and Meng, Lingqi and Lee, Kejia and Zhang, Bing and Feng, Yi and Ge, Mingyu and Göğüş, Ersin and Guan, Xing and Han, Jinlin and Jiang, Jinchen and Jiang, Peng and Kouveliotou, Chryssa and Li, Di and Miao, Chenchen and Miao, Xueli and Men, Yunpeng and Niu, Chenghui and Wang, Weiyang and Wang, Zhengli and Xu, Jiangwei and Xu, Renxin and Xue, Mengyao and Yang, Yuanpei and Yu, Wenfei and Yuan, Mao and Yue, Youling and Zhang, Shuangnan and Zhang, Yongkun (2023) A radio pulsar phase from SGR J1935+2154 provides clues to the magnetar FRB mechanism. Science Advances, 9 (30). ISSN 2375-2548

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The megajansky radio burst, FRB 20200428, and other bright radio bursts detected from the Galactic source SGR J1935+2154 suggest that magnetars can make fast radio bursts (FRBs), but the emission site and mechanism of FRB-like bursts are still unidentified. Here, we report the emergence of a radio pulsar phase of the magnetar 5 months after FRB 20200428. Pulses were detected in 16.5 hours over 13 days using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, with luminosities of about eight decades fainter than FRB 20200428. The pulses were emitted in a narrow phase window anti-aligned with the x-ray pulsation profile observed using the x-ray telescopes. The bursts, conversely, appear in random phases. This dichotomy suggests that radio pulses originate from a fixed region within the magnetosphere, but bursts occur in random locations and are possibly associated with explosive events in a dynamically evolving magnetosphere. This picture reconciles the lack of periodicity in cosmological repeating FRBs within the magnetar engine model.
Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Depositing User: Ersin Göğüş
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2023 23:42
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2023 23:42
URI: https://research.sabanciuniv.edu/id/eprint/47609

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